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Guide to the Path Press Archives, 1962-1998
Mollie Godfrey, October 2007 (revised August 2008)
Title: | Path Press Archives |
Dates: | 1962 - 1998 |
Size: | 41 linear feet, 89 archival boxes |
Repository: |
Chicago Public Library |
Subject Headings
Donation of Bennett J. Johnson, 1997. In December 2006, additional Path Press material was transferred to this collection from the private papers of Bennett J. Johnson, donated in 2000. Further Path Press material was donated by Bennett J. Johnson in October 2007.
No restrictions
When quoting material from this collection the preferred citation is:
Path Press Archives, [Box #, Folder #], Chicago Public Library, Carter G. Woodson Regional Library, Vivian G. Harsh Research Collection of Afro-American History and Literature.
Organizational History
Path Press, one of the first black-owned publishing companies in the United States, was founded in Chicago in 1969 and remained in operation from 1969-1972 and then again from 1982-2001. In fact, the press had been in the works since as early as 1961, when Bennett J. Johnson (now the Vice President of Third World Press) and Herman C. Gilbert (the late author of The Negotiations)—along with novelist Frank London Brown and journalist and later congressman Gus Savage—first began discussing the venture. A business prospectus was written as early as 1962, and the press was incorporated as early as 1963. However, several factors kept the press from getting off the ground: first, Frank London Brown died of leukemia in 1962; second, the remaining participants could not raise the capital that the press would require.
It was only in 1969, armed with an investment of $10,000, that Gilbert and Johnson were able to launch the press with two publications—the late Frank London Brown’s second and final novel, and Herman C. Gilbert’s first. The posthumous publication of Brown’s The Myth Maker on December 7, 1969, was marked by a public tribute held at the Parkway Ballroom in Bronzeville, where guests included such prominent members of the black community as Pulitzer Prize-nominee John Oliver Killens and the future mayor of Chicago, Harold Washington. Jointly sponsored by Path Press and the Frank London Brown Historical Association, the tribute received substantial attention from Chicago’s black press. Nonetheless, despite the moderate success of Gilbert’s The Uncertain Sound, published later that month, the press folded in 1972 having published no further titles.
Ten years later, Johnson and Gilbert re-launched the press with Gilbert’s second novel, The Negotiations (1983). Unlike The Uncertain Sound, The Negotiations was a huge critical and commercial success for the press, selling 11,000 copies and helping them finance several further publications. In 1987 alone, they published five books, including American Diary, the autobiography of former Chicago Defender editor Enoch P. Waters, and Mary Wilson’s To Benji, With Love. Written after the tragic death of a rising young basketball star, To Benji was another big release for the press; featuring a forward by the current mayor of Chicago, Harold Washington, the book sold 4,000 copies in hardback and 9,000 in paperback.
Fueled by these successes, Path Press published several more books that year, including a collection of poems [Up North Big City Street, 1987] by Herman Gilbert’s brother, Zack Gilbert, already a well-established poet; a novel by David Covin [Brown Sky, 1987]; and a children’s book by Darlene Matthews Smith [What Happens When Children Write, 1987]. Although Johnson and Gilbert had several other books in the works at this point, including Al Boswell’s Every Day in African-American History and Margaret Burroughs’s Best of the Best Poetry Anthology, they all fell through for one reason or another, and the press published nothing more until William Goodlett’s Congo Crew appeared in 1990, and Claudette Pinckney-Harris’s Monroe Pinckney, My Father was published in 1995. Business continued to slow after Gilbert’s death in 1997, and when Johnson officially closed the press in 2001 to join Haki Madhubuti at Third World Press, Path had published only ten books over a period of twenty-four years.
However, by the 1990s, the press had begun to concentrate most of its efforts on other aspects of the black media. Armed with a screen treatment of The Negotiations, Johnson and Gilbert attempted several times to bring the book to the screen, first by founding a black film production company of their own, and later by selling the screen rights to Greenlight Films. While this plan never came to full fruition, plans to make black publications more widely available were more successful. By the mid-1980s Path Press had developed Pathways, which sought to bring black publishers into the mainstream by uniting their publications under the banner of a single annual catalog and book fair presence. Teaming up with the Chicago Public Library, Pathways also held annual black book bazaars in conjunction with African-American History Month at the Woodson Regional Library. By 1988, Johnson and Gilbert had also launched the African-American Book Distributors, Inc., which served a similar purpose well into the mid-1990s. Thus, while Path Press may have put aside its own editorial interests in its latter years, it played a central role in making such interests not only possible but sustainable for other African-American publishers.
Although Johnson and Gilbert founded and ran Path Press almost entirely on their own, several others played a notable part in its development – from Frank London Brown and Gus Savage, who helped originate the idea early on; to civil rights activist Brenetta Howell Barrett, who handled publicity during the press’s first years of operation; to poet Joe C. Brown, who did a little press work after Barrett left; and to poet Zack Gilbert, who offered his editing, illustration and layout services throughout the press’s run. Ultimately, despite its brief list of published titles, the press remains central to the early history of black publishing and entrepreneurship in Chicago.
- Anderson, Monroe. “Dream Lives Despite Hard Times.” Chicago Tribune 10 Oct. 1984, LF6.
- “Black Business of the Day.” Chicago Daily Defender (Daily Edition) 2 Dec. 1969, 4.
- “Book Publishing Firm Wants to Hasten ‘Black Renaissance.’” Chicago Daily Defender (Daily Edition) 2 Dec 1969. 4.
- “Frank London Brown Tribute is Slated Here.” Chicago Daily Defender (Big Weekend Edition) 1 Nov. 1969. 4.
- “Herman Cromwell Gilbert, 1923-1997.” Contemporary Authors Online, Gale, 2006. Reproduced in Biography Resource Center. Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson Gale.
- “Johnson, Bennett J.” Who’s Who Among African-Americans, 19th ed. Ed. Kristen B. Mallegg. Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson Gale, 2006.
- Joyce, Donald Franklin. “Path Press, Inc.” Black Book Publishers in the United States: A Historical Dictionary of the Presses, 1817-1990. New York: Greenwood Press, 1991.
- Puente, Teresa. “Herman Gilbert, Writer, Political Aide.” Chicago Tribune 9 Mar. 1997, 6.
Scope and Content
When the Path Press Archives were first donated, they consisted of forty-one archival boxes. These were followed by an accession of six archival boxes and fourteen photographs, which were transferred to the collection from Bennett Johnson’s private papers. In turn, roughly two archival boxes from the original accession were identified as belonging to Johnson’s private papers and have been removed. In 2007, Bennett Johnson donated additional manuscripts, correspondence and photographs relating primarily to unpublished authors. These materials doubled the original size of the collection, but fit neatly into the original arrangement. They now occupy the bulk of Series 3 and part of Series 10.
In its current state, the collection consists of five major parts: 1) administrative materials, detailing the legal, financial and organizational activities of the press; 2) manuscripts, correspondence and other materials relating to authors whose work was published by the press; 3) manuscripts and correspondence relating to authors whose work was not published by the press; 4) documents relating to the general business activities of the press, including production, publicity, sales, distribution and events; and 5) photographs, the most interesting of which document events held or attended by the press’s founders, Herman C. Gilbert and Bennett J. Johnson.
Other materials of note include extensive correspondence and materials relating to Herman C. Gilbert’s The Negotiations; multiple manuscript versions of Mary Wilson’s bestselling To Benji, With Love; and fragments of an early manuscript of Enoch Waters’ American Diary. In addition to a great deal of correspondence with these and other authors published by the press, the collection includes correspondence with Margaret Burroughs, Alice Browning and John Oliver Killens. It also includes the press’s MBE certification applications for several years, multiple business prospectuses, several cases of litigation and Better Business Bureau complaints filed against the press, a full record of the press’s attempts to produce black films, and detailed records from their years in black book distribution. The majority of these materials date from between 1982-92, though there are also a number of documents from 1962-72, and a few that date as late as 1998.
These materials have been rearranged into the following ten series: Administrative, Published Authors, Unpublished Authors, Film Projects, Production, Publicity, Events, Sales & Distribution, Subject Research Files & Serials, and Photographs & Memorabilia. Though we have respected the original order where one was clear and consistent, many of these series have been reorganized in the interest of researchers according to alphabetical or chronological arrangements, as indicated below. A small number of envelopes, documents and duplicate materials have been discarded.
Series 1: Administrative, 1962-1997
This series is of particular interest insofar as it offers insight into the legal, financial and managerial activities of the press, including its certification as a minority business and its relationship with its advisory board, its employees and the organizations with which it became involved. General correspondence has been filed chronologically, with the exception of individuals such as Margaret Burroughs and Roberta Ramzy (a member of the Path Advisory board and a frequent correspondent), both of whom have been given their own folder and have been filed alphabetically. Within the following arrangement, all legal and financial records have been filed chronologically, while employee records, resumes and organizations appear in alphabetical order:
- Business prospectuses & proposals
- Stock share certificates
- Articles of Inc. applications
- Business license applications
- MBE certification
- General correspondence
- Path Press Advisory Board materials
- Employee records
- Misc. resumes
- Legal documents
- Financial documents
- Organizations (with which Path Press was involved)
Series 2: Published Authors, 1969-1995
This series constitutes a little less than a quarter of the collection as a whole, and includes all materials relating to authors whose work was published by the press. While the collection does contain some material relating to the press’s early years, there are no manuscripts of The Myth Maker (1969) or the Uncertain Sound (1969). Instead, the bulk of the collection’s manuscript holdings are from 1982-1990, the primary and most productive years of the press’s operation. The collection includes manuscripts and/or galleys of all of the books published in this period with the exception of What Happens When Children Write (1987), of which there is only a fragment.
Most significant amongst these holdings is the sizable collection of manuscripts and materials relating to Herman Gilbert’s The Negotiations (1983), which enjoyed massive critical and popular acclaim and helped finance the rest of the press’s operations for several years. In addition to manuscript and galley versions of the book, the collection contains several folders of correspondence, some of Gilbert’s composition, lecture and interview notes, and a detailed record of his promotional appearances. In addition, the folder of individual sales and distribution agreements contained in this series, as well as the many book parties Path Press held for the book chronicled in Series 7, help demonstrate the creative ways that Path Press made use of the local community to market Gilbert’s book. This series also contains brief notes for an unpublished memoir by Gilbert, titled This Needs Saying after the column that he wrote for Chicago’s Westside Booster from 1959-60. There is also a full manuscript of Lenwood Robinson’s screen adaptation of The Negotiations, written in 1983.
Also of interest are the many manuscript versions of Mary Wilson’s To Benji, With Love (1987), which beautifully document her writing process and Path’s editorial suggestions; the book was also the subject of some interesting litigation between Wilson and Path Press. Enoch Waters’ American Diary (1987) was also a significant publication for the press; unfortunately, while it is known that Waters’ original manuscript was much longer than the published version, only a fragment of his original manuscript remains in this collection. Finally, in addition to several manuscript versions of David Covin’s novel, Brown Sky (1988), there are also multiple drafts of an unpublished novel by Covin, entitled Wimbey’s Corner (undated).
In reorganizing the collection, we have chosen to file all sales and distribution materials in a series separate from the published manuscripts. Production materials of real interest (including liner notes, page layouts, etc.) we have kept with the books, whereas more general correspondence with production houses has been filed separately. Likewise, correspondence and publicity pertaining to a single book has been filed with that book, whereas more general correspondence and publicity (i.e. regarding the press itself) has been filed separately. The remaining materials have been filed according to the following arrangement:
Alphabetical by author:
1. Alphabetical by title (published)
i. Correspondence
ii. Contracts
iii. Production
iv. Publicity
v. Litigation (if any)
vi. Manuscripts
vii. Galleys
2. Alphabetical by title (unpublished)
Series 3: Unpublished Authors, 1969-1995
This material, constituting one half of the collection as a whole, is also arranged alphabetically by author. Here, one folder is devoted to each potential author for whom the collection possesses a manuscript, a manuscript fragment and/or any significant correspondence. We have also provided individual folders for each author whose work was seriously considered by the press for publication, such as Al Boswell, John Oliver Killens and Ellis Cose. All of the remaining submission and rejection letters have been filed in miscellaneous folders by the first letter of the author’s name. In addition to the folders of James Garside and Albert Sewell—both of whom submitted complaints to the Better Business Bureau (claiming that Path Press was negligent in its duties regarding reading and returning unsolicited manuscripts)—the following folders contain items of particular interest:
Browning, Alice: Herman C. Gilbert first contacted Alice Browning (publisher of the World War II-era magazine Negro Story) about publishing her own work in 1970. While they never succeeded in publishing anything together, they did maintain a long correspondence. During this time, Browning made many suggestions for original and reprinted publications; they also discussed the International Black Writers Conference, of which she was founder and director and they were regular participants. By coincidence, Gilbert’s first poem appeared in Negro Story in April/May 1946.
Boswell, Al: Every Day in African-American History came very close to being published by the press (and is even erroneously listed by OCLC as having been published by the press). In fact, however, Boswell died in a tragic car accident just before the book was to be released, and the book was cancelled at the last minute. The collection contains two manuscripts and one galley version of the book.
Brutus, Dennis: A South African poet and activist, Brutus spent eighteen months on Robben Island as a political prisoner before fleeing South Africa for the United States and taking a professorship at Northwestern University. “Rains of Hate,” which was submitted to Path Press as part of a manuscript seriously considered for publication, was later published as “For a Dead African” in A Simple Lust (London: Heinemann, 1973). The version of the poem featured here is, with the exception of two line breaks, identical to the published version.
Clay, Nathaniel: News editor for the Chicago Metro News and former columnist and editor for the Chicago Daily Defender, Nathaniel Clay was contracted by Path Press to write a biography Harold Washington entitled Washington of Chicago. The first six chapters of the manuscript are here, but the book was never completed.
Cose, Ellis N.: Cose is a longstanding columnist and correspondent for the Chicago Sun-Times, a contributing editor to Newsweek and New York Daily News and the best-selling author of A Nation of Strangers (1992), Color-Blind (1997), The Rage of a Privileged Class (1994), The Envy of the World (2002) and Bone to Pick (2004). Path Press had gone so far as to draw up contracts for Cose’s Essence of Blue before the book fell through in 1970. Had it been published, it would have been Cose’s very first book. The book remains unpublished, however, and the manuscript is contained here in full.
Fair, Ronald: A lesser-known writer of the Black Arts Movement, Fair published several novels, including Many Thousand Gone (1965), Hog Butcher (1966), which was made into a film starring Laurence Fishburne, World of Nothing (1970) and We Can’t Breathe (1972). He has also published two books of poetry, including Excerpts (1975), published by Heritage Press. Fair began work on The Migrants in 1975, after winning a Guggenheim fellowship, but the novel was rejected by several publishers, including Path Press, and remains unpublished today. The collection contains this manuscript in full.
Killens, John Oliver: Killens is the acclaimed author of several novels, including Youngblood (1954), And Then We Heard the Thunder (1962), Sippi (1967) and One Good Bull is Half the Herd (1971)—two of which earned Pulitzer Prize nominations. Killens was close to Bennett Johnson and Herman Gilbert; he spoke at their Frank London Brown Tribute upon the publication of Myth Maker and corresponded with them about various aspects of their business (including international sales and their proposed MLK anthology). In 1982-83, Path was keen to publish Killens’ latest novel, The Great Black Russian, but the arrangement fell through due to disagreements over the contract. The book was eventually published in 1989 by Wayne State University instead. Correspondence only.
Himaya, Tafadhali H.: The collection contains a huge number of pre-publication orders and a near complete manuscript of this polemical book on American race relations that Path Press ultimately never published.
Powell, Adam Clayton: Elected New York’s first black congressman in 1944, Powell penned and published The Marching Blacks: An Interpretive History of the Rise of the Black Common Man with Dial Press in 1945. Path Press enquired about reprinting the book in 1969, but Dial Press retained the rights and reprinted the book after Powell’s death in 1973.
Smith, Ald. Edward H.: A Chicago Alderman since 1983, Ed H. Smith has recently published two novels, Love the Town Couldn’t Stop (1996) and Almost Too Late (2002). Path Press considered but turned down an earlier manuscript, It Ain’t Mr. Charley’s in 1991-92; the collection holds this manuscript in full.
