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Guide to the Joseph W. Rollins, Sr. and Charlemae Rollins Collection, 1897-1989
Melissa Barton, 2005
Title: | Joseph W. Rollins, Sr. and Charlemae Rollins Collection |
Dates: | 1897-1989 |
Size: | 6 linear feet |
Repository: |
Archives of the DuSable Museum of African American
History |
Subject Headings
Contact Museum Curatorial Department, (773) 947-0600, x247
When quoting material from this collection the preferred citation is:
Rollins, Joseph W., Sr. and Charlemae Collection. [Box #, Folder #]. DuSable Museum of African American History.
Funding to process this collection and compose its finding aid was provided by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Note on the Provenance
This collection has been grouped as an artificial accession. A record of the donation of these papers has not been found. At the time that this collection was processed, they had already been partly processed, probably by the museum's former archivist Toni Castone. All the papers in this collection were found in boxes already labeled "Rollins," and while it is not certain, it is presumed that all of the contents of the collection were once the property of Joseph and Charlemae Rollins.
According to the contents of the collection, we can speculate that this set of papers was donated to the DuSable Museum after Joseph Rollins's death in 1983, though one item dated 1989 suggests that the material may have been donated later or supplemented. Charlemae Rollins's papers were donated to the Vivian G. Harsh Collection and North Carolina Central University after her death in 1979, and the sporadic nature of those of Charlemae Rollins's papers in this collection support the conclusion that these papers were overlooked when those donations were made. The majority of the collection appears to have belonged to Joseph Rollins, Sr., who survived Charlemae Rollins. Again, these conclusions are pure conjecture.
Biographical Note
Charlemae Hill Rollins and Joseph Walter Rollins, Sr. were a prominent couple in Chicago's African American community from the 1920s through the 1970s. While Charlemae Rollins is more well-known nationally, Joseph Rollins held a high civic profile through his veterans' activities, and he was frequently noted in society columns in Jet and the Chicago Defender.
Charlemae Hill Rollins, librarian, educator, and writer, was born June 20, 1897 in Yazoo City, Mississippi, the eldest of five children of Birdie Tucker Hill, a school teacher, and Allen G. Hill, a farmer. The Hill family moved from Mississippi to Beggs, Oklahoma (then still Indian Territory) when Charlemae was still a small child. Responding to the lack of educational facilities for Black children, the Hill family established an elementary school where Birdie Hill would teach, and where Charlemae would attend through age 13. Subsequently Charlemae was educated at high schools in St. Louis, Missouri, and Holly Springs, Mississippi before receiving her high school diploma from Western University, an African American boarding school in Quindoro, Kansas, in 1916. She then moved to Washington, D.C. and attended Howard University for a year before returning to Oklahoma to be married to Joseph Walter Rollins on April 8, 1918. Charlemae remained in Oklahoma and taught briefly while Joseph was stationed in Europe from 1918-1919, and both settled together in Chicago upon his return. Charlemae returned briefly to Oklahoma in 1920 when she gave birth to their only son, Joseph Walter Rollins, Jr. The Rollinses lived at 4635 S. Wabash Avenue and later 500 E. 33rd Street, Apt. 1602.
Charlemae joined the staff of the Chicago Public Library in 1927 when she became the children's librarian at the Harding Square Branch Library. When the George Cleveland Hall Branch opened at 4801 S. Michigan Avenue in 1932, she was appointed children's librarian. She received funds from the Chicago Public Library to enroll in courses at Columbia University in 1932 and University of Chicago from 1935-36. While studying at University of Chicago, Charlemae wrote a research paper on representations of African Americans in children's literature and their impact on children, which would eventually be published as the pamphlet The Negro in Children's Books. This publication began the crusade for which Rollins would be primarily remembered. Working to have children's books depicting racist stereotypes removed from library purchasing lists, in 1941 she published another influential pamphlet, We Build Together, which outlined criteria for the selection of literature relating to African Americans and included an annotated bibliography, one of the first of its kind. While working at the Hall Branch, Rollins also befriended Federal Writers' Project writers, including Langston Hughes, and was an early mentor to Margaret Burroughs, founder of the DuSable Museum, and the poet Gwendolyn Brooks, who wrote a poem in honor of Charlemae for her retirement from the Hall Branch in 1963.
