Staff Bios
Project Director
- Jacqueline Goldsby
Jacqueline Goldsby is an Associate Professor of English at the University of Chicago.
She is the author of A Spectacular Secret: Lynching in American Life and
Literature (University of Chicago Press, 2006 and is currently editing
James Weldon Johnson's The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man, for
W.W. Norton's Critical Edition series (forthcoming, 2009). Her third book
project moves farther into the 20th century with its focus on post-World War
II/pre-Civil Rights Movement African American writing. Birth of the Cool:
African American Literary Cultures of the 1940s and 1950s explores the
literary cosmopolitanism that distinguishes Black fiction and poetry writing of
the era, and argues for Chicago's centrality to fostering this generation's
aesthetic worldliness.
Current Project Staff
- Angela K. Bacon
Angela K. Bacon is a graduate of the Masters of Arts Program in the
Humanities at the University of Chicago, where she focused on African
American Literature and Gender Studies. She received her BA in English
from Howard University and is currently pursuing graduate study in
Archival Administration. Her research interests include gay African
American writers, queer theory, cultural criticism, and the intersection
of race and sexuality.
- Melissa Barton
Melissa Barton is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of English at University of
Chicago. While an undergraduate at Yale University, she helped create
exhibitions about African American history and culture as a student assistant
to the curator of the James Weldon Johnson Memorial Collection of African
American Arts and Letters at Beinecke Library. Her dissertation, “Staging
Liberation: Race, Representation, and Forms of American Theater,
1934-1963,” examines the theatrical aesthetics and the multiply inflected
political commitments of various theater companies calling themselves
“Negro People’s Theatres,” before and during the Civil Rights
Era. These theatres include the Fanny McConnell and Theodore Ward’s
Negro People’s Theatre and the Skyloft Players, a group based at Parkway
Community House. The dissertation also discusses several other Chicago-based
people and productions, including Richard Wright’s Native Son
and the American Negro Theatre’s tour of Anna Lucasta.
- Christopher Dingwall
- Christopher Dingwall is a Ph.D. student in the Department of History
at the University of Chicago, where he studies American and African
American cultural history. Christopher's dissertation will explore why,
at the turn of the 20th century, Americans desired to remember slavery
at sites of modern cultural production. He is broadly interested in the
history of historical production, particularly in the people and
institutions which comprised the black history movement in mid-20th
century Chicago.
- Doron Galili
- Doron Galili received his B.A. in Film and Television Studies from Tel Aviv
University and an M.A. in Moving Image Archive Studies from the University of
California, Los Angeles and is currently in the Ph.D. program in Cinema and Media Studies
at the University of Chicago. He is interested in the areas of the history of
media, in particular pre- and early cinema and early television, and in issues
of collection, preservation, and restorations of film.
- Mollie Godfrey
Mollie Godfrey is pursuing a Ph.D. in English Literature at the University of
Chicago. Her research focuses on race, the novel, and the legacy of modernism,
with a concentration on the work of such authors as Zora Neale Hurston,
Gwendolyn Brooks, Ann Petry, Ralph Ellison, and James Baldwin. She is currently
working on a dissertation that will query the investment in and transformation
of traditional humanist paradigms by African American novelists of the
mid-twentieth century.
- Celeste Day Moore
Celeste Day Moore is a Ph.D. student
in history at the University of
Chicago. She researches American cultural history and the interplay of race
and music in the US and overseas. Her dissertation reconstructs the post-WWII
network of musicians, writers, intellectuals, and activists in Paris who
produced, consumed, and performed African-American culture. She comes to the
project with a background in documentary film research and community-based
financial justice activism.
- Traci Parker
Traci Parker is a Ph.D. student in the Department of History at the University of Chicago.
She studies nineteenth- and twentieth-century United States and African
American history. Her research interests include race and ethnicity, labor,
consumer culture, and community activism. She hopes to develop a project
exploring the socialization of African Americans as sales and clerical workers
and consumers in American department stores. She comes to the Mapping the
Stacks project with experience archiving corporate and government records and
researching corporate participation in the slave movement.
- Christina Petersen
Christina Petersen is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Cinema and Media
Studies at the University of Chicago. Her dissertation,
“‘Paradise for the Young’: Youth Spectatorship in the
American Silent Film Era, 1904-1933,” excavates the historical and
theoretical implications of adolescent youth spectatorship during the period
cinema first became a mass medium in the United States. Her project is
particularly interested in investigating the assumptions (first articulated in
this era) that the new medium of film could inject America's youth with
anti-social and violent tendencies. Her other interests include the role of
race and ethnicity in the history of American cinema, spectatorship theory,
theories of modernity, melodrama and the Gothic, and the relationship between
cinema studies and the cinema archive.
- Marcia Walker
Marcia Walker is a Ph.D. student in the Department of History at the University of Chicago.
She received her BSEd in Social Policy and African American Studies at
Northwestern University and is currently studying twentieth-century American
political and social history. Her research interests include African American
history and politics in the pre- and post-civil rights era, black Chicago, the
intersection of race, labor and gender in twentieth-century social movements,
and the role of scholarship and activism in shaping public policy.
Former Project Staff
- Darryl Heller
- Darryl Heller worked for almost twenty years as a political activist,
community organizer, and human service provider before coming to the University
of Chicago to pursue studies in American history. Originally from South
Carolina, Darryl has a B.A. in Philosophy from the College of Charleston and an
M.A. in American Studies from Columbia University. His current interests are in
labor formations in the nineteenth century as a means of understanding
contemporary race and class issues.
- Moira Hinderer
- Moira Hinderer completed her Ph.D. in the History Department at the
University of Chicago in 2007. Her dissertation, “Making African American
Childhood: Chicago, 1917-1945,” examines the everyday lives of Black
families, the expansion of Black children's media, and the production of
academic and professional knowledge about race through the study of Black
children. Currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow at The Johns Hopkins University,
where she teaches courses in African American history, Moira also serves as
Project Manager for the Africana Studies Department's Diaspora Pathways
Archives Access Project.
- Allyson Hobbs
- Allyson Hobbs is a Ph.D. candidate in the History Department at the
University of Chicago. Her dissertation, “The Fictions of Race, Law, and
Custom: The Problem of Racial Passing in America, 1840-1950,” traces the
history of racial passing in the United States from the moment when it became a
problem to the moment when it reportedly “passed out.” Allyson's
project argues that passing is a continuous and enduring historical phenomenon
that opens a window onto larger issues about race and the complexities of
policing racial categories and racial boundaries. The challenges of marshalling
evidence to write a history of passing have deepened Allyson's interest in
hidden sources and archives. She is interested in developing connections
between the academic world and the world of community-based scholarship.
- Monica Mercado
- Monica Mercado is a Ph.D. student in the Department of History at the University
of Chicago, where she works on nineteenth- and twentieth-century U.S. women's
history and the impact of religion on American culture. Her academic research
is informed by her extensive experience in New York-area history museums and
archives. Monica remains interested in forging links between museums, community
institutions, and academia.