Best of the Best poetry anthology: Margaret Burroughs, founder of the DuSable Museum of African-American Art in Chicago, was an early supporter of Path Press (see General Correspondence: Burroughs in Series 1) and was commissioned to edit an anthology of black poetry for the press in 1982. Although she gathered a great deal of material over several years (all of which is retained here), she never completed the manuscript and the project was abandoned. These folders include general correspondence, a complete mailing list of possible contributors, and submissions and related correspondence filed by contributor. This material includes numerous unpublished poems by little-known poets, but most of the poems submitted by well-known poets have been published elsewhere. However, Amiri Baraka, Nikki Giovanni, Useni Eugene Perkins, Sterling Plumpp, Dudley Randall, Eugene Redmond and Elma Stuckey all submitted explanations of varying lengths for how and why they chose their “best” poems. Stuckey also submitted three unpublished poems, entitled “Universal,” “These Old Feet” and “Humanity.” Frank Marshall Davis’s file also contains a personal letter from him to his old friend, Margaret Burroughs.
MLK, Jr.—An Assessment: Marking the first anniversary of Dr. King’s assassination, Gilbert and Johnson planned to release an anthology of essays by King’s contemporaries that they hoped would be the first book to assess the man’s life and work. Among those they invited to contribute to the volume were Dr. John Hope Franklin, Reverend Jesse Jackson, Dr. Charles V. Hamilton, Harold Washington, Floyd McKissick, Charles Hayes, Sterling Stuckey and Diane Nash. Although they received a positive response from many of the people they contacted to write articles, the book was never published and no manuscript remains.
Series 4: Film Projects, 1983-1993
These files chronicle Path Press’s increasing efforts to enter into the business of black film production. After an initial period of investigation, Johnson and Gilbert entered into negotiations with a company called Greenlight Films for the film rights to The Negotiations. Although the project was eventually abandoned, this series contains extensive correspondence, contracts and other material, including a brief screen treatment of The Negotiations. A complete screenplay of The Negotiations by Lenwood Robinson can be found in Box 13.
Series 5: Production, 1962-1996
While the bulk of this material was originally mixed together in no particular order, several folders were grouped by production house, and we have chosen to follow this arrangement throughout. Correspondence and invoices are thus arranged alphabetically by name of the production business and chronologically within. Any material relating to one specific book has been removed and re-filed with that book in the manuscript series. See Cueno Press and Fairfield Graphics for details regarding litigation filed against Path Press.
Series 6: Publicity, 1969-1993
As with production materials, all publicity materials relating to a particular book have been removed and filed with that book. In the cases where a particular review referred to two or more books, we have made multiple copies and filed a copy of the review with each book. The remaining publicity materials are more general, referring to Path Press itself rather than particular titles. These materials, though originally largely mixed together, have been divided into the following subsections and arranged chronologically within each subsection:
- General press releases
- Correspondence with TV advertisers
- Correspondence with book listing agencies & advertisers
- Correspondence with Black Studies directors
- Correspondence with book award organizations
- Correspondence with book reviewers
- Clippings regarding Path Press
- Directories
- Mailing lists (of various kinds)
Series 7: Events, 1970-1998
The original arrangement of these files was clear and relatively consistent, and has been for the most part retained. Ranging from publicity and sales events for particular books, to trade and writers conferences in which Path participated, to black book fairs that Path organized, these files reflect Path’s changing engagement with the world of black publishing. They have been arranged in the following roughly chronological subsections, which are then arranged chronologically within each subsection:
- Book parties
- Conferences
- Book expos at the Chicago Public Library
Series 8: Sales & Distribution, 1969-1997
Arranged as a single series, since so many of these materials ultimately concern both sales and distribution, the first half of this series is nevertheless oriented primarily towards sales while the latter half is oriented primarily towards distribution. For the sales portion of the series, we have retained Path Press’s original arrangement in full, to better reflect its own business practice:
- Individual book and catalog orders (arranged chronologically)
- Sales arranged by individual account (arranged alphabetically)
- Paid/unpaid sales arranged by individual accounts (arranged alphabetically)
- Accounts receivable (arranged alphabetically)
- Monthly sales (arranged chronologically)
The distribution portion of the series ranges from the distribution of Path Press books to Path’s distribution of other individual titles to their distribution of books released by other black publishers. Pathways and AABDI are distribution companies that Path spearheaded and devoted increasing attention to after they had for the most part stopped publishing books of their own. As with the production files, we decided to arrange the following materials by distributor, since some (though not all) were already so arranged:
- Translation & international sales (arranged chronologically)
- Individual distributors (arranged alphabetically)
- Clients: individual authors followed by publishers that Path distributed (arranged alphabetically)
- Pathways material (arranged chronologically)
- AABDI material (arranged chronologically)
See Chicago Review Press/IPG for details regarding litigation filed against Path Press.
Series 9: Subject Research Files & Serials, 1968-1993
The subject research files in this collection are small and relatively random. Of most interest are the files on African-American film, Black Studies programs and literary issues, all of which constitute areas of business that the press directly pursued. These files have been arranged alphabetically by topic. The serials, several of which contain some reference to the press, have been arranged alphabetically by title.
Series 10: Photographs & Memorabilia, 1969-1987
This series contains one hundred and fifty photographs, many of which were taken of the press’s founders at various conferences and events. There are also a number of photographs featuring Harold Washington, John Oliver Killens, Gus Savage, Margaret Burroughs, Zack Gilbert and Haki Madhubuti, among others. In relation to the press’s publications, there are many nearly identical publicity photographs of William Goodlett (Congo Crew), a full set of the photographs that were published in Mary Wilson’s To Benji, With Love, and portraits of many of the contributors to Best of the Best, including Margaret Danner, Frank Marshall Davis and Dudley Randall. The series also includes a UNIA Marcus M. Garvey Centennial Committee button; its provenance is unknown.
Series 1: Administrative, 1962 - 1997
Box 1
Folder 1
Path Press Prospectus [30 Mar 1962]
Box 1
Folder 2
Path Press Board of Directors meetings, minutes [1969]
Box 1
Folder 3
Path Press Loan Proposal [1982]
Box 1
Folder 4
Path Press Investment Memorandum [1982-86]
Box 1
Folder 5
Illinois Arts Council/NEA Grant Applications [1984-90]
Box 1
Folder 6
Path Press Stock Share Certificates [1982-85]
Box 1
Folder 7
Path Press Stock Share Certificates "To Be Transferred" [1985-93]
Box 1
Folder 8
Path Press Articles of Inc. [1963-86]
Box 1
Folder 9
Path Press State of Illinois Annual Reports [1983-85]
Box 1
Folder 10
Path Press Business License [1982-97]
Box 1
Folder 11
Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Regulations [N.D.]
Box 1
Folder 12
Path Press MBE Certification [1985]
Box 1
Folder 13
Path Press MBE Certification [1986-88]
Box 1
Folder 14
Path Press MBE Certification [1989-91]
Box 1
Folder 15
Path Press MBE Certification [1992-94]
Box 1
Folder 16
Path Press MBE Certification [1995-96]
Box 2
Folder 1
Misc. messages, messenger service, postal receipts [N.D.]
Box 2
Folder 2
General correspondence: Burroughs, Margaret [1968-69]
Box 2
Folder 3
General correspondence: Harsh Collection (CPL) [1997]
Box 2
Folder 4
General correspondence: Ramzy, Roberta [1968-70]
Box 2
Folder 5
General correspondence: Misc. [1968-96]
Box 2
Folder 6
Path Press Employees and Shareholders, correspondence [1969-89]
Box 2
Folder 7
Path Press Advisory Board, mailing lists [N.D.]
Box 2
Folder 8
Path Press Advisory Board, correspondence (1) [1983]
Box 2
Folder 9
Path Press Advisory Board, correspondence (2) [1983-84]
Box 2
Folder 10
Path Press Advisory Board, resumes [1983]
Box 3
Folder 1
Employee Records: Brown, Joe
Box 3
Folder 2
Employee Records: Gilbert, Herman Cromwell
Box 3
Folder 3
Employee Records: Gilbert, Vincent N.
Box 3
Folder 4
Employee Records: Hickman, Joan
Box 3
Folder 5
Employee Records: Irono, Dan: reviews (see unpublished reviews)
Box 3
Folder 6
Employee Records: Johnson, Bennett J.
Box 3
Folder 7
Employee Records: Johnson, Diana L.
Box 3
Folder 8
Employee Records: Johnston, Anne
Box 3
Folder 9
Employee Records: Lamb, Milton C.
Box 3
Folder 10
Employee Records: Mayo, Cora
Box 3
Folder 11
Employee Records: Ragano, Anthony (see also Box 70, Folder 5)
Box 3
Folder 12
Employee Records: Rouselle, Jeanette
Box 3
Folder 13
Employee Records: Springfield, Marti J.
Box 3
Folder 14
Employee Records: Young, Lexia B.
Box 3
Folder 15
Misc. Resumes: A-F
Box 3
Folder 16
Misc. Resumes: G-I
Box 3
Folder 17
Misc. Resumes: J-Q
Box 3
Folder 18
Misc. Resumes: R-Z
Box 3
Folder 19
Misc. Resumes: notes, contacts [N.D.]
Box 3
Folder 20
Legal correspondence (Katten Muchin & Zavis) [1988-92]
Box 3
Folder 21
Bank statements and correspondence [1969-84]
Box 3
Folder 22
Misc. Fiscal Documents [c. 1982]
Box 4
Folder 1
Af-Am Publishers & Booksellers Assn (AAPBA), organization & meeting notes [1988-91]
Box 4
Folder 2
AAPBA, legal & financial records [1987-91]
Box 4
Folder 3
AAPBA, newsletters, conferences & events [1988-90]
Box 4
Folder 4
AAPBA, clippings & mailing lists [1986-90]
Box 4
Folder 5
African Community and Information Center, Inc. (ACICI) [1986-88]
Box 4
Folder 6
Black Designers' Forum International, Inc. [1985]
Box 4
Folder 7
Black Educational Systems, Inc. [N.D.]
Box 4
Folder 8
Black Press Hall of Fame [1987]
Box 4
Folder 9
New Chicago Committee (NCC) [1984]
Box 4
Folder 10
Society of Midland Authors [1983-88]
Series 2: Published Authors, 1969 - 1995
Box 4
Folder 11
Brown, Frank London: Myth Maker, correspondence [1969-71]
Box 4
Folder 12
Brown, Frank London: Myth Maker, contract [1969]
Box 4
Folder 13
Brown, Frank London: Myth Maker, publicity [1969-70]
Box 5
Folder 1
Covin, David: Brown Sky, correspondence [1983-88]
Box 5
Folder 2
Covin, David: Brown Sky, contracts [1988]
Box 5
Folder 3
Covin, David: Brown Sky, production [N.D.]
Box 5
Folder 4
Covin, David: Brown Sky, publicity [1988]
Box 5
Folder 5
Covin, David: Brown Sky, mss. (version 1, pp. 1-111) [N.D.]
Box 5
Folder 6
Covin, David: Brown Sky, mss. (version 1, pp. 112-222) [N.D.]
Box 5
Folder 7
Covin, David: Brown Sky, mss. (version 1, pp. 223-333) [N.D.]
Box 5
Folder 8
Covin, David: Brown Sky, mss. (version 1a, pp. 1-111) [N.D.]
Box 5
Folder 9
Covin, David: Brown Sky, mss. (version 1a, pp. 112-222) [N.D.]
Box 5
Folder 10
Covin, David: Brown Sky, mss. (version 1a, pp. 223-333) [N.D.]
Box 6
Folder 1
Covin, David: Brown Sky, galley (version 1) [31 Oct 1986]
Box 6
Folder 2
Covin, David: Brown Sky, galley (version 1a) [31 Oct 1986]
Box 6
Folder 3
Covin, David: Brown Sky, galley (version 2, fragment) [23 Mar 1987]
Box 6
Folder 4
Covin, David: Brown Sky, galley (version 3, pp. 1-45) [N.D.]
Box 6
Folder 5
Covin, David: Brown Sky, galley (version 3, pp. 46-111) [N.D.]
Box 6
Folder 6
Covin, David: Brown Sky, galley (version 3, pp. 112-197) [N.D.]
Box 6
Folder 7
Covin, David: Brown Sky, galley (version 3, pp. 198-274) [N.D.]
Box 6
Folder 8
Covin, David: Brown Sky, misc., mss. and, galley pages [N.D.]
Box 6
Folder 9
Covin, David: Brown Sky, play mss. (pp. 1-76) [31 Mar 1993]
Box 6
Folder 10
Covin, David: Brown Sky, play mss. (pp. 77-130) [31 Mar 1993]
Box 6
Folder 11
Covin, David: "The New Black Vote," lecture mss. [Mar 1986]
Box 7
Folder 1
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 1, pp. 1-146) [N.D.]
Box 7
Folder 2
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 1, pp. 147-269) [N.D.]
Box 7
Folder 3
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 1, pp. 270-392) [N.D.]
Box 7
Folder 4
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 1, pp. 393-515) [N.D.]
Box 7
Folder 5
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 2, pp. 1-100) [N.D.]
Box 7
Folder 6
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 2, pp. 101-199) [N.D.]
Box 7
Folder 7
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 2, pp. 200-304) [N.D.]
Box 8
Folder 1
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 2, pp. 305-404) [N.D.]
Box 8
Folder 2
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 2, pp. 405-510) [N.D.]
Box 8
Folder 3
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 2, pp. 511-617) [N.D.]
Box 8
Folder 4
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 2a, pp. 1-100) [N.D.]
Box 8
Folder 5
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 2a, pp. 101-223) [N.D.]
Box 8
Folder 6
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 2a, pp. 224-313) [N.D.]
Box 8
Folder 7
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 2a, pp. 314-414) [N.D.]
Box 8
Folder 8
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 2a, pp. 415-497) [N.D.]
Box 8
Folder 9
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 2a, pp. 498-590) [N.D.]
Box 9
Folder 1
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 3, pp. 1-96) [N.D.]
Box 9
Folder 2
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 3, pp. 97-193) [N.D.]
Box 9
Folder 3
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 3, pp. 194-287) [N.D.]
Box 9
Folder 4
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 3, pp. 288-356) [N.D.]
Box 9
Folder 5
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 4, pp. 1-82) [N.D.]
Box 9
Folder 6
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 4, pp. 83-162) [N.D.]
Box 9
Folder 7
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 4, pp. 163-246) [N.D.]
Box 9
Folder 8
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 4, pp. 247-327) [N.D.]
Box 9
Folder 9
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 4, pp. 328-401) [N.D.]
Box 9
Folder 10
Covin, David: Wimbey’s Corner, mss. (version 4, pp. 402-474) [N.D.]
Box 10
Folder 1
Gilbert, Herman: Uncertain Sound, correspondence [1969-86]
Box 10
Folder 2
Gilbert, Herman: Uncertain Sound, production [N.D.]
Box 10
Folder 3
Gilbert, Herman: Uncertain Sound, publicity [1970]
Box 10
Folder 4
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, correspondence (1) [1979-83]
Box 10
Folder 5
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, correspondence (2) [1984]
Box 10
Folder 6
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, correspondence (3) [1985-93]
Box 11
Folder 1
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, production [N.D.]
Box 11
Folder 2
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, interview & lecture prep. [N.D.]
Box 11
Folder 3
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, promotional appearances & press calendars [1983-84]
Box 11
Folder 4
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, promotional appearance press releases [1983-84]
Box 11
Folder 5
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, promotional appearance on Tony Brown's Journal [1983]
Box 11
Folder 6
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, promotional appearances misc. [1983-84]
Box 11
Folder 7
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, press releases [1983-84]
Box 11
Folder 8
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, awards [1983-84]
Box 11
Folder 9
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, unpublished reviews [1983]
Box 11
Folder 10
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, published reviews [1983-84]
Box 11
Folder 11
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, sales & distribution agreements [1983-84]
Box 12
Folder 1
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, composition notes [N.D.]
Box 12
Folder 2
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, mss. (version 1, pp. 1-132) [N.D.]
Box 12
Folder 3
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, mss. (version 1, pp. 133-260) [N.D.]
Box 12
Folder 4
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, mss. (version 1, pp. 261-437) [N.D.]
Box 12
Folder 5
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, mss. (version 1a) [N.D.]
Box 13
Folder 1
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, galley (version 1, fragment) [N.D.]
Box 13
Folder 2
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, galley (version 2, pp. 1-92) [N.D.]
Box 13
Folder 3
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, galley (version 2, pp. 93-175) [N.D.]
Box 13
Folder 4
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, galley (version 2, pp. 176-249) [N.D.]
Box 13
Folder 5
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, galley (version 2, pp. 250-381) [N.D.]
Box 13
Folder 6
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, galley (version 3, fragment) [N.D.]
Box 13
Folder 7
Gilbert, Herman & Lenwood Robinson: Negotiations, screenplay mss. (pp. 1-90) [14 Sept 1983]
Box 13
Folder 8
Gilbert, Herman & Lenwood Robinson: Negotiations, screenplay mss. (pp. 91-177) [14 Sept 1983]
Box 13
Folder 9
Gilbert, Herman: Negotiations, screenplay mss. (fragment) [1988]
Box 14
Folder 1
Gilbert, Herman: "God Calls Ben McGee," short story mss. [N.D.]
Box 14
Folder 2
Gilbert, Herman: This Needs Saying, memoir notes &, mss. (fragment) [1984]
Box 14
Folder 3
Gilbert, Herman: This Needs Saying, research file [1984]
Box 14
Folder 4
Gilbert, Herman: correspondence regarding unwritten article on Henry Dumas [1987-88] (see also Box 86, Folder 9)
Box 14
Folder 5
Gilbert, Zack: Up North Big City Street, correspondence [1986-87]
Box 14
Folder 6
Gilbert, Zack: Up North Big City Street, publicity [N.D.]
Box 14
Folder 7
Gilbert, Zack: Up North Big City Street, mss. (version 1) [N.D.]
Box 14
Folder 8
Gilbert, Zack: Up North Big City Street, galley (version 1) [23 Apr 1986]
Box 14
Folder 9
Gilbert, Zack: Up North Big City Street, galley (version 1a) [23 Apr 1986]
Box 14
Folder 10
Gilbert, Zack: Up North Big City Street, galley (version 2) [28 Jul 1986]
Box 14
Folder 11
Gilbert, Zack: Up North Big City Street, galley corrections (version 2) [4 Aug 1986]
Box 14
Folder 12
Gilbert, Zack: Up North Big City Street, galley (version 3) [17 Sep 1986]
Box 14
Folder 13
Gilbert, Zack: Up North Big City Street, galley (version 4) [N.D.]
Box 14
Folder 14
Gilbert, Zack: Up North Big City Street, galley corrections (version 4) [N.D.]
Box 14
Folder 15
Gilbert, Zack: Voices from Inside of the Skull, mss. [N.D.]
Box 14
Folder 16
Goodlett, William: Congo Crew, correspondence [1983-90]
Box 14
Folder 17
Goodlett, William: Congo Crew, contract [28 Jan 1983]
Box 14
Folder 18
Goodlett, William: Congo Crew, production [N.D.] (see also photographs in Box 88)
Box 14
Folder 19
Goodlett, William: Congo Crew, publicity [1990-91]
Box 15
Folder 1
Goodlett, William: Congo Crew, mss. (version 1, pp. 1-132) [N.D.]
Box 15
Folder 2
Goodlett, William: Congo Crew, mss. (version 1, pp. 133-276) [N.D.]
Box 15
Folder 3
Goodlett, William: Congo Crew, galley (version 1, pp. 1-135) [N.D.]
Box 15
Folder 4
Goodlett, William: Congo Crew, galley (version 1, pp. 136-273) [N.D.]
Box 15
Folder 5
Goodlett, William: Congo Crew, galley (version 2, pp. 1-126) [8 Jul 1988]
Box 15
Folder 6
Goodlett, William: Congo Crew, galley (version 2, pp. 126-253) [8 Jul 1988]
Box 16
Folder 1
Goodlett, William: Congo Crew, galley (version 2a, pp. 1-126) [N.D.]
Box 16
Folder 2
Goodlett, William: Congo Crew, galley (version 2a, pp. 127-253) [N.D.]
Box 16
Folder 3
Goodlett, William: Congo Crew, galley (version 3, pp. 1-126) [16 Jun 1989]
Box 16
Folder 4
Goodlett, William: Congo Crew, galley (version 3, pp. 127-253) [16 Jun 1989]
Box 16
Folder 5
Goodlett, William: Congo Crew, galley (version 3a) [16 Jun 1989]
Box 16
Folder 6
Goodlett, William: Congo Crew, silver print, galley (version 4) [N.D.]
Box 17
Folder 1
Pinckney-Harris, Claudette: Monroe Pinckney, My Father, legal [1994-95]
Box 17
Folder 2
Pinckney-Harris, Claudette: Monroe Pinckney, My Father, production [4 Jan-24 Aug 1995]
Box 17
Folder 3
Pinckney-Harris, Claudette: Monroe Pinckney, My Father, illustrations [ca. 1995] (see also photographs in Box 89)
Box 17
Folder 4
Pinckney-Harris, Claudette: Monroe Pinckney, My Father, clippings file [28 Jul 1994-31 Jan 1995]
Box 17
Folder 5
Pinckney-Harris, Claudette: Monroe Pinckney, My Father, publicity [Aug 1995]
Box 17
Folder 6
Pinckney-Harris, Claudette: Monroe Pinckney, My Father, mss. (version 1) [N.D.]
Box 17
Folder 7
Pinckney-Harris, Claudette: Monroe Pinckney, My Father, mss. (version 1a) [N.D.]
Box 17
Folder 8
Pinckney-Harris, Claudette: Monroe Pinckney, My Father, mss. (version 2) [ca. 1995]
Box 17
Folder 9
Pinckney-Harris, Claudette: Monroe Pinckney, My Father, mss. (version 2a) [ca. 1995]
Box 17
Folder 10
Pinckney-Harris, Claudette: Monroe Pinckney, My Father, mss. (version 3) [ca. 1995]
Box 17
Folder 11
Pinckney-Harris, Claudette: Monroe Pinckney, My Father, book [1995]
Box 18
Folder 1
Smith, Darlene: What Happens When Children Write, correspondence, mss. fragment [1987]
Box 18
Folder 2
Waters, Enoch: American Diary, correspondence [1980-88]
Box 18
Folder 3
Waters, Enoch: American Diary, production [1987]
Box 18
Folder 4
Waters, Enoch: American Diary, publicity [1987]
Box 18
Folder 5
Waters, Enoch: American Diary, early, mss. & notes [N.D.]
Box 18
Folder 6
Waters, Enoch: American Diary, galley (version 1, pp. 1-156, fragment) [N.D.]
Box 18
Folder 7
Waters, Enoch: American Diary, galley (version 1, pp. 157-320, fragment) [N.D.]
Box 18
Folder 8
Waters, Enoch: American Diary, galley (version 1a, pp. 1-152) [N.D.]
Box 19
Folder 1
Waters, Enoch: American Diary, galley (version 1a, pp. 153-323) [N.D.]
Box 19
Folder 2
Waters, Enoch: American Diary, galley (version 1a, pp. 324-523) [N.D.]
Box 19
Folder 3
Waters, Enoch: American Diary, galley (version 2) [N.D.]
Box 19
Folder 4
Waters, Enoch: American Diary, galley (version 2a [?], index only) [N.D.]
Box 20
Folder 1
Waters, Enoch: American Diary, galley (version 2b, pp. 1-176, fragment) [N.D.]
Box 20
Folder 2
Waters, Enoch: American Diary, galley (version 2b, pp. 195-380, fragment) [N.D.]
Box 20
Folder 3
Waters, Enoch: American Diary, galley (version 2b, pp. 382-520, fragment) [N.D.]
Box 20
Folder 4
Waters, Enoch: American Diary, galley (version 2c, misc. pages) [N.D.]
Box 20
Folder 5
Waters, Enoch: American Diary, galley (version 3, pp. 1-52) [N.D.]
Box 20
Folder 6
Waters, Enoch: American Diary, galley (version 3, pp. 53-128) [N.D.]
Box 20
Folder 7
Waters, Enoch: American Diary, galley (version 3, pp. 129-200) [N.D.]
Box 21
Folder 1
Waters, Enoch: American Diary, galley (version 3, pp. 201-279) [N.D.]
Box 21
Folder 2
Waters, Enoch: American Diary, galley (version 3, pp. 280-364) [N.D.]
Box 21
Folder 3
Waters, Enoch: American Diary, galley (version 3, pp. 365-452) [N.D.]
Box 21
Folder 4
Waters, Enoch: American Diary, galley (version 3, pp. 453-520) [N.D.]
Box 21
Folder 5
Waters, Enoch: American Diary, silver print, galley (version 4, pp. 1-232, fragment) [N.D.]
Box 21
Folder 6
Waters, Enoch: American Diary, silver print, galley (version 4, pp. 233-488, fragment) [N.D.]
Box 22
Folder 1
Wilson, Mary: To Benji, With Love, correspondence [1986-87]
Box 22
Folder 2
Wilson, Mary: To Benji, With Love, contract [10 Jan 1986]
Box 22
Folder 3
Wilson, Mary: To Benji, With Love, production [N.D.] (see also photographs in Box 89)
Box 22
Folder 4
Wilson, Mary: To Benji, With Love, publicity [1985-87]
Box 22
Folder 5
Wilson, Mary: To Benji, With Love, litigation [1988]
Box 22
Folder 6
Wilson, Mary: To Benji, With Love, misc. [N.D.]
Box 22
Folder 7
Wilson, Mary: To Benji, With Love, mss. (version 1, fragment) [N.D.]
Box 22
Folder 8
Wilson, Mary: To Benji, With Love, mss. (version 2, fragment) [N.D.]
Box 22
Folder 9
Wilson, Mary: To Benji, With Love, mss. (version 3, fragment) [N.D.]
Box 22
Folder 10
Wilson, Mary: To Benji, With Love, mss. (version 4, fragment) [N.D.]
Box 22
Folder 11
Wilson, Mary: To Benji, With Love, mss. (version 5, fragment) [N.D.]
Box 22
Folder 12
Wilson, Mary: To Benji, With Love, mss. (version 5a, fragment) [N.D.]
Box 23
Folder 1
Wilson, Mary: To Benji, With Love, mss. (version 6) [N.D.]
Box 23
Folder 2
Wilson, Mary: To Benji, With Love, mss. (version 6a) [N.D.]
Box 23
Folder 3
Wilson, Mary: To Benji, With Love, galley (version 1, fragment) [N.D.]
Box 23
Folder 4
Wilson, Mary: To Benji, With Love, galley (version 2) [16 Jan 1987]
Box 23
Folder 5
Wilson, Mary: To Benji, With Love, galley (version 2a) [16 Jan 1987]
Box 23
Folder 6
Wilson, Mary: To Benji, With Love, galley (version 3) [14 Apr 1987]
Box 23
Folder 7
Wilson, Mary: To Benji, With Love, galley (version 3a, pp. 1-69) [N.D.]
Box 23
Folder 8
Wilson, Mary: To Benji, With Love, galley (version 3a, pp. 70-141) [N.D.]
Series 3: Unpublished Authors, 1969 - 1995
Box 24
Folder 1
Editorial Guidelines for Authors [N.D.]
Box 24
Folder 2
Editorial Forms for Receipt & Rejection Letters [N.D]
Box 24
Folder 3
Manuscript Log [1983-92]
Box 24
Folder 4
Manuscript List [1992-93]
Box 24
Folder 5
Manuscript Action List [1994]
Box 24
Folder 6
Adenle, Mercy: Changes [1987-92]
Box 24
Folder 7
Ahjel, Trish: Chocolate Souflle, correspondence [30 June 1995]
Box 24
Folder 8
Ajaya, Malachi: I Hear it in the Wind, mss. [ca. 1996]
Box 24
Folder 9
Ali, Najiyyah: short story mss. [1983-92]
Box 24
Folder 10
Allen, Debra: poetry mss. [1993-94]
Box 24
Folder 11
August, Mark: Reporting Apartheid, correspondence [1982]
Box 24
Folder 12
Baker, J.G.: Mankind's Second Giant Leap, mss. (fragment) [1985]
Box 24
Folder 13
Baker, Melissa: Holy Piece, mss. [19 Mar 1996]
Box 24
Folder 14
Ball, Jane: Dawn Dance, correspondence [1985]
Box 24
Folder 15
Ballard, Robert C.: Evelyn, publicity [1993-94]
Box 24
Folder 16
Ballard, Robert C.: Evelyn, mss. [8 Feb 1994]
Box 25
Folder 1
Banks, Theresa: Tantra's Web, mss. (pp. 1-99) [3 Sept 1996]
Box 25
Folder 2
Banks, Theresa: Tantra's Web, mss. (pp. 100-209) [3 Sept 1996]
Box 25
Folder 3
Barnes, S. Brandi: Blackberries in the China Cabinet, poetry mss. [9 Oct 1992]
Box 25
Folder 4
Bates, Robert: Seeing the World with Left-eyed Clarity, correspondence [1994-95]
Box 25
Folder 5
Becton, Henry (Kamau): Family, Friends & Lovers, correspondence & clippings [1980-92]
Box 25
Folder 6
Belkaoui, A. R. & Janice Monti-Belkaoui: Quaddafi, mss. (pp. 1-99) [5 Dec 1994]
Box 25
Folder 7
Belkaoui, A. R. & Janice Monti-Belkaoui: Quaddafi, mss. (pp. 1-99) [5 Dec 1994]
Box 25
Folder 8
Bell, Jocelyn: Iquitos, mss. (fragment) [7 Aug 1996]
Box 25
Folder 9
Bell-Valletto, Barbara: Night Terrors, mss. (pp. 1-90) [1996]
Box 25
Folder 10
Bell-Valletto, Barbara: Night Terrors, mss. (pp. 91-193) [1996]
Box 25
Folder 11
Bergamino, Gina: My Name isn't Richard Brautigan, poetry mss. [1989]
Box 25
Folder 12
Bey, Kimmah Sha: Silent Yells, mss. [4 Dec 1995]
Box 25
Folder 13
Bly, William: Trees Along the River, poetry mss. (fragment) [1983-84]
Box 26
Folder 1
Bond, Terisha: poetry mss. [4 Feb 1994]
Box 26
Folder 2
Borchardt, Lovie Lee: Eternally Yours, mss. (fragment) [1984]
Box 26
Folder 3
Borner, Barbara: poetry mss. [19 Mar 1994]
Box 26
Folder 4
Boswell, Al: Every Day in African-American History, correspondence, production & publicity [1987-88]
Box 26
Folder 5
Boswell, Al: Every Day in African-American History, mss. (version 1, pp. 1-100) [ca. 1988]
Box 26
Folder 6
Boswell, Al: Every Day in African-American History, mss. (version 1, pp. 101-206) [ca. 1988]
Box 26
Folder 7
Boswell, Al: Every Day in African-American History, mss. (version 1, pp. 207-318) [ca. 1988]
Box 26
Folder 8
Boswell, Al: Every Day in African-American History, mss. (version 1, pp. 319-426) [ca. 1988]
Box 26
Folder 9
Boswell, Al: Every Day in African-American History, mss. (version 1, pp. 427-540) [ca. 1988]
Box 26
Folder 10
Boswell, Al: Every Day in African-American History, mss. (version 1, pp. 541-630) [ca. 1988]
Box 26
Folder 11
Boswell, Al: Every Day in African-American History, mss. (version 2, pp. 1-100) [ca. 1988]
Box 26
Folder 12
Boswell, Al: Every Day in African-American History, mss. (version 2, pp. 101-205) [ca. 1988]
Box 27
Folder 1
Boswell, Al: Every Day in African-American History, mss. (version 2, pp. 206-311) [ca. 1988]
Box 27
Folder 2
Boswell, Al: Every Day in African-American History, mss. (version 2, pp. 312-418) [ca. 1988]
Box 27
Folder 3
Boswell, Al: Every Day in African-American History, mss. (version 2, pp. 419-524) [ca. 1988]
Box 27
Folder 4
Boswell, Al: Every Day in African-American History, mss. (version 2, pp. 525-633) [ca. 1988]
Box 27
Folder 5
Boswell, Al: Every Day in African-American History, galley (pp. 1-77) [ca. 1988]
Box 27
Folder 6
Boswell, Al: Every Day in African-American History, galley (pp. 78-148) [ca. 1988]
Box 27
Folder 7
Bradley, Connie: Pathways, correspondence [1984]
Box 27
Folder 8
Bramhall, John: BlackGuard, correspondence [1991-92]
Box 27
Folder 9
Brandon, Everett: Book of Romance, mss. [N.D.]