Charlemae began teaching a course in children's literature at Roosevelt University in 1946, and taught there at least through the late 1960s. She was active in the American Library Association, particularly during the 1950s, when she held a number of offices, including Chairman of the Newbery-Caldecott Awards Committee, 1956-57, and President of the Children's Services Division, 1957-58; she was the first African American to hold the latter position. While she published articles in numerous library journals beginning in the forties, Charlemae turned her pen to an audience of children in the 1950s. She sought to educate children about African American culture and the achievements of African Americans with these books, which include The Magic World of Books (1954), Christmas Gif' (1963), They Showed the Way (1964), Famous American Negro Poets (1965), Famous American Negro Entertainers (1967), and Black Troubadour: Langston Hughes (1970), for which she won the Coretta Scott King Award in 1971. Other awards and honors include the Grolier Award, 1955, the American Brotherhood Award of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, the Women's National Book Association Constance Lindsay Skinner Award, 1970, and an Honorary Doctorate from Columbia College in 1974. In 1964, the American Library Association presented a collection of books exhibited at the Seattle World's Fair to Roosevelt University Library in Charlemae Rollins's name. In 1977, Charlemae Rollins's library was donated as the Charlemae Rollins Collection of Children's Literature to the then-recently opened Vivian G. Harsh Collection at the Carter Woodson Regional Library. Charlemae Rollins died on February 3, 1979.
Little biographical information is available about Joseph Walter Rollins, Sr. before his marriage to Charlemae Hill Rollins in 1918. According to his obituary in the Chicago Defender, he was born in Springfield, Tennessee in 1894. (The DuSable Museum's Rollins Collection includes a photograph of him holding a birthday cake, dated August 23.) Though he was born in Springfield, other Defender articles suggest that Joseph grew up in Topeka, Kansas; he attended Western University in Quindoro, Kansas for seven years (though not continuously), graduating in 1921, and it was there that he met Charlemae Hill. An enlisted Army soldier, Joseph served in the rank of Sergeant Major with the 365th Infantry, 92nd Division in France and Germany from 1918-1919. He was awarded the Victory Medal with three bars for his service. Upon his return to the United States, Joseph and Charlemae settled in Chicago, where Joseph worked as a meat inspector for the U.S. Department of Agriculture; he retired in June 1955.
Joseph was active in at least two veterans' organizations. He was a charter member of the Major Charles L. Hunt Post No. 2024 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW). In 1938, he helped to organize the Monkey Mountain Pup Tent No. 20 of the Military Order of the Cootie (MOC), a fraternal organization which described itself as the "honor degree" of the VFW, and he served as its first Seam Squirrel for two terms. Monkey Mountain Pup Tent No. 20 was the first African American Pup Tent in the United States. Joseph held many offices in both organizations throughout his lifetime. In 1957 he was appointed the MOC representative to the Veterans Administration Voluntary Service Hospital Advisory Committee. He was a dedicated volunteer at the VA Research Hospital at 333 W. Huron Street in Chicago, as well as for the Travelers' Aid Society, and he received numerous awards and citations for his volunteer service, as well as a citation from the mayor of Chicago for Senior Citizen of 1966. In 1967, Joseph was elected to the national Cootie office of Supreme Historian, making him the first African American to hold a national office in that organization. He served as Supreme Historian for five consecutive years. Joseph Rollins, Sr. died September 24, 1983 at Rush Presbyterian Hospital.
- "Lawn Party 'Surprise' Honors Joseph W. Rollins, Retired Gov't. Inspector." Chicago Defender. July 2, 1955: 18.
- "Rites Held for Veteran Rollins." Chicago Defender. Weekend edition. October 1, 1983: 38.
- Rollins, Joseph W., Sr. and Charlemae Collection. DuSable Museum of African American History.
- Shaw, Spencer. "Charlemae Hill Rollins." Notable Black American Women. Edited by Jessie Carney Smith. Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 1992. 949-953.
- Who Was Who in America. vol. 7 (1977-1981). Chicago: Marquis Who's Who, 1981.
- Willett, Holly G. "Rollins, Charlemae Hill." Supplement to the Dictionary of American Library Biography. Edited by Wayne A. Wiegard. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, Inc., 1990. 111-114.