Box 27
Folder 10
Brandy, Donald: Rising Above Deception, mss. (version 1 [?]) [9 Aug 1995]
Box 28
Folder 1
Brandy, Donald: Rising Above Deception, mss. (version 2 [?]) [9 Aug 1996]
Box 28
Folder 2
Brick, Martin: A Dog's Day of Summer, mss. (fragment) [26 April 1996]
Box 28
Folder 3
Bridges, Lee: Cracked Ridges, Worn Discs, poetry mss. [1991-92]
Box 28
Folder 4
Brock-Parker, Sherrie, correspondence [15 Jan 1995]
Box 28
Folder 5
Brown, Cheryl: I'm Spice, But Very Little Sugar, mss. (fragment) [12 Apr 1994]
Box 28
Folder 6
Brown, Lisa: Topa, mss. (pp. 1-146) [23 Apr 1996]
Box 28
Folder 7
Brown, Lisa: Topa, mss. (pp. 147-298) [23 Apr 1996]
Box 28
Folder 8
Brown, Lisa: Topa, mss. (pp. 299-460) [23 Apr 1996]
Box 28
Folder 9
Brown, Lisa: Topa, mss. (pp. 461-592) [23 Apr 1996]
Box 29
Folder 1
Brown-Banks, Jennifer: misc. manuscripts [1993-94]
Box 29
Folder 2
Browning, Alice: correspondence [1970-83] (see also IBWC material in Box 74)
Box 29
Folder 3
Brutus, Dennis: "The Rains of Hate," poetry mss. [N.D.]
Box 29
Folder 4
Burkes, Greg: The Triad Alternative, correspondence [1988]
Box 29
Folder 5
Burns, Stephen: Old God's Ashes, mss. (fragment) [1 Jan 1996]
Box 29
Folder 6
Burnham, Forbes: autobiography, correspondence [1982]
Box 29
Folder 7
Caliste, Herbert: Criminals are Stupid, mss. [31 Aug 1996]
Box 29
Folder 8
Cargile, Phillip: Once in a Blue Moon, mss. (fragment, ch. 3-12) [1984-92]
Box 29
Folder 9
Cargile, Phillip: Once in a Blue Moon, mss. (fragment, ch. 13-23) [1984-92]
Box 29
Folder 10
Cargile, Phillip: Once in a Blue Moon, mss. (fragment, ch. 24-38) [1984-92]
Box 29
Folder 11
Cargile, Phillip: Across the Universe, mss. [22 Oct. 1992] [?]
Box 29
Folder 12
Cargile, Phillip: Firestorm, mss. [22 Oct 1992] [?]
Box 30
Folder 1
Carter, James P.: The Aesculaplus-Gate Conspiracy, mss. (fragment) [23 Jul 1990]
Box 30
Folder 2
Carter, James P.: Racketeering in Medicine, mss. (fragment 1) [5 Oct 1990]
Box 30
Folder 3
Carter, James P.: Racketeering in Medicine, mss. (fragment 2) [5 Oct 1990]
Box 30
Folder 4
Carter, James P.: Racketeering in Medicine, mss. (fragment 3) [5 Oct 1990]
Box 30
Folder 5
Carter, James P.: Racketeering in Medicine, mss. (fragment 4) [5 Oct 1990]
Box 30
Folder 6
Carter, James P.: Getting' Over on Health, mss. (fragment, intro-ch. 3) [N.D.]
Box 30
Folder 7
Carter, James P.: Getting' Over on Health, mss. (fragment, ch. 4-10, part of II) [N.D.]
Box 31
Folder 1
Cash, Jamiz: Af-Am Complete Car Buying Guide, mss. [16 Oct 1996]
Box 31
Folder 2
Casimere, Dwight: Killing Floor Power, screenplay mss. (fragment) [N.D.]
Box 31
Folder 3
Causey Karen, correspondence [1981-84]
Box 31
Folder 4
Chattman, Gerald: A Deadly Orientation, mss. (fragment) [2 Dec 1996]
Box 31
Folder 5
Chihyelu, Mamadi: The Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness, correspondence [1983]
Box 31
Folder 6
Ching, Marvin: China's Soul in Poetry, 1980-1989, poetry mss. (fragment) [1991]
Box 31
Folder 7
Clay, Nathaniel: Washington of Chicago, publicity [N.D.]
Box 31
Folder 8
Clay, Nathaniel: Washington of Chicago, mss. (fragment) [N.D.]
Box 31
Folder 9
Cochran, Barbara, “The Phone,” short story mss. & correspondence [1984-87]
Box 31
Folder 10
Cohen, Christopher: Cook County Perm. Index #s, mss. [N.D.]
Box 31
Folder 11
Cohen, Christopher: Real Estate Taxes in Illinois, mss. [ca. 1995]
Box 31
Folder 12
Cohen, Christopher: Illinois Real Estate Tax Reduction, mss. [N.D.]
Box 31
Folder 13
Cohen, Christopher: Cook County Neighborhood Class Codes, mss. [N.D.]
Box 31
Folder 14
Cohen, Christopher: Guide for Taxpayers, mss. [ca. 1993]
Box 31
Folder 15
Cohen, Christopher: Guide for Taxpayers, mss. [ca. 1994]
Box 31
Folder 16
Cohen, Marion: “Death Bed,” poetry mss. & correspondence [1983-84]
Box 31
Folder 17
Collier, Ernest: Rebirth, mss. (fragment) [30 May 1995]
Box 32
Folder 1
Cose, Ellis N.: Essence of Blue, contracts [1969-70]
Box 32
Folder 2
Cose, Ellis N.: Essence of Blue, mss. (part 1, pp. 1-64) [ca. 1969]
Box 32
Folder 3
Cose, Ellis N.: Essence of Blue, mss. (part 1, pp. 65-133) [ca. 1969]
Box 32
Folder 4
Cose, Ellis N.: Essence of Blue, mss. (part 2, pp. 1-103) [ca. 1969]
Box 32
Folder 5
Cose, Ellis N.: clippings [1969-70]
Box 32
Folder 6
Crawford, Joy: untitled children's story, mss. [25 Jan 1994]
Box 32
Folder 7
Currin, Jon: Stoems from the Soul, mss. [23 Apr 1996]
Box 32
Folder 8
Daniels, George M.: correspondence [1988-89]
Box 32
Folder 9
Davis, Cleveland: And I Carry My Bags, mss. [1 Sept 1995]
Box 32
Folder 10
Davis, Donald: Music Knows No Fear of Night, correspondence [1984-92]
Box 32
Folder 11
Davis, Larry: Leadership: The Catalyst for Success, correspondence [Mar 1992]
Box 32
Folder 12
Davis, Mona: "The Man at the Crossroads," poetry mss. [1970]
Box 32
Folder 13
Davy, Gary: Silent Days, mss. [2 Dec 1996]
Box 32
Folder 14
Dejean, Marvin: poetry mss.[30 Mar 1990]
Box 32
Folder 15
Dejoie, Carolyn M.: Sun and Shadows, mss. (pp. 1-70) [3 Oct 1996]
Box 32
Folder 16
Dejoie, Carolyn M.: Sun and Shadows, mss. (pp. 71-143) [3 Oct 1996]
Box 33
Folder 1
de la Cuesta, Barbara: Ordonez, mss. (pp. 1-98) [22 Feb 1985]
Box 33
Folder 2
de la Cuesta, Barbara: Ordonez, mss. (pp. 99-198) [22 Feb 1985]
Box 33
Folder 3
Dfenninger, Darla: correspondence [Apr-Oct 1996]
Box 33
Folder 4
Dickerson, Leon: Life Within Two Decades, correspondence [1986-88]
Box 33
Folder 5
Dranow, Rachel: Exile, correspondence [1983-84]
Box 33
Folder 6
Dumke, Mick: Sullivan House, mss. (fragment) [27 Jul 1995]
Box 33
Folder 7
Dumke, Mick: Sullivan House, mss. (pp. 1-128) [9 Jul 1996]
Box 33
Folder 8
Dumke, Mick: Sullivan House, mss. (pp. 129-261) [9 Jul 1996]
Box 33
Folder 9
Dunn, Ken: correspondence [1985-94]
Box 33
Folder 10
Dwyer, Tamarina: poetry mss. [1989]
Box 33
Folder 11
Ehvi, Felix: What if Blacks Didn't Exist, mss. (fragment) [26 Jul 1996]
Box 33
Folder 12
Eka, Lawrence: Kintu, mss. (ch. 1-6) [31 Aug 1992]
Box 33
Folder 13
Eka, Lawrence: Kintu, mss. (ch. 7-12) [31 Aug 1992]
Box 34
Folder 1
El'Zabar, Kai: collected works, correspondence [29 Aug 1987-25 Jul 1991]
Box 34
Folder 2
El'Zabar, Kai: short story mss. [1984-86]
Box 34
Folder 3
El'Zabar, Kai: short story mss. [1989]
Box 34
Folder 4
El'Zabar, Kai: poetry mss. [1986-87]
Box 34
Folder 5
El'Zabar, Kai: Fo'Real Baby, mss. (pp. 1-113) [ca. 1988]
Box 34
Folder 6
El'Zabar, Kai: Fo'Real Baby, mss. (pp. 114-228) [ca. 1988]
Box 34
Folder 7
Emadi, Hafizullah: poetry mss. [19 May 1995]
Box 34
Folder 8
Ensley, James: The Partisans, mss. (fragment) [14 May 1996]
Box 34
Folder 9
Estinvil, Guy: The Story of the Little Father, mss. (pp. 1-110) [7 Mar 1996]
Box 34
Folder 10
Estinvil, Guy: The Story of the Little Father, mss. (pp. 111-224) [7 Mar 1996]
Box 34
Folder 11
Estinvil, Guy: The Story of the Little Father, mss. (pp. 225-336) [7 Mar 1996]
Box 35
Folder 1
Fair, Ronald: The Migrants, mss. (pp. 1-52) [29 Oct 1990]
Box 35
Folder 2
Fair, Ronald: The Migrants, mss. (pp. 53-108) [29 Oct 1990]
Box 35
Folder 3
Fair, Ronald: The Migrants, mss. (pp. 109-157) [29 Oct 1990]
Box 35
Folder 4
Faison, Edward: Together Again Forever, correspondence [30 Jun 1995]
Box 35
Folder 5
Faukner, Sheri: Love Poems, mss. [N.D.]
Box 35
Folder 6
Feldman, Sheryl: Learning My Color, mss. (pp. 1-90) [11 Sept 1996]
Box 35
Folder 7
Feldman, Sheryl: Learning My Color, mss. (pp. 91-186) [11 Sept 1996]
Box 35
Folder 8
Flanders, Gladys: Hawaiian Homicide, correspondence & outline [1984-94]
Box 35
Folder 9
Floyd, Bianca: The Sunflower, mss. [1981-92]
Box 35
Folder 10
Flynn, Robert: The Killing of Chaminuka, mss. (fragment) [1984-85]
Box 35
Folder 11
Ford, Anthony: Playing the Harlot, correspondence & reader evaluation [28 Jun 1995]
Box 35
Folder 12
Ford, Wilbert S.: Pretty Boy, correspondence & reader evaluation [23 Jun 1995]
Box 35
Folder 13
Ford, Wilbert S.: Pretty Boy, mss. (pp. 1-128) [22 Apr 1994]
Box 35
Folder 14
Ford, Wilbert S.: Pretty Boy, mss. (pp. 129-262) [22 Apr 1994]
Box 36
Folder 1
Ford, Wilbert S.: Pretty Boy, mss. (pp. 263-395) [22 Apr 1994]
Box 36
Folder 2
Foster, Barbara: poetry mss. (fragment) [1983-84]
Box 36
Folder 3
Fox, Monique Nicole: News You Can Use, reader evaluation, [N.D.]
Box 36
Folder 4
Gabel, Barbara: Male Order Bride, mss. (fragment) [22 June 1996]
Box 36
Folder 5
Gantuah, Harry: poetry mss. [19 Jan 1995]
Box 36
Folder 6
Garside, James: Their Kind of President, Better Business Bureau (BBB) complaint [1990-91]
Box 36
Folder 7
Gaskin, Aaron: correspondence [1984-85]
Box 36
Folder 8
Gaston, Blanche: I Like Me, mss. [1979-92]
Box 36
Folder 9
Gilbert, James: Morphodite Reader, mss. (fragment) [17 Jul 1996]
Box 36
Folder 10
Golden, Oliver: untitled, mss. (fragment, ch. 1) [31 Mar 1993]
Box 36
Folder 11
Golden, Oliver: untitled, mss. (fragment, ch. 2) [31 Mar 1993]
Box 36
Folder 12
Guillory, Harold: Sacrifice of the Lone Star Mesquite, mss. (fragment) [3 Jul 1996]
Box 36
Folder 13
Goode, Margaret: Fall and Rise of Lazarus Small, mss. (pp. 1-120) [8 Aug 1995]
Box 37
Folder 1
Goode, Margaret: Fall and Rise of Lazarus Small, mss. (pp. 121-228) [8 Aug 1995]
Box 37
Folder 2
Goode, Margaret: Some Folks..., mss. [18 Sept 1995]
Box 37
Folder 3
Gordon, William: The New South, correspondence [31 Jan 1989-22 Oct 1992]
Box 37
Folder 4
Gordon, William: The New South, mss. (version 1, fragment, ch. 1-8) [N.D.]
Box 37
Folder 5
Gordon, William: The New South, mss. (version 2, fragment, ch. 1-7) [N.D.]
Box 37
Folder 6
Gordon, William: The New South, mss. (version 2, fragment, ch. 8-13) [N.D.]
Box 37
Folder 7
Granger, Elie: Peter's Prison, mss. (pp. 1-132) [10 Feb 1992/93] [?]
Box 37
Folder 8
Granger, Elie: Peter's Prison, mss. (pp. 133-291) [10 Feb 1992/93] [?]
Box 38
Folder 1
Grant, Patrice A.: Searching, Finding and Losing Love mss, 30 Aug 1996
Box 38
Folder 2
Grantham, Blake: Off the Wall, mss. [17 May 1996]
Box 38
Folder 3
Griffin, Booker: True Blue, screenplay mss. [Dec 1986]
Box 38
Folder 4
Griffin, Peggy: correspondence [1984-92]
Box 38
Folder 5
Grulke, Dag: Bloodline, mss. [N.D.]
Box 38
Folder 6
Haghighi, Jafar J.: A Wayward Journey, mss. (pp. 1-125) [25 Oct 1996]
Box 38
Folder 7
Haghighi, Jafar J.: A Wayward Journey, mss. (pp. 126-250) [25 Oct 1996]
Box 38
Folder 8
Hankins, George: From Drug Addict to Usher, mss. [8 June 1995]
Box 38
Folder 9
Hardy, Shirley: It's the Thunder…That Makes the Rainy Day Sad, mss. [1982]
Box 38
Folder 10
Hargrett, Andrew: Unyoking, correspondence [1983-85]
Box 38
Folder 11
Hemesath, Sister Caroline: Our Black Shepherds, correspondence [1985]
Box 39
Folder 1
Himaya, Tafadhali H.: Genocide, pre-publication orders [1969-70]
Box 39
Folder 2
Himaya, Tafadhali H.: Genocide, mss. (section 1) [ca. 1969]
Box 39
Folder 3
Himaya, Tafadhali H.: Genocide, mss. (section 2) [ca. 1969]
Box 39
Folder 4
Himaya, Tafadhali H.: Genocide, mss. (section 3) [ca. 1969]
Box 39
Folder 5
Hilton, Peter: An Eye for an Eye, mss. (fragment) [1988]
Box 39
Folder 6
Hinton, William F.: No Secrets, mss. [N.D.]
Box 39
Folder 7
Holloman, Albert: Bonestripper, reader evaluation [20 June 1995]
Box 39
Folder 8
Holstein, Michael: Monsoon Season, poetry mss. (fragment) [1988]
Box 39
Folder 9
Horton, Lynn: Rebellion in the Segovias, mss. (pp. 1-91) [9 Jun 1995]
Box 39
Folder 10
Horton, Lynn: Rebellion in the Segovias, mss. (pp. 92-198) [9 Jun 1995]
Box 39
Folder 11
Horton, Lynn: Rebellion in the Segovias, mss. (pp. 199-269) [9 Jun 1995]
Box 40
Folder 1
Horton, Michael: Getting Past the Pain, mss. (pp. 1-99) [ca. 1996]
Box 40
Folder 2
Horton, Michael: Getting Past the Pain, mss. (pp. 100-198) [ca. 1996]
Box 40
Folder 3
Hunt, Sharon: He Who Sits High and Looks Low, correspondence [1984-92]
Box 40
Folder 4
Iam, Jah-Ra: Science Friction, reader evaluation [22 May 1995]
Box 40
Folder 5
Imani, Nikitah Okembe-Ra: Deadly Poet, mss. (fragment) [29 Jan 1996]
Box 40
Folder 6
Israel, Keilah: Avoiding the Merry-Go-Round, mss. (fragment) [12 Sept 1996]
Box 40
Folder 7
Jackson, John L.: Mr. John's Techniques for Successful Black Hair Growth, mss. [N.D.]
Box 40
Folder 8
Janis, Brett: Red Moon Cycle, mss. [6 Oct 1996]
Box 40
Folder 9
Johnson, Charles R.: correspondence [1970]
Box 40
Folder 10
Johnson, Stanley, III: correspondence [1984-85]
Box 40
Folder 11
Jones, Sgt. Lorraina Nyanza: poetry mss. [1989]
Box 40
Folder 12
Kahn, Dorothy: Children of the Sun, mss. (fragment) [12 May 1996]
Box 40
Folder 13
Kajangu, Kykosa: Ma Africa, My Witness, mss. [26 July 1996]
Box 40
Folder 14
Kotzer, Mordechai: Fool's Day Affair, mss. (fragment) [8 April 1996]
Box 40
Folder 15
Killens, John Oliver: Great Black Russian, correspondence [1982-83] (see also Box 58, Folder 21 and several photographs in Box 88)
Box 40
Folder 16
Lathan, Eugene: Black Man's Guide to Working, mss. [21 Oct 1996]
Box 41
Folder 1
Lawrence, Oliver: poetry mss. [22 April 1996]
Box 41
Folder 2
Lawrence, Othalene J.: Pentitude, mss. [21 Nov 1996]
Box 41
Folder 3
Lee, George L.: Interesting People, correspondence [1983-92]
Box 41
Folder 4
Lewis, Jeffrey: A Victim of Society / stories, reader evaluation [N.D.]
Box 41
Folder 5
Li, Zhi-Sui: Bloody China in a Tumble, mss. (fragment) [1988-89]
Box 41
Folder 6
Lightfoot, Claude M.: From the Plantation to the Ghetto to World Politics, mss. (fragment) [N.D.]
Box 41
Folder 7
Martin, Ernest: Casualty of Justice, mss. [ca. 1995]
Box 41
Folder 8
McClendon, S.M.: Number One, mss. [1 Jun 1993]
Box 41
Folder 9
Miller, Sammy: Thunder in a Green Cathedral, mss. [29 May 1995]
Box 41
Folder 10
Mills, Jeffrey: Poverty Trap, Bottled Up Rage, mss. [ca. 1996]
Box 41
Folder 11
Milsap, Valinda: Bittersweet, reader evaluation [13 May 1988]
Box 41
Folder 12
Mitchell, Cheryl: poetry mss. [25 Nov 1996]
Box 41
Folder 13
Mitchell, Drew: Twin Killing, mss., synopsis and reader evaluation [4 Nov 1996]
Box 41
Folder 14
Mitchell-Davis, Judy: Suite 1515, mss. [28 Nov 1989]
Box 42
Folder 1
Moorer, Elaine: Deliberate Choice, mss. (fragment, pp. 1-125) [14 May 1996]
Box 42
Folder 2
Moorer, Elaine: Deliberate Choice, mss. (fragment, pp. 126-252) [14 May 1996]
Box 42
Folder 3
Moorer, Elaine: Deliberate Choice, mss. (fragment, pp. 253-377) [14 May 1996]
Box 42
Folder 4
Moorer, Elaine: Deliberate Choice, mss. (fragment, pp. 378-485) [14 May 1996]
Box 42
Folder 5
Morin, Ramon: Romantic Thoughts…Sheltered Mind, mss. (fragment) [22 Jan 1996]
Box 42
Folder 6
Mroue, Haas: Far From America & Other Poems, poetry mss. (fragment) [1992]
Box 42
Folder 7
Mujica, Barbara: Far From My Mother's Home, mss. (fragment) [26 Jul 1996]
Box 42
Folder 8
Mutsaers, Anthony: American Lives, mss. (fragment) [7 Dec 1995]
Box 42
Folder 9
Myrick, Timothy: In the Waters of My Mind, mss. (fragment) [2 Jun 1995]
Box 43
Folder 1
Neal, Tracy A.: Bloodlust, reader evaluation [N.D.]
Box 43
Folder 2
Ndukwe, Ernest: Why I Disagree with Rush Limbaugh, mss. [7 Jan 1995]
Box 43
Folder 3
Nelson, Jerry Ray: Men and Women in the Yellow Shirts, mss. (fragment) [15 May 1996]
Box 43
Folder 4
Nichols, Eric: Rembrandt, mss. (ch. 1-8) [21 Mar 1996]
Box 43
Folder 5
Nichols, Eric: Rembrandt, mss. (ch. 9-23) [21 Mar 1996]
Box 43
Folder 6
Nielson, Elizabeth: Soda Bread on Sunday, mss. (fragment) & reader evaluation [4 Nov 1996]
Box 43
Folder 7
O'Brien, Catherine: Urgent Action, mss. (fragment) [8 Aug 1995]
Box 43
Folder 8
Okpala, Chukwudi: Uncircumcised, mss. (pp. 1-115) [29 May 1996]
Box 43
Folder 9
Okpala, Chukwudi: Uncircumcised, mss. (pp. 116-231) [29 May 1996]
Box 43
Folder 10
Paddio-Johnson, Eunice: poetry mss. [1991]
Box 43
Folder 11
Parrish, Gail: Meeting / Lost and Found, mss. with comments [1982-83]
Box 43
Folder 12
Patel, Nital: History of Dust, mss. (fragment) [13 Jun 1996]
Box 43
Folder 13
Pearcey, Anthony A.: Rupert Jr., mss. [24 Oct 1996]
Box 44
Folder 1
Phillips, Pamela Kelly: Listening Close to Evening, mss. [N.D.]
Box 44
Folder 2
Phillips, Pamela Kelly: poetry mss. [N.D.]
Box 44
Folder 3
Pittman, Roxanne: Bits and Pieces, mss. (fragment) [7 Sept 1995]
Box 44
Folder 4
Pollard, William: Elegies, correspondence / From Lincoln Hill, mss. [22 Oct 1996]
Box 44
Folder 5
Powell, Adam Clayton: The Marching Blacks (1945), correspondence [1969]
Box 44
Folder 6
Powell, Barry M. (Classic Visions, Inc.): calendars [29 Nov 1996]
Box 44
Folder 7
Presson, Joan: Waning Moon—Rising Stars, mss. (fragment) [16 April 1996]
Box 44
Folder 8
Puchel, Chris: Do it, To it, Buckateers, mss. (fragment) [24 Nov 1996]
Box 44
Folder 9
Quick, Jonathan (Max Alfert): American Nightmare, reader evaluation [ca. 1995]
Box 44
Folder 10
Rawn, Michael: A Wanderer's Cabala, mss. [1991-92]
Box 44
Folder 11
Ray, Mary Ellen: Air Finished, mss. (pp. 1-88) [4 Dec 1996]
Box 44
Folder 12
Ray, Mary Ellen: Air Finished, mss. (pp. 89-176) [4 Dec 1996]
Box 44
Folder 13
Raymond, Kevin: We Should Have Gone Golfing, mss. (pp. 1-120) [19 April 1996]
Box 44
Folder 14
Raymond, Kevin: We Should Have Gone Golfing, mss. (pp. 121-240) [19 April 1996]
Box 45
Folder 1
Raymond, Kevin: We Should Have Gone Golfing, mss. (pp. 241-360) [19 April 1996]
Box 45
Folder 2
Raymond, Kevin: We Should Have Gone Golfing, mss. (pp. 361-495) [19 April 1996]
Box 45
Folder 3
Redmond, Renee: Vengeance by Nature, mss. [N.D.]
Box 45
Folder 4
Reece, Clarence: autobiography, mss. [1979]
Box 45
Folder 5
Reed, Adolph: correspondence [1993]
Box 45
Folder 6
Rigsby, Patricia: Poetry for the People, mss. [ca. 1996]
Box 45
Folder 7
Robinson, John: Kilimanjaro Burning, mss. [20 Feb 1996]
Box 45
Folder 8
Robinson, Lenwood, Jr.: Black American Golfer - A History, mss. [1982]
Box 45
Folder 9
Rosier, Patricia: A Subject of Race, mss. (pp. 1-150) [N.D.]
Box 46
Folder 1
Rosier, Patricia: A Subject of Race, mss. (pp. 151-300) [N.D.]
Box 46
Folder 2
Rosier, Patricia: A Subject of Race, mss. (pp. 301-450) [N.D.]
Box 46
Folder 3
Rosier, Patricia: A Subject of Race, mss. (pp. 451-600) [N.D.]
Box 46
Folder 4
Rosier, Patricia: A Subject of Race, mss. (pp. 601-753) [N.D.]
Box 46
Folder 5
Rossi, Mark Anthony: correspondence & poetry mss. [26 Jun 1992-18 Dec 1993]
Box 46
Folder 6
Rossi, Mark Anthony: Shade Shy of Midnight, mss. [10 Aug 1992]
Box 46
Folder 7
Rossi, Mark Anthony: essay, mss. [ca. 1992-93]
Box 46
Folder 8
Rossi, Mark Anthony: book review, mss. [ca. 1992-93]
Box 46
Folder 9
Rossman, Vern: Lo Sampson, mss. (fragment) [30 Oct 1995]
Box 46
Folder 10
Salahuddin, Abu B.: Scheme, correspondence [1984]
Box 47
Folder 1
Saltmarsh, Arthur: Circle of Stone, correspondence [1984]
Box 47
Folder 2
Saltmarsh, Arthur: Circle of Stone, mss. (prologue-ch. 5) [ca. 1984-86]
Box 47
Folder 3
Saltmarsh, Arthur: Circle of Stone, mss. (ch. 6-11) [ca. 1984-86]
Box 47
Folder 4
Saltmarsh, Arthur: Circle of Stone, mss. (ch. 12-19) [ca. 1984-86]
Box 47
Folder 5
Saltmarsh, Arthur: Circle of Stone, mss. (ch. 20-26) [ca. 1984-86]
Box 47
Folder 6
Saltmarsh, Arthur: Circle of Stone, mss. (ch. 27-31) [ca. 1984-86]
Box 47
Folder 7
Saltmarsh, Arthur: Circle of Stone, mss. (ch. 32-end) [ca. 1984-86]
Box 48
Folder 1
Santander: poetry mss. [10 Oct 1995]
Box 48
Folder 2
Scot, Barbara: Violet Shyness of their Eyes: Notes from Nepal, mss. [1991-92]
Box 48
Folder 3
Seals, Theodore H.: Discovery / Demon Killer / Godfrey, mss. [1993]
Box 48
Folder 4
Sewell, Albert: Solitudes of Poetry, Better Business Bureau (BBB) complaint [1992-93]
Box 48
Folder 5
Shabazz, Nimrod: Contradictions, mss. [21 Oct 1996]
Box 48
Folder 6
Shahid, Mark J.: Frontline Chicago, mss. (pp. 1-84) [6 Nov 1996]
Box 48
Folder 7
Shahid, Mark J.: Frontline Chicago, mss. (pp. 85-171) [6 Nov 1996]
Box 48
Folder 8
Shelley, Mark: Saints of Bartholomew, mss. (fragment) [30 Jun 1996]
Box 48
Folder 9
Simmons, George W.: A Determined May, mss. (fragment) [26 Feb 1996]
Box 48
Folder 10
Simmons, William J., Sr.: Operation Desert Shield, correspondence & publicity [1993]
Box 48
Folder 11
Sisya, Frank D. : A Glimpse at the Other Earth, reader evaluation [24 Mar 1995]
Box 48
Folder 12
Skinner, Barbara Williams: Congressional Black Caucus, correspondence [1982]
Box 48
Folder 13
Smith, Ald. Edward H.: It Ain't All Mr. Charley's, mss. (Ch. 1-6) [1991-92]
Box 48
Folder 14
Smith, Ald. Edward H.: It Ain't All Mr. Charley's, mss. (Ch. 7-10) [15 Jul 1991]
Box 49
Folder 1
Smith, Philip G.: A Generation of Black Mayors, correspondence [1982-83] (see also Box 86, Folder 11)
Box 49
Folder 2
Smith, Robert Lee: Survivor, correspondence [1984]
Box 49
Folder 3
Snider, Diane: Single Girls Anonymous, mss. (fragment) [18 Sept 1996]
Box 49
Folder 4
Sopher, Sharon: Witness to Apartheid, book proposal [1988]
Box 49
Folder 5
Ssekasozi, Englebert: Philosophical Defense of Affirmative Action [31 Jul 1995]
Box 49
Folder 6
Starks, Carlethia: poetry mss. [9 Nov 1995]
Box 49
Folder 7
Sulek, Robert: Bright Black Voices, mss. [26 May 1996]
Box 49
Folder 8
Suniville, Harry: Badlands, mss. (fragment) [14 Feb 1996]
Box 49
Folder 9
Thompson, Clinton: Moon Child, mss. [1 Oct 1996]
Box 49
Folder 10
Thompson-Turner, Priscilla: poetry mss., reader evaluation [22 May 1995]
Box 49
Folder 11
Turner, Dolly: correspondence [26 Mar 1984] (see also Box 11, Folder 11)
Box 49
Folder 12
Udo, Uko-Bendi: Village Stories, mss. / Homeward Bound, correspondence [ca. 1996]
Box 49
Folder 13
Van Houten, Mark: Loved for a Lie, mss. [ca. 1996]
Box 49
Folder 14
Vasko, Jonathan: Crooked on the Wall, mss. (fragment) [17 Apr 1996]
Box 50
Folder 1
Walton, Darwin M.: Mayor Who Conquered Chicago, correspondence & contract [1990-91]
Box 50
Folder 2
Warren, Roland: Salem Dynasty, mss. (fragment) [4 Jan 1996]
Box 50
Folder 3
Washington, Elaine: Land of Gold, correspondence [26 Jan 1991-12 Apr 1996]
Box 50
Folder 4
Washington, Elaine: Land of Gold, mss. (version 1, pp. 1-150) [ca. 1991]
Box 50
Folder 5
Washington, Elaine: Land of Gold, mss. (version 1, pp. 151-305) [ca. 1991]
Box 50
Folder 6
Washington, Elaine: Land of Gold, mss. (version 1, pp. 306-460) [ca. 1991]
Box 50
Folder 7
Washington, Elaine: Land of Gold, mss. (version 1, pp. 461-614) [ca. 1991]
Box 50
Folder 8
Washington, Elaine: Land of Gold, mss. (version 1, pp. 615-770) [ca. 1991]
Box 51
Folder 1
Washington, Elaine: Land of Gold, mss. (version 1, pp. 771-877) [ca. 1991]
Box 51
Folder 2
Washington, Elaine: Land of Gold, mss. (version 1, pp. 878-984) [ca. 1991]
Box 51
Folder 3
Washington, Elaine: Land of Gold, mss. (version 2, ch. 1-9) [N.D.]
Box 51
Folder 4
Washington, Elaine: Land of Gold, mss. (version 2, ch. 10-15) [N.D.]
Box 51
Folder 5
Washington, Elaine: Land of Gold, mss. (version 2, ch. 16-26) [N.D.]
Box 51
Folder 6
Washington, Elaine: Land of Gold, mss. (version 2, ch. 27-32) [N.D.]
Box 51
Folder 7
Washington, Elaine: Land of Gold, mss. (version 2, ch. 33-38) [N.D.]
Box 52
Folder 1
Washington, Elaine: Land of Gold, mss. (version 2, ch. 39-43) [N.D.]
Box 52
Folder 2
Washington, Elaine: Land of Gold, mss. (version 2, ch. 44-48) [N.D.]
Box 52
Folder 3
Washington, Elaine: Land of Gold, mss. (version 3, fragment, ch. 1-9) [N.D.]
Box 52
Folder 4
Washington, Elaine: Land of Gold, mss. (version 4, pp. 1-150) [N.D.]
Box 52
Folder 5
Washington, Elaine: Land of Gold, mss. (version 4, pp. 151-302) [N.D.]
Box 52
Folder 6
Washington, Elaine: Land of Gold, mss. (version 4, pp. 303-454) [N.D.]
Box 52
Folder 7
Washington, Elaine: Land of Gold, mss. (version 4, pp. 455-606) [N.D.]
Box 53
Folder 1
Watkins, Ron: Danger Zone Diary, outline [N.D.]
Box 53
Folder 2
Waton, Kathleen: Halcyon, mss. (fragment) [2 Nov 1996]
Box 53
Folder 3
Watson, Delton: Rising of a Bastard Child, mss. [21 Nov 1996]
Box 53
Folder 4
Watson, Sam: Side by Side, My Life with George S. Halas [1989-92]
Box 53
Folder 5
Weisinger, Will: The Dodgers Never Left Brooklyn, mss. [21 Oct 1996]
Box 53
Folder 6
Wheeler, John: Revelations, mss. (pp. 1-43) [17 Oct 1996]
Box 53
Folder 7
Wheeler, John: Revelations, mss. (pp. 44-197) [17 Oct 1996]
Box 53
Folder 8
Wheeler, John: Revelations, mss. (pp. 198-343) [17 Oct 1996]
Box 53
Folder 9
Willard, Charles & Melvin Johnson: miscellaneous, mss. (fragment) [ca. 1992-94]
Box 53
Folder 10
Williams, Wilbert: Dancing in Fire, mss. (fragment) & reader evaluation [4 Nov 1996]
Box 53
Folder 11
Wilson, Carol: Something Happens, mss. (fragment) [19 Jan 1996]
Box 53
Folder 12
Wilson, Leroy: Reaching for Eternity, reader evaluation [N.D.]
Box 53
Folder 13
Wink, Steven: Potter and the Prophet, mss. (fragment) [23 Mar 1996]
Box 54
Folder 1
X, Conrad: A Verse from the Book of the Black God, mss. [N.D.]
Box 54
Folder 2
Young, Emma: miscellaneous, mss. [N.D.]
Box 54
Folder 3
Young, Emma: Extremely Yours, screenplay mss. [N.D.]
Box 54
Folder 4
Young, Emma: City Woman, screenplay mss. [N.D.]
Box 54
Folder 5
Young, Emma: Stop in the Name of Love, play mss. [N.D.]
Box 54
Folder 6
Yuric, Eleanor: Deadly Games, mss. (fragment) [13 Sept 1996]
Box 54
Folder 7
Compilation & anthology ideas [N.D.]
Box 54
Folder 8
Best of the Best Poetry Anthology (ed. Margaret Burroughs), correspondence [1983-88] (see also photographs in Box 89)
Box 54
Folder 9
Best of the Best: Ajayi, Malachi [N.D.]
Box 54
Folder 10
Best of the Best: Anderson, Carolyn [14 Jan-14 Mar 1985]
Box 54
Folder 11
Best of the Best: Armstrong, Denise C. [N.D.]
Box 54
Folder 12
Best of the Best: Baraka, Amiri [17 Mar-10 Jun 1983]
Box 54
Folder 13
Best of the Best: Barnes, S. Brandi [N.D.]
Box 54
Folder 14
Best of the Best: Boadu, Yaley [19 Sept 1983]
Box 54
Folder 15
Best of the Best: Braxton, Charlie [18 Mar 1985]
Box 54
Folder 16
Best of the Best: Brooks, Gwendolyn [11 Jan 1983]
Box 54
Folder 17
Best of the Best: Brown, Holly [30 Dec 1987]
Box 55
Folder 1
Best of the Best: Brown, Joe C. [N.D.]
Box 55
Folder 2
Best of the Best: Burroughs, Charles (Chas) [ca. 1982]
Box 55
Folder 3
Best of the Best: Burroughs, Margaret [N.D.]
Box 55
Folder 4
Best of the Best: Burrowes, Carl P. [14 June 1983]
Box 55
Folder 5
Best of the Best: Cain, Sarah [N.D.]
Box 55
Folder 6
Best of the Best: Chaney, Monica [16 Feb 1983]
Box 55
Folder 7
Best of the Best: Chinyelu, Mamadi [Jan-Apr 1984]
Box 55
Folder 8
Best of the Best: Clay, James “Kwame” [20 Oct 1982]
Box 55
Folder 9
Best of the Best: Collier, James [9 Mar 1984]
Box 55
Folder 10
Best of the Best: Cook, Mike [N.D.]
Box 55
Folder 11
Best of the Best: Cortez, Jayne [22 Feb 1983]
Box 55
Folder 12
Best of the Best: Crocket-Smith, D. L. [6 July 1984]
Box 55
Folder 13
Best of the Best: Crowder, Michael [26 Oct 1982]
Box 55
Folder 14
Best of the Best: Danner, Margaret [ca. 1982]
Box 55
Folder 15
Best of the Best: Davis, Frank Marshall [28 Apr 1983]
Box 55
Folder 16
Best of the Best: Dickerson, Leon [N.D.]
Box 55
Folder 17
Best of the Best: Douglas, Roberta/Aisha [ca. 1983]
Box 55
Folder 18
Best of the Best: Edwards, Constance [N.D.]
Box 55
Folder 19
Best of the Best: Emanuel, James A. [21 Dec 1982]
Box 55
Folder 20
Best of the Best: Emmons, Ronald Lee [30 Apr-31 May 1984]
Box 55
Folder 21
Best of the Best: Evans, Mari [30 Mar 1983]
Box 55
Folder 22
Best of the Best: Foucher, Valerie [N.D.]
Box 55
Folder 23
Best of the Best: Frederick, Helen [ca. 1982]
Box 55
Folder 24
Best of the Best: Freeman, Cynthia [N.D.]
Box 55
Folder 25
Best of the Best: Gilbert, Zack [N.D.]
Box 55
Folder 26
Best of the Best: Gildersleeve, Sandra Marlene [Jan 1986]
Box 55
Folder 27
Best of the Best: Giovanni, Nikki [ca. 1983]
Box 56
Folder 1
Best of the Best: G'RA [N.D.]
Box 56
Folder 2
Best of the Best: Graham, Lorenz [ca. 1982]
Box 56
Folder 3
Best of the Best: Gray, Margaret [ca. 1983]
Box 56
Folder 4
Best of the Best: Hall-Evans, Jo Ann [25 Oct 1982]
Box 56
Folder 5
Best of the Best: Hankins, Beulah [ca. 1982]
Box 56
Folder 6
Best of the Best: Hardy-Leonard, Shirley [ca. 1982-83]
Box 56
Folder 7
Best of the Best: Harper, Michael [6 Jan-17 May 1983]
Box 56
Folder 8
Best of the Best: Harris, Cheryl [N.D.]
Box 56
Folder 9
Best of the Best: House, Anthony [ca. 1982]
Box 56
Folder 10
Best of the Best: Hummons, Marion T. [N.D.]
Box 56
Folder 11
Best of the Best: Hunter, John [28 Feb 1983]
Box 56
Folder 12
Best of the Best: Hutchinson, Gayle Gross [N.D.]
Box 56
Folder 13
Best of the Best: Jackson, Leslie [30 Mar-2 Apr 1984]
Box 56
Folder 14
Best of the Best: Jewel, Kathy Lee [N.D.]
Box 56
Folder 15
Best of the Best: Johnson, Cheryl Jeffries [6 Jun 1983]
Box 56
Folder 16
Best of the Best: Johnson, Christine [ca. 1982]
Box 56
Folder 17
Best of the Best: Johnson, Freddie (Love) [20 Oct 1982]
Box 56
Folder 18
Best of the Best: Johnson, Mildred [27 Feb 1983]
Box 56
Folder 19
Best of the Best: Kilgore, James C. [N.D.]
Box 56
Folder 20
Best of the Best: King, Leona D. [10 Jan 1983]
Box 56
Folder 21
Best of the Best: Knight, Cranston S. [9 Jul 1984]
Box 56
Folder 22
Best of the Best: LaCour, Renee [27 Jul 1987]
Box 56
Folder 23
Best of the Best: Le Flore, Shirley [31 Jan 1984]
Box 56
Folder 24
Best of the Best: Lennard, William [31 Jan 1985]
Box 56
Folder 25
Best of the Best: Long, Richard A. [N.D.]
Box 56
Folder 26
Best of the Best: Madhubuti, Haki [N.D.]
Box 56
Folder 27
Best of the Best: Marshall, James [Mar-Apr 1984]
Box 56
Folder 28
Best of the Best: McCarty, Ernest [N.D.]
Box 56
Folder 29
Best of the Best: Messiah, Rocky [ca. 1982]
Box 56
Folder 30
Best of the Best: Moore, Lenard [ca. 1982-83]
Box 56
Folder 31
Best of the Best: Morse, Evangeline F. [ca. 1982]
Box 57
Folder 1
Best of the Best: Okantah, Masatabu S. [N.D.]
Box 57
Folder 2
Best of the Best: Pennington-Jones, Paulette [ca. 1983]
Box 57
Folder 3
Best of the Best: Perkins, Eugene (Useni) [ca. 1983]
Box 57
Folder 4
Best of the Best: Plumpp, Sterling [21 Feb 1983]
Box 57
Folder 5
Best of the Best: Randall, Dudley [ca. 1983]
Box 57
Folder 6
Best of the Best: Redmond, Eugene [25 May 1983]
Box 57
Folder 7
Best of the Best: Roberts, Dorothy [11 May 1983]
Box 57
Folder 8
Best of the Best: Roberts, Lawey [5 Jan 1984]
Box 57
Folder 9
Best of the Best: Robinson, Jeannette Drake [21 Feb 1983]
Box 57
Folder 10
Best of the Best: Rogers, Carolyn M. [28 Jan-13 Jun 1983]
Box 57
Folder 11
Best of the Best: Ross-Jackson, Rachel [15 Feb 1984]
Box 57
Folder 12
Best of the Best: Rouselle, Jeanette [11 Mar 1983]
Box 57
Folder 13
Best of the Best: Rowell, Charles H. [17 Jan 1983]
Box 57
Folder 14
Best of the Best: Ryan, Don [ca. 1982]
Box 57
Folder 15
Best of the Best: Safeeulah, Gilda [N.D.]
Box 57
Folder 16
Best of the Best: Sewood, Ernest [ca. 1982]
Box 57
Folder 17
Best of the Best: Sharpe, Ronald E. [5 Feb 1992]
Box 57
Folder 18
Best of the Best: Shelly, Elaine [22 Mar-11 Apr 1985]
Box 57
Folder 19
Best of the Best: Simon, Jewel Woodward [3 Mar 1983]
Box 57
Folder 20
Best of the Best: Smaller, Constance [11 Oct-13 Dec 1984]
Box 57
Folder 21
Best of the Best: Smart, William [ca. 1982]
Box 57
Folder 22
Best of the Best: Smith, David L. [26 Jan-6 Feb 1983]
Box 57
Folder 23
Best of the Best: Smith, Timothy A. [30 Nov 1984]
Box 57
Folder 24
Best of the Best: Southerland, Ellease [22 Jan 1983]
Box 57
Folder 25
Best of the Best: Starhill, Stefanie [ca. 1982]
Box 57
Folder 26
Best of the Best: Stegall, Patricia [N.D.]
Box 58
Folder 1
Best of the Best: Stewart, Joffre [N.D.]
Box 58
Folder 2
Best of the Best: Street, Bill [N.D.]
Box 58
Folder 3
Best of the Best: Stuckey, Elma [6 July 1983]
Box 58
Folder 4
Best of the Best: Talley, Jere [2 Oct 1984]
Box 58
Folder 5
Best of the Best: Tate, Garth [26 Nov 1982]
Box 58
Folder 6
Best of the Best: Tibbs, Delbert [Oct 1982]
Box 58
Folder 7
Best of the Best: Timberlake, Detmer [ca. 1985]
Box 58
Folder 8
Best of the Best: Towns, Jeanne [N.D.]
Box 58
Folder 9
Best of the Best: Troupe, Quincy [4 Mar 1983]
Box 58
Folder 10
Best of the Best: Turner, Bobiette [9-18 Apr 1984]
Box 58
Folder 11
Best of the Best: Warner, Sharon [ca. 1987] [?]
Box 58
Folder 12
Best of the Best: Watson, Beatrice [ca. 1982]]
Box 58
Folder 13
Best of the Best: Weston, Tyrone (Stoneroot) [N.D.]
Box 58
Folder 14
Best of the Best: Williams, Mareya [5 Jun 1984]
Box 58
Folder 15
Best of the Best: Wright, Deonne Beasley [ca. 1982]
Box 58
Folder 16
Best of the Best: Yohance, Leon [26 Jul 1983]
Box 58
Folder 17
Best of the Best: Prison Poems (various authors) [1983-84]
Box 58
Folder 18
Best of the Best: misc. authors
Box 58
Folder 19
Calhoun, Greg: biography (by Cleveland Hurst), correspondence [1991-92]
Box 58
Folder 20
Farrakhan, Louis: biography (by Abdul Akbar Muhammad), correspondence [1985]
Box 58
Folder 21
MLK, Jr. - An Assessment, correspondence [1969-70]
Box 58
Folder 22
MLK, Jr. - An Assessment, research file [1969-70]
Box 58
Folder 23
StreetWords: Poetry by StreetWise Vendors, correspondence &, mss. [1993]
Box 59
Folder 1
A misc. (1-1)
Box 59
Folder 2
A misc. (2-1)
Box 59
Folder 3
B misc. (1-1)
Box 59
Folder 4
B misc. (1-2)
Box 59
Folder 5
B misc. (2-1)
Box 59
Folder 6
B misc. (2-2)
Box 60
Folder 1
C misc. (1-1)
Box 60
Folder 2
C misc. (2-1)
Box 60
Folder 3
C misc. (2-2)
Box 60
Folder 4
D misc. (1-1)
Box 60
Folder 5
D misc. (2-1)
Box 60
Folder 6
D misc. (2-2)
Box 61
Folder 1
E misc. (1-1)
Box 61
Folder 2
E misc. (2-1)
Box 61
Folder 3
F misc. (1-1)
Box 61
Folder 4
F misc. (2-1)
Box 61
Folder 5
G misc. (1-1)
Box 61
Folder 6
G misc. (2-1)
Box 61
Folder 7
H misc. (1-1)
Box 62
Folder 1
H misc. (1-2)
Box 62
Folder 2
H misc. (2-1)
Box 62
Folder 3
H misc. (2-2)
Box 62
Folder 4
I misc. (1-1)
Box 62
Folder 5
I misc. (2-1)
Box 62
Folder 6
J misc. (1-1)
Box 62
Folder 7
J misc. (2-1)
Box 62
Folder 8
J misc. (2-2)
Box 63
Folder 1
K misc. (1-1)
Box 63
Folder 2
K misc. (2-1)
Box 63
Folder 3
L misc. (1-1)
Box 63
Folder 4
L misc. (2-1)
Box 63
Folder 5
M misc. (1-1)
Box 63
Folder 6
M misc. (1-2)
Box 63
Folder 7
M misc. (2-1)
Box 64
Folder 1
M misc. (2-2)
Box 64
Folder 2
N misc. (1-1)
Box 64
Folder 3
N misc. (2-1)
Box 64
Folder 4
O misc. (1-1)
Box 64
Folder 5
O misc. (2-1)
Box 64
Folder 6
P misc. (1-1)
Box 64
Folder 7
P misc. (2-1)
Box 64
Folder 8
P misc. (2-2)
Box 64
Folder 9
Q misc. (1-1)
Box 65
Folder 1
R misc. (1-1)
Box 65
Folder 2
R misc. (2-1)
Box 65
Folder 3
R misc. (2-2)
Box 65
Folder 4
S misc. (1-1)
Box 65
Folder 5
S misc. (2-1)
Box 65
Folder 6
S misc. (2-2)
Box 65
Folder 7
S misc. (2-3)
Box 66
Folder 1
T misc. (1-1)
Box 66
Folder 2
T misc. (2-1)
Box 66
Folder 3
U & V misc. (1-1)
Box 66
Folder 4
W misc. (1-1)
Box 66
Folder 5
W misc. (1-2)
Box 66
Folder 6
W misc. (2-1)
Box 66
Folder 7
W misc. (2-2)
Box 67
Folder 1
W misc. (2-3)
Box 67
Folder 2
X, Y & Z misc. (1-1)
Box 67
Folder 3
Unknown misc.
Box 67
Folder 4
Unknown author [Arnella] [?]: unknown, mss. (fragment, ch. 2-3) [N.D.]
Box 67
Folder 5
Unknown author [Arnella] [?]: unknown, mss. (fragment, ch. 4-5) [N.D.]
Box 67
Folder 6
Unknown author [Arnella] [?]: unknown, mss. (fragment, ch. 6-8) [N.D.]
Box 67
Folder 7
Unknown author [Arnella] [?]: unknown, mss. (fragment, ch. 9-11) [N.D.]
Box 67
Folder 8
Unknown author [Arnella] [?]: unknown, mss. (fragment, ch. 12-13) [N.D.]
Series 4: Film Projects, 1983 - 1993
Box 68
Folder 1
Path Films, correspondence [1983-86]
Box 68
Folder 2
Negotiations, screenplay mss. & budget [1989-91] (see also Box 13, Folder 7 & 8)
Box 68
Folder 3
G & P Productions, Banana Bay film project [19 Mar 1991]
Box 68
Folder 4
Greenlight Films, correspondence [1991-93]
Box 68
Folder 5
Greenlight Films, financing [1992-93]
Box 68
Folder 6
Greenlight Films, agreement [N.D.]
Box 68
Folder 7
Greenlight Films, private placement [1991]
Box 68
Folder 8
Greenlight Films, projects & press releases [N.D.]
Box 68
Folder 9
Greenlight Films, clippings & serials [1991-92]
Box 68
Folder 10
Greenlight Films, misc. [N.D.]
Box 68
Folder 11
Skipper B. Productions: Unsung Heroes screen treatment [12 Nov 1995]
Series 5: Production, 1962 - 1996
Box 69
Folder 1
Aleph Publishing Services [1994-95]
Box 69
Folder 2
Arcata [1982-85]
Box 69
Folder 3
Bookcrafters [1986-93]
Box 69
Folder 4
Bookmasters [1986-95]
Box 69
Folder 5
Cash Sale Instant Printing [1990]
Box 69
Folder 6
Cueno Press [1962-69]
Box 69
Folder 7
Cueno Press, litigation [1975-76]
Box 69
Folder 8
Delmas [1988-90]
Box 69
Folder 9
Fairfield Graphics, litigation [1983-85]
Box 69
Folder 10
John H. Decker & Sons [1985-90]
Box 69
Folder 11
Knowledge in Motion [1994]
Box 69
Folder 12
McNaughton & Gunn [1982-86]
Box 69
Folder 13
McNaughton & Gunn [1987]
Box 69
Folder 14
McNaughton & Gunn [1988-89]
Box 69
Folder 15
McNaughton & Gunn [1990-95]
Box 69
Folder 16
McNaughton/Pathways [1988]
Box 70
Folder 1
Modern Impressions, Inc. [1985-88]
Box 70
Folder 2
Morgan Antartica [1990-94]
Box 70
Folder 3
Nighthawk Design [1994-95]
Box 70
Folder 4
Protypgraphy, Inc. [1985]
Box 70
Folder 5
Ragano, Anthony [1988] (see also Box 3, Folder 11)
Box 70
Folder 6
Rice, Chuck [1986-87]
Box 70
Folder 7
Rose Printing Company, Inc. [1996]
Box 70
Folder 8
R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company [1969]
Box 70
Folder 9
St. James Press [1983-86]
Box 70
Folder 10
Thomas, Stephen [1987]
Box 70
Folder 11
Williams Typesetting [1962]
Box 70
Folder 12
Misc. invoices
Box 70
Folder 13
Misc. quotes & brochures
Box 70
Folder 14
Path Press letterhead [N.D.]
Box 70
Folder 15
Path Press brochure artwork [N.D.]
Box 70
Folder 16
Layout & art examples
Series 6: Publicity, 1969 - 1993
Box 71
Folder 1
Path Press, press releases [1982-87]
Box 71
Folder 2
Ashram Productions, TV advertising [1989]
Box 71
Folder 3
Book listing, industry & advertising, correspondence [1969-93]
Box 71
Folder 4
Black Studies Directors, correspondence [1983-87]
Box 71
Folder 5
Book award organizations, correspondence [1984-93]
Box 71
Folder 6
Book reviewing organizations, correspondence [1983-93]
Box 71
Folder 7
Path Press clippings [1983]
Box 71
Folder 8
Misc. directories (1)
Box 71
Folder 9
Misc. directories (2)
Box 72
Folder 1
Mailing lists: book stores
Box 72
Folder 2
Mailing lists: press releases
Box 72
Folder 3
Mailing lists: local TV shows accepting guests
Box 72
Folder 4
Mailing lists: book reviewing organizations
Box 72
Folder 5
Mailing lists: black writers
Box 72
Folder 6
Mailing lists: Black Studies contacts
Box 72
Folder 7
Mailing lists: black business, education & community leaders
Box 72
Folder 8
Mailing lists: customers & individuals
Box 72
Folder 9
Mailing lists: book parties
Box 72
Folder 10
Mailing lists: misc.
Series 7: Events, 1970 - 1998
Box 73
Folder 1
Quincy's book party [12 Jun 1983]
Box 73
Folder 2
Gary, Indiana book party [19 Jun 1983]
Box 73
Folder 3
Geter book party [26 Jun 1983]
Box 73
Folder 4
Guild book party [22 Jun 1983]
Box 73
Folder 5
Nurscule Kellum book party [17 Jul 1983]
Box 73
Folder 6
Birdsong book party [24 Jul 1983]
Box 73
Folder 7
Minority Women's Career conference [30 Jul 1983]
Box 73
Folder 8
Block Club [30 Jul 1983]
Box 73
Folder 9
Lewis book party [31 Jul 1983]
Box 73
Folder 10
8th Ward Democratic Organization [9 Aug 1983]
Box 73
Folder 11
Howard Inn book party [21 Aug 1983]
Box 73
Folder 12
Cincinnati, Ohio book party [17 Sep 1983]
Box 73
Folder 13
Wolff book party [25 Sep 1983]
Box 73
Folder 14
Oklahoma City [13-15 Oct 1983]
Box 73
Folder 15
Amistad meeting [15 Oct 1983]
Box 73
Folder 16
Smith/Detroit book party [30 Oct 1983]
Box 73
Folder 17
Park Manor Church [16 Nov 1983]
Box 73
Folder 18
Cleveland, Ohio book party [20 Nov 1983]
Box 73
Folder 19
Gary Public Library [7 Jan 1984]
Box 73
Folder 20
Smith/Bolingbrook book party [11 Feb 1984]]
Box 73
Folder 21
Federation of Colored Women [13 Feb 1984]
Box 73
Folder 22
South Shore Public Library [26 Feb 1984]
Box 73
Folder 23
Jackson book party [17 Mar 1984]
Box 73
Folder 24
Lance book party [17 Mar 1984]
Box 73
Folder 25
Fine Arts Naprapathic Center [6 Apr 1984]
Box 73
Folder 26
Davis/Boyden book party [26 Aug 1984]
Box 73
Folder 27
Dearborn Fair [20 Jun 1987]
Box 73
Folder 28
Marina City [26 Jun 1987]
Box 73
Folder 29
Unknown book party [28 Nov 1987]
Box 73
Folder 30
Chicago Public Library (CPL) [5 Dec 1987]
Box 73
Folder 31
DuSable Museum (canceled) [13 Dec 1987]
Box 73
Folder 32
2nd Baptist book party [26 Jun 1988]
Box 73
Folder 33
Johnson book party [21 Aug 1988]
Box 73
Folder 34
Barnes book party [29 Oct 1988]
Box 73
Folder 35
Chicago Public Library (CPL) [10 Dec 1988]
Box 74
Folder 1
Book fair & workshop correspondence, misc. [1970-86]
Box 74
Folder 2
Writer's Seminar & Poetry Festival [Oct 1983]
Box 74
Folder 3
Write On Chicago [Oct 1983]
Box 74
Folder 4
NIMM Writers & Educators Conference [Oct 1983]
Box 74
Folder 5
International Black Writer's Conference [1984]
Box 74
Folder 6
Role of the Black Press talk [Aug 1984]
Box 74
Folder 7
Small Press Book Fair [Oct 1984]
Box 74
Folder 8
National Black Writers Conference [Mar 1986]
Box 74
Folder 9
International Black Writers Conference [1986]
Box 74
Folder 10
Minority Book Expo [Dec 1986]
Box 74
Folder 11
Claude Lightfoot & Jack Kling Tribute [17 May 1987]
Box 74
Folder 12
OBAC Writers Workshop [Nov 1987]
Box 74
Folder 13
International Black Writers Conference [1989]
Box 74
Folder 14
American Studies Association (ASA) Conference [1990]
Box 74
Folder 15
Small Press Book Fair [1990]
Box 74
Folder 16
US Commission on Civil Rights reception [1991]
Box 74
Folder 17
Misc. events
Box 75
Folder 1
Chicago Public Library (CPL) Annual Book Bazaar [1992] (1)
Box 75
Folder 2
CPL Annual Book Bazaar [1992] (2)
Box 75
Folder 3
CPL Annual Book Bazaar [1992] (3)
Box 75
Folder 4
CPL African-American History Month [1993]
Box 75
Folder 5
CPL Annual Book Bazaar [1993] (1)
Box 75
Folder 6
CPL Annual Book Bazaar [1993] (2)
Box 75
Folder 7
CPL Annual Book Bazaar [1994] (1)
Box 75
Folder 8
CPL Annual Book Bazaar [1994] (2)
Box 75
Folder 9
CPL Annual Book Bazaar [1995] (1)
Box 75
Folder 10
CPL Annual Book Bazaar [1995] (2)
Box 76
Folder 1
CPL Annual Book Bazaar [1996] (1)
Box 76
Folder 2
CPL Annual Book Bazaar [1996] (2)
Box 76
Folder 3
CPL Annual Book Bazaar [1996] (3)
Box 76
Folder 4
CPL Annual Book Bazaar [1996] (4)
Box 76
Folder 5
CPL Annual Book Bazaar [1997] (1)
Box 76
Folder 6
CPL Annual Book Bazaar [1997] (2)
Box 76
Folder 7
CPL Annual Book Bazaar [1997] (3)
Box 76
Folder 8
CPL Annual Book Bazaar [1997] (4)
Box 76
Folder 9
CPL Annual Book Bazaar [1997] (5)
Box 77
Folder 1
CPL African-American History Month [1998]
Box 77
Folder 2
CPL Annual Book Bazaar [1998] (1)
Box 77
Folder 3
CPL Annual Book Bazaar [1998] (2)
Box 77
Folder 4
CPL Annual Book Bazaar [1998] (3)
Box 77
Folder 5
CPL Annual Book Bazaar [1998] (4)
Box 77
Folder 6
CPL Annual Book Bazaar [1998] (5)
Box 77
Folder 7
Misc. publishers' pamphlets
Box 77
Folder 8
Misc. press releases (from other businesses/organizations)
Series 8: Sales & Distribution, 1969 - 1997
Box 78
Folder 1
Pre-publication orders [1969]
Box 78
Folder 2
Catalog & book orders, correspondence [1969-94]
Box 78
Folder 3
Book sales filed by account
Box 78
Folder 4
Orders [11 Dec 1969 - 11 May 1970]
Box 78
Folder 5
Orders [15 Jun 1970 - 27 Sep 1971]
Box 78
Folder 6
Orders (on order forms) [1983]
Box 78
Folder 7
Orders [1983-86]
Box 78
Folder 8
Books consigned [N.D.]
Box 79
Folder 1
Book sales [1983]
Box 79
Folder 2
Book sales [1984]
Box 79
Folder 3
Book sales [Jun 1987]
Box 79
Folder 4
Book sales [Jul 1987]
Box 79
Folder 5
Book sales [Aug 1987]
Box 79
Folder 6
Book sales [Sep 1987]
Box 79
Folder 7
Book sales [Oct 1987]
Box 79
Folder 8
Book sales [Nov 1987]
Box 79
Folder 9
Book sales [Dec 1987]
Box 79
Folder 10
Book sales [Jan 1988]
Box 79
Folder 11
Book sales [Feb 1988]
Box 79
Folder 12
Book sales [Mar 1988]
Box 79
Folder 13
Book sales [Apr 1988]
Box 79
Folder 14
Book sales [May 1988]
Box 79
Folder 15
Book sales [Jun 1988]
Box 79
Folder 16
Book sales [Jul 1988]
Box 79
Folder 17
Book sales [Aug 1988]
Box 79
Folder 18
Book sales [Sep 1988]
Box 79
Folder 19
Book sales [Oct 1988]
Box 79
Folder 20
Book sales [Nov 1988]
Box 79
Folder 21
Book sales [Dec 1988]
Box 80
Folder 1
Paid order correspondence [1984-83]
Box 80
Folder 2
Orders, paid [1984-83]
Box 80
Folder 3
Orders, unpaid [1984-83]
Box 80
Folder 4
Mail order, paid [1984]
Box 80
Folder 5
Mail order, unpaid [1984]
Box 80
Folder 6
Universities, paid [1984]
Box 80
Folder 7
Universities, unpaid [1984]
Box 80
Folder 8
Recorded & filed sales [1985-84]
Box 80
Folder 9
Recorded & filed sales [1984]
Box 80
Folder 10
Accounts receivable, book party [1984]
Box 80
Folder 11
Accounts receivable, book party [1983]
Box 80
Folder 12
Accounts receivable [1984]
Box 80
Folder 13
Accounts receivable/distributors [1984-83]
Box 80
Folder 14
Delinquent receivables [1986-84]
Box 80
Folder 15
Prepaid sales [1991-90]
Box 81
Folder 1
Path Press Sales, Marketing & Distribution Plan [1989]
Box 81
Folder 2
Distribution reports, misc.
Box 81
Folder 3
Translation & international sales [1970-88]
Box 81
Folder 4
Individual distributors, misc.
Box 81
Folder 5
Afro-Am Distributing Company [1983]
Box 81
Folder 6
Baker & Taylor/CPL [1970-86]
Box 81
Folder 7
Book Carrier [N.D.]
Box 81
Folder 8
Brodart/CPL, correspondence [1970-90]
Box 81
Folder 9
Brodart/CPL, contracts [1983-87]
Box 81
Folder 10
Brodart/Atlanta Fulton Library [1994]
Box 81
Folder 11
Brodart/Pathways, contract [1987]
Box 82
Folder 1
Channel Communications Network [1983]
Box 82
Folder 2
Chicago Review Press/IPG, correspondence [1983-88]
Box 82
Folder 3
Chicago Review Press/IPG, distribution agreements [1982]
Box 82
Folder 4
Chicago Review Press/IPG, litigation [1984-85]
Box 82
Folder 5
Chicago Review Press/IPG, sales reports [1983-86]
Box 82
Folder 6
Chicago Review Press/IPG, sales reports [1987]
Box 82
Folder 7
Chicago Review Press/IPG, sales reports [1988]
Box 82
Folder 8
Chicago Review Press/IPG, sales reports [1989]
Box 82
Folder 9
Chicago Review Press catalogs [1982-83]
Box 82
Folder 10
Crescent Distribution Services [1984]
Box 82
Folder 11
Krock's & Brentano's [1983]
Box 82
Folder 12
Liberation Information Distributing Co. [1983-84]
Box 82
Folder 13
Negro Book Club [1969]
Box 82
Folder 14
Scholarly Book Center, Inc. [1986-87]
Box 82
Folder 15
St. James Press [1984]
Box 82
Folder 16
Distribution, misc. notes [1982-88]
Box 83
Folder 1
Path Distribution Clients: African-American Greeting Cards [N.D.]
Box 83
Folder 2
Path Distribution Clients: Charlemae Hill Rollins, They Showed the Way [ca. 1995]
Box 83
Folder 3
Path Distribution Clients: Howard Bingham, Muhammad Ali, A 30 Year Journey [ca. 1995]
Box 83
Folder 4
Path Distribution Clients: Ida M. Bellegarde [1981-91]
Box 83
Folder 5
Path Distribution Clients: Ming Smith, A Ming Breakfast [1990-93]
Box 83
Folder 6
Path Distribution Clients: Pathfinder [N.D.]
Box 83
Folder 7
Path Distribution Clients: PBS Learning Media [1996]
Box 83
Folder 8
Path Distribution Clients: Red Sea Press [1987]
Box 83
Folder 9
Path Distribution Clients: Shades of Midnight [1993]
Box 83
Folder 10
Path Distribution Clients: University of Georgia Press [1982]
Box 83
Folder 11
Path Distribution Clients: Misc.
Box 84
Folder 1
Chaka (Black book distribution company) proposal [1972-85]
Box 84
Folder 2
Pathways, correspondence [1986]
Box 84
Folder 3
Pathways publishers' data for catalog [1989]
Box 84
Folder 4
Pathways catalog entry [6 Oct 1994]
Box 84
Folder 5
Pathways catalog requests [1988-97]
Box 84
Folder 6
Pathways catalog [1989]
Box 84
Folder 7
Pathways catalog [1995]
Box 84
Folder 8
Pathways individual distributors [1987-90]
Box 84
Folder 9
Pathways orders [1988]
Box 84
Folder 10
Pathways orders [1990]
Box 84
Folder 11
Pathways orders [1990-91]
Box 84
Folder 12
Pathways orders [?], paid [12 Feb 1996]
Box 85
Folder 1
African-American Book Distributors Inc. (AABDI) Articles of Inc. [1988]
Box 85
Folder 2
AABDI Share Certificates [1988]
Box 85
Folder 3
Box 85
Folder 4
Box 85
Folder 5
AABDI interview candidates
Box 85
Folder 6
AABDI purchase orders [9 Apr 1993 - 12 Feb 1992]
Box 85
Folder 7
AABDI purchase orders [26 Dec 1991 - 24 May 1991]
Box 85
Folder 8
AABDI invoices [26 May 1995 - 15 Jul 1994]
Box 85
Folder 9
AABDI invoices [12 Jul 1994 - 15 Mar 1994]
Box 85
Folder 10
AABDI invoices [14 Mar 1994 - 9 Aug 1993]
Box 85
Folder 11
AABDI invoices [6 Aug 1993 - 24 Nov 1992]
Box 85
Folder 12
AABDI invoices [30 Sep 1992 - 7 Sep 1991]
Series 9: Subject Research Files & Serials, 1968 - 1993
Box 86
Folder 1
African-Americans & the film industry [ca. 1986]
Box 86
Folder 2
Black Studies programs [1969-82]
Box 86
Folder 3
Farrakhan, Louis (African-Americans and Jews) [May 1989]
Box 86
Folder 4
Food [July 1988]
Box 86
Folder 5
Gay activism in the black community [ca. 1993]
Box 86
Folder 6
Interracial relationships [March 1989]
Box 86
Folder 7
Literary (publishing, prizes, libraries, book stores, reviews, etc.) [1980-93]
Box 86
Folder 8
McClain, Leanita [1983-86]
Box 86
Folder 9
Redmond, Eugene [1987-88] (see also Box 14, Folder 14)
Box 86
Folder 10
Washington, Harold [1984-89]
Box 86
Folder 11
Writing of “Willie Lynch” with letter from Philip G. Smith [1995] (see also Box 49, Folder 1)
Box 86
Folder 12
Misc. clippings
Box 86
Folder 13
Misc. notes
Box 87
Folder 1
AAPBA Newsletter 2.1 [Jun 1991]
Box 87
Folder 2
American Libraries [Jan 1993]
Box 87
Folder 3
Black World [Aug 1970]
Box 87
Folder 4
Book of the Month Club News [Fall - Dec 1982]
Box 87
Folder 5
Chicago Tribune: Books [18 Oct 1987]
Box 87
Folder 6
Chicago Tribune: Japan Today [N.D.]
Box 87
Folder 7
Chicago Tribune: Perspective [5 Nov 1989]
Box 87
Folder 8
Chicago Sunday Sun-Times: Parade [9 Oct 1983]
Box 87
Folder 9
East St. Louis Monitor [16 Apr 1987]
Box 87
Folder 10
East St. Louis School District 189 School News [Summer 1987]
Box 87
Folder 11
Freedom Rag Magazine [Winter, ca. 1991] [?]
Box 87
Folder 12
Karanjah 1.3 [March 1986]
Box 87
Folder 13
Magic Notes 2.1 [Spring 1989]
Box 87
Folder 14
Mingles: Guide to Enriching Your Social Life & Single Edition [Aug & Oct 1995]
Box 87
Folder 15
National Black Monitor [March 1987]
Box 87
Folder 16
Negro Book Club Newsletter 4.21 [Aug 1968]
Box 87
Folder 17
Percussion Source 1.2 [July 1996]
Box 87
Folder 18
Portland Skanner 18.21 [3 Mar 1993]
Box 87
Folder 19
Quarterly Black Review of Books 2.3 [Jan/Feb 1995]
Box 87
Folder 20
Rainbow Organizer 1.2 [Oct 1984]
Box 87
Folder 21
Rhythm Music V.9 [Sept 1996]
Box 87
Folder 22
Schomburg Center Journal 3.2 [Spring 1984]
Box 87
Folder 23
Small Press Review 14.8 [Aug 1982]
Box 87
Folder 24
Tony Brown's Journal [1983-85]
Box 87
Folder 25
Victory News [Sep 1988]
Series 10: Photographs & Memorabilia, 1969 - 1987
Box 88
Folder Path Press 001
Sam Stratton, Frank London Brown Tribute, Parkway Ballroom, photograph by H.A. Martin [7 Dec 1969]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 002
Margaret Burroughs, FLB Tribute, Parkway [7 Dec 1969]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 003
Bennett Johnson, Harold Washington & John O. Killens at FLB Tribute, Parkway [7 Dec 1969]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 004
FLB Tribute, Parkway [7 Dec 1969]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 005
Harold Washington, Gus Savage & Herman Gilbert, FLB Tribute, Parkway [7 Dec 1969]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 006
Harold Washington & John O. Killens, FLB Tribute, Parkway [7 Dec 1969]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 007
Harold Washington & Mildred Johnson, FLB Tribute, Parkway [7 Dec 1969]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 008
Bennett Johnson, FLB Tribute, Parkway [7 Dec 1969]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 009
Bennett Johnson, Harold Washington & John O. Killens, FLB Tribute, Parkway [7 Dec 1969]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 010
FLB Tribute, Parkway [7 Dec 1969]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 011
Gus Savage, FLB Tribute, Parkway [7 Dec 1969]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 012
FLB Tribute, Parkway [7 Dec 1969]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 013
FLB Tribute, Parkway [7 Dec 1969]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 014
Herman Gilbert, FLB Tribute, Parkway [7 Dec 1969]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 015
Zack & Herman Gilbert [1984]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 016
OBAC 20th Anniversary Writers Workshop, Bennett Johnson, presenter [1987]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 017
D. Roy, E. Redmond, G. Bros, H. Madhubuti, S. Leflore, S. Fowler [14 Jun 1987]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 018
OBAC writers: H. Madhubuti, H. Gilbert, D. Travis, E. Redmond [1987]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 019
OBAC 20th Anniversary program [1987]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 020
OBAC 20th Anniversary Writers Workshop, Bennett Johnson and other presenters [1987]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 021
OBAC Writers Workshop, Zack Gilbert [1985?]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 022
OBAC Writers Workshop, Zack Gilbert [1985] [?]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 023
OBAC Writers Workshop [1985] [?]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 024
OBAC Writers Workshop [1985] [?]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 025
OBAC Writers Workshop, Herman Gilbert (center) and other presenters [1985] [?]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 026
International Black Writer's Conference, Zack Gilbert, Herman Gilbert and others [1984] [?]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 027
International Black Writer's Conference, Zack Gilbert, Herman Gilbert and others [1984] [?]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 028
International Black Writer's Conference, Zack Gilbert, Herman Gilbert and female attendees [1984] [?]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 029
Book signing, Third World Press [?], Herman Gilbert, presenter [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 030
Book signing, Third World Press [?], Herman Gilbert, presenter [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 031
Herman Gilbert at autograph party, photograph by Albertha Abernathy [17 Jun 1983]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 032
Herman Gilbert at autograph party, photograph by A. Abernathy [17 Jun 1983]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 033
Herman Gilbert at autograph party, photograph by A. Abernathy [17 Jun 1983]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 034
Herman Gilbert's autograph party, photograph by A. Abernathy [17 Jun 1983]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 035
Herman Gilbert's autograph party, photograph by A. Abernathy [17 Jun 1983]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 036
Herman Gilbert's autograph party, photograph by A. Abernathy [17 Jun 1983]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 037
Herman Gilbert's autograph party, photograph by A. Abernathy [17 Jun 1983]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 038
Herman Gilbert at the Chicago Public Library for the Negotiations [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 039
Herman Gilbert [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 040
Zack Gilbert, brother of Herman Gilbert, author of Up North Big City Street [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 041
William Goodlett, author of Congo Crew [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 042
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 043
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 044
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 045
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 046
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 047
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 048
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 049
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 050
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 051
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 052
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 053
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 054
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 055
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 056
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 057
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 058
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 059
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 060
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 061
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 062
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 063
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 064
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 065
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 066
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 067
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 068
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 069
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 070
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 071
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 072
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 073
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 074
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 075
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 076
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 88
Folder Path Press 077
William Goodlett [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 078
Mary Wilson at Simeon High School assembly, photograph by John White, Chicago Sun-Times [21 Nov 1984]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 079
Mayor Harold Washington and Mary Wilson, photograph by Diana Johnson, Path Press [1986]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 080
Ben Wilson, Sr., at the funeral of Ben Wilson, Jr., photograph by John White, Chicago Sun-Times [1984]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 081
Teacher and students at Simeon High School, photograph by Ovie Carter, Chicago Tribune [21 Nov 1984]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 082
Rev. Jesse Jackson and Mary Wilson, planning the funeral of Benji Wilson at Rev. Jackson's home, photograph by John White, Chicago Sun-Times [1984]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 083
Students at Simeon High School assembly, photograph by John White, Chicago Sun-Times [21 Nov 1984]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 084
Principal Ned McCray and Mary Wilson during Simeon High School graduation exercises, photograph by Ovie Carter, Chicago Tribune [1985] [?]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 085
Mary Wilson presentation, photograph by Ovie Carter, Chicago Tribune [1985]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 086
Benji Wilson at age 4, private collection of Mary Wilson [c. 1970] [?]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 087
Mary Wilson at age 27, private collection of Mary Wilson [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 088
Graduation photo of Benji Wilson, private collection of Mary Wilson [1984]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 089
Coach Robert Hambric and Benji Wilson, photograph by Ed Wagner, Jr., Chicago Tribune [1984]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 090
Benji Wilson playing basketball, photograph by Phil Valesquez, Chicago Sun-Times [1984]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 091
Bennett J. Johnson (left), George Romas (right) and Mayor Harold Washington (center) planning Benji Wilson Birthday Dinner, photograph by Diana Johnson, Path Press [1986]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 092
State Senators Richard Kelly, Emil Jones, Charles Chew, Glen Dawson and Howard Brookins presenting proclamation of the Illinois General Assembly to Mary Wilson, Chicago Daily Defender [1985]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 093
Mary Wilson at court after guilty verdict announced, photograph by Ovie Carter, Chicago Tribune [22 Nov 1985]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 094
Mary Wilson presentation, photograph by Ovie Carter, Chicago Tribune [1986]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 095
Coach Richard Brennan, President of Evergreen Plaza Bank, speaking at the First Annual Benji Wilson Memorial Birthday Celebration, photograph by Diana Johnson, Path Press [Jan 1985]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 096
Mary Wilson at court, Chicago Tribune [22 Nov 1985]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 097
Mary Wilson and Benji's friends exiting court after guilty verdict announced, photograph by Ovie Carter, Chicago Tribune [22 Nov 1985]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 098
Monroe Pinckney: James Sulton and Mrs. Rosana Felder (60% final size, 23X33.5 picas) [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 099
Monroe Pinckney: Warren Phillips, Robert Phillips, Vernezza Zeigler, Paul Smith (epilogue, ch. 20, p. 121, 63%, photo #41, cam 41%), staff photo by Jamie Francis [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 100
Monroe Pinckney: Robert Phillips, Warren Phillips, Rev. J. M. Jeffcoat, Dr. R. Phillips (epilogue, ch. 20, p. 122, photo #42, 63%), staff photo by Jamie Francis [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 101
Monroe Pinckney: Gordic Brooker (epilogue, ch. 20, p. 123, photo #43, cam 38%), staff photo by Peggy Peattie [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 102
Best of the Best: Barnes, S. Brandi [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 103
Best of the Best: Cain, Sarah [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 104
Best of the Best: Chandler, Elaine [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 105
Best of the Best: Clay, James “Kwame” [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 106
Best of the Best: Danner, Margaret [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 107
Best of the Best: Davis, Frank Marshall [ca. 1983]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 108
Best of the Best: Edwards, Constance [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 109
Best of the Best: Emanuel, James [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 110
Best of the Best: Emanuel, James [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 111
Best of the Best: Emanuel, James [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 112
Best of the Best: Emanuel, James [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 113
Best of the Best: Foucher, Valerie, “Big, Bad and Freezing” [Feb 1980]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 114
Best of the Best: Frederick, Helen Bureleson [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 115
Best of the Best: G’RA, photo by Nik-ki Whittingham (CA #19, 643-4247), [ca. 1983]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 116
Best of the Best: Graham, Lorenz [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 117
Best of the Best: Gray, Margaret [ca. 1983]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 118
Best of the Best: Hall-Evans, JoAnn [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 119
Best of the Best: Hankins, Beulah [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 120
Best of the Best: Hardy-Leonard, Shirley [ca. 1983]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 121
Best of the Best: House, Anthony [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 122
Best of the Best: Hummons, Marion [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 123
Best of the Best: Johnson, Christine C. [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 124
Best of the Best: Johnson, Freddie (Love) [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 125
Best of the Best: King, Leona D. [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 126
Best of the Best: King, Leona D. [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 127
Best of the Best: Long, Richard A. [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 128
Best of the Best: McCarty, Ernest [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 129
Best of the Best: Messiah, Henry “Rocky” [ca. 1982]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 130
Best of the Best: Moore, Lenard D. [Jun 1982]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 131
Best of the Best: Morse, Evangeline F. [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 132
Best of the Best: Randall, Dudley [Jun 1982]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 133
Best of the Best: Roberts, Dorothy R. [ca. 1983]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 134
Best of the Best: Robinson, Jeannette Drake, photo by Jerri Bass [1982]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 135
Best of the Best: Rouselle, Jeanette [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 136
Best of the Best: Ryan, Don [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 137
Best of the Best: Sewood, Ernest, photo by Doug Sims [26 Dec 1982]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 138
Best of the Best: Sewood, Ernest, photo by Doug Sims [26 Dec 1982]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 139
Best of the Best: Simon, Jewel W. [ca. 1983]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 140
Best of the Best: Smart, William [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 141
Best of the Best: Tate, Garth, photo by Sharon Farmer [1982]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 142
Best of the Best: Tibbs, Delbert [1979]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 143
Best of the Best: Watson, Beatrice [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 144
Best of the Best: Wright, Deonne Deasley [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 145
Best of the Best: unknown contributor [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 146
Karen Causey, unpublished author, taken by Kathy Ohlrogge [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 147
Dr. Andrew L. Thomas, subject of unpublished biography by Audria Thomas-Huntington [c. 1985]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 148
Faye Bryant, Path Press advisory board [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 149
Benjamin Lawson Hooks, Path Press advisory board [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 150
Unidentified photograph [N.D.]
Box 89
Folder Path Press 151
UNIA Marcus M. Garvey Centennial Committee button/memorabilia [N.D.]