Scope and Content Note
The Joseph and Charlemae Rollins Collection consists in intermittent correspondence, writings, ephemera, and photographs from throughout their lives, but particularly concentrated in their middle age and later lives, from the 1950s onward. Because the original order of the collection had already been disrupted when the collection was processed, and because that order did not seem to be of great use to researchers, the collection has been reorganized into the following ten series: Correspondence, Writings, Military Order of the Cootie Records, Ephemera, Clippings and Serials, Hill Family Papers, Photographs, Objects, Oversize Materials, and Audio. The finding aid will note where and how the original order has been disrupted. A small number of duplicates and unstable items (envelopes, photo album pages) have been removed from the collection; these have not been discarded, but have instead been kept in a separate box. Acidic folders that were added by DuSable Museum archivists have been removed.
Other collections of Charlemae Hill Rollins's papers are held by the Vivian G. Harsh Collection at the Carter Woodson Regional Library and the William Tucker Collection of Black Authors and Illustrators, part of the African-American Resources Program in the School of Library and Information Sciences of North Carolina Central University.
Correspondence, 1918-1982: The correspondence series has been divided into five subjects: Charlemae Rollins Professional, Memorials for Charlemae Rollins, Military Order of the Cootie, Personal, and Condolence Letters. Plain paper documents enclosed in letters were retained with the letters and are noted as enclosures in the container list. Clippings, one program, photographs, and audio materials enclosed in letters were photocopied and removed to their relevant series, and are cross-referenced where applicable.
The Charlemae Rollins Professional correspondence sporadically covers the years 1945-1981; a letter sent to Rollins posthumously in 1981 has been retained here because it is addressed to her. A letter from Ruth Tarbox of River Forest Public Library, dated March 15, 1945, discusses a planned visit for Charlemae to the library, presumably to hold a storytelling group or similar children's event. A letter from Zena Sutherland discusses an agreement for co-authorship on a project that may have been unrealized. The grouping also includes correspondence with Roosevelt University concerning the dedication of the Charlemae Rollins collection of books, and with the Women's National Book Association regarding a monetary donation to that collection, as well as correspondence with the American Library Association about an upcoming event honoring past presidents of the Children's Services Division. Two letters, from Phyllis Yuill and an unidentified correspondent, are queries to Charlemae Rollins about her work.
The subject group labeled Memorial includes correspondence between Joseph Rollins, Sr., and, in some cases, Joseph Rollins, Jr., and various groups who planned memorials for Charlemae Rollins. These letters appear to have been kept together by Joseph Rollins. The primary correspondents include members of the American Library Association; Donald F. Joyce, curator of the Vivian G. Harsh Collection of the Chicago Public Library; Annette Phinazee of North Carolina Central University; and Augusta Baker and Effie Lee Morris. This grouping details the donation of Charlemae Rollins's books and papers to the Harsh Collection and the subsequent accession of some of those papers to North Carolina Central University. The correspondence of Augusta Baker and Effie Lee Morris reveals a debate over an Oral History Project in Charlemae Rollins's name.
The Military Order of the Cootie correspondence is chiefly concentrated in two clusters: the first, covering 1957-1959, concerns Joseph Rollins's work as the MOC representative to the Veterans Administration Voluntary Service Hospital Advisory Committee. The second cluster, covering the 1970s, includes correspondence from the V.A. Research Hospital and Traveler's Aid Society recognizing Rollins's service, and correspondence between Joseph Rollins and various members of the Military Order of the Cootie discussing attendance at national events. Other documents related to the Military Order of the Cootie, including some additional correspondence, may be found in the series Military Order of the Cootie Records.
The Personal correspondence includes letters to the Rollinses from each other, from family members, and from friends spanning the dates 1918-1979. Two long and detailed letters in this grouping are of special note: a letter from Joseph to Charlemae written while he was in France in 1918 describes the French countryside and his experience of the war in great detail. A letter from Charlemae's mother Birdie Hill describes her memories of Christmas in Charlemae's childhood and as an African American in Oklahoma before and just after statehood, apparently at Charlemae's invitation. Cards from Studs Terkel and Era Bell Thompson indicate the Rollins's prominence in their community.
Joseph Rollins and other family members received numerous telegrams and letters of condolence upon Charlemae Rollins's death. These seem to have been kept together by Joseph Rollins with other materials from Charlemae's funeral, placed in this collection in the Ephemera series.
Writings, ca. 1950s-1982: The Writings series encompasses various manuscripts and printed materials written by Joseph and Charlemae Rollins, as well as items written by others. These include several biographical sketches and C.V.s of both Rollinses; typed bibliographies of the collection of Charlemae Rollins's books that were donated to the Vivian Harsh Collection in 1977; various memoranda and notes; and a notebook belonging to Charlemae Rollins. The series includes two of Charlemae Rollins's manuscripts: one is a draft of an apparently unpublished short autobiographical novel entitled "Sissy"; the other appears to be notes for an early draft chapter of Black Troubadour: Langston Hughes entitled "Spain." This chapter was not included in the final volume, but a table of contents in the Charlemae Rollins Collection of the Vivian Harsh Collection indicates that the chapter was part of an early draft of the book. Joseph Rollins's manuscripts are drafts of a history of the Military Order of the Cootie, which he delivered as an address for the Veterans Administration Research Hospital Advisory Committee in October 1958, and published as an article in the Cootie Courier in May 1959 (See Series V: Clippings and Serials, Oversize Box 8). The writings of others include tributes to Charlemae Rollins by Jesse Jackson and Spencer Shaw, as well as a photocopy of a manuscript of Gwendolyn Brooks's poem "For Charlemae Rollins," which she wrote in honor of Charlemae's retirement from the Hall Branch in 1963.
Military Order of the Cootie Records, 1949-mid-1980s: This small series comprises only one folder and includes a cluster of records from a series of meetings in 1949-1951, which reveals some of the proceedings of the Monkey Mountain Pup Tent and its committees, including procedures following a fight between Joseph Rollins and another Cootie named Ewing M. Taylor. It then includes sporadic meeting minutes and bulletins from 1958 to the mid-1980s, and a document entitled "Walk Tall: History: Military Order of the Cootie."
Ephemera, ca. 1945-1989: This relatively large series includes awards and certificates, invitations, membership cards, pamphlets, programs, Charlemae Rollins's autograph book, Joseph Rollins's scrapbook, and ephemera from Charlemae Rollins's funeral. The only certificate for Charlemae Rollins is her honorary membership in the Delta Kappa Gamma Society. Most of the invitations and programs are from events attended by the Rollinses in the 1960s and 1970s. Joseph Rollins's scrapbook includes photographs, documents (including his World War I orders), clippings, and pamphlets from his Army years through the 1930s. The ephemera from Charlemae Rollins's funeral includes cards removed from flowers sent to the funeral (notably from Margaret Walker and John Johnson), and the guest book from the funeral.
Clippings and Serials, 1938-1982: The majority of the clippings and serials are articles about Charlemae and Joseph Rollins. There is also a handful of other clippings about friends of the Rollinses and other subjects. Articles about both Rollinses consist predominantly in announcements about events in honor of each of them, respectively. There are no reviews of Charlemae Rollins's books. The series is organized into the following groups: About Charlemae Rollins, About Joseph Rollins, Sr., Other Clippings, and Serials. Items in those groups are arranged in chronological order.
Hill Family Papers, 1913-ca. 1946: This series comprises papers belonging to Birdie Tucker Hill, mother of Charlemae Rollins, and, to a lesser degree, Allen G. Hill, Charlemae's father. It includes correspondence between Birdie in Oklahoma and her father William Tucker in Yazoo, Mississippi, and between Birdie and her sister Maude; a number of Birdie Hill's teaching certificates, from both Mississippi and Oklahoma, as well as one teaching contract from Beggs, Oklahoma public school district; registration and grade cards from Birdie Hill's years at Agricultural and Normal University in Langston, Oklahoma; a transcript from Western University for a "Bertie" Hill, dated 1920, and therefore probably belonging to one of Charlemae's sisters, also called Birdie; and a manuscript by Birdie Hill for an article about Allen's and her 50th wedding anniversary.
Photographs, 1897-ca. early 1980s: The collection contains over three hundred photographs. Most of the photographs are unlabeled, or were found in labeled envelopes that did not seem to directly correspond to their contents. Much of the dating and identification in the finding aid is the result of conjecture. As an aid to the researcher, a descriptive inventory of the original order of the photographs, including the envelopes with which they were found, is included at the end of the container list, and the numbers assigned to the photographs in the original inventory are indexed in the container list. A set of photographs removed from Charlemae Rollins's photo album has been retained in its original order. Otherwise, the photographs are divided into the following subjects and arranged chronologically within each subject: Portraits, Charlemae Rollins Professional Activities, Military Order of the Cootie and Veteran Activities, Family Photographs, Rollinses at Home and with Friends, Trips, Miscellaneous, and Framed and Matted photographs.
Audio: This series consists in reel-to-reel tapes, cassette tapes, and a set of phonographs. Because the museum does not have the equipment for listening to these materials, they are described in the container list only according to their labels. Most of the material appears to be recordings of lectures and events, as well as two recordings of Christmas Gif', one by Ann and Clifton Pierce, and one by Charlemae Rollins and Studs Terkel. The phonographs are labeled as "The New Outlook for the Blind" and may be a recording of Christmas Gif' that was made for the blind.
Series I: Correspondence, 1918-1982
Correspondence has been divided into the following subjects: Charlemae Rollins Professional; Memorial; Military Order of the Cootie; Personal; Condolence Letters. Correspondence is arranged alphabetically by last name of sender or name of institution, or by last name of addressee or name of institution if from either Joseph or Charlemae Rollins. Correspondence that is neither to nor from one of the Rollinses is filed under the last name of the sender. Plain paper enclosures have been kept with the letters in which they were sent and are preceded by [encl.] in this listing. Photographs, clippings, programs, and audio enclosures have been placed in the applicable series and noted with a cross-reference.
Box 1
Folder 1
Charlemae Rollins Professional
- From Spencer G. Shaw (Pres. ALA Children's Services Div.) 2 March 1976
- To Mary Jane Anderson (ALA Children's Services Div.) (carbon copy), 30 Mar. 1976
- From Mary Jane Anderson, 4 May 1976
- To Mary Jane Anderson (carbon copy), 13 May 1976
- From Mary Jane Anderson, 25 May 1976
- To Spencer G. Shaw (2 carbon copies), 17 July 1976
- From Marianna W. Davis (Benedict College), 14 Feb. 1981
- [encl.] From Marianna W. Davis (Benedict College), Release for Pictures 14 Feb. 1981
- [encl.] From Marianna W. Davis (Benedict College), Fact Sheet, 14 Feb. 1981
- From Hallie Beachem Brooks, n.d.
- From Contemporary Authors, revision copy, n.d.
- From Myra and Evan Hughes (telegram), 18 Nov. 1977
- From Marjorie C. Keenleyside (Roosevelt University Librarian) to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Calhoun (brother-in-law and sister of Charlemae Rollins), 27 Feb. 1964
- From Ruth Tarbox (River Forest Public Library), 15 March 1945
- From Zena Sutherland (University of Chicago), 17 Aug. 1972
- From Ruth P. Bull (Women's Natl. Book Assn.) (photoduplicate, 3 copies), 5 Oct. 1974
- [encl.] From Ruth P. Bull to Rolf A. Weil (Roosevelt University President) (photoduplicate, 4 copies), 4 Oct. 1974
- To Ruth P. Bull (carbon copy), 19 Oct. 1974
- From University of Chicago Laboratory Schools Multi-Ethnic Committee, [n.d.]
- see Audio, Box 6
- From Phyllis Yuill, 18 Feb. 1974
- From [sender unknown] (Worthington, Ohio), 5 May 1968
Box 1
Folder 2
Memorial, American Library Association
- From American Library Association-Association for Library Service to Children (ALA-ALSC) (Mary Jane Anderson) to Joseph Rollins, Sr. (photoduplicate), 8 Aug. 1979
- [encl] Resolution of ALA-ALSC tribute to Charlemae Rollins
- From ALA-ALSC (Amy Kellman) to Joseph Rollins, Sr., 30 Apr. 1981
- From Marilyn Miller (ALA Assoc. for Library Service to Children) to Joseph Rollins, Sr., ca. 17 Mar. 1981
- From American Library Association (Robert Wedgeworth) (original and 5 photoduplicate copies), 17 June 19982
- From American Library Association-Association for Library Service to Children (Margaret Mary Kimmel) (original and 5 photoduplicate copies) 5 Aug 1982
- From American Library Association Black Caucus (George C. Grant), 5 Nov. 1980
Box 1
Folder 3
Memorial, Chicago Public Library-Morris
- From Chicago Public Library (Ralph G. Newman) to Joseph Rollins, Jr. (photoduplicate, 3 copies), 27 May 1976
- From Ralph G. Newman (Chicago Public Library) to Joseph Rollins, Jr., 28 August 1976
- From Joseph Rollins, Jr. to Ralph G. Newman (Chicago Public Library) (photoduplicate, 2 copies), 27 Oct. 1976
- From Ralph G. Newman (Chicago Public Library) to Joseph Rollins, Jr. (photoduplicate, 2 copies), 9 Nov. 1976
- From Donald F. Joyce (Chicago Public Library, Vivian Harsh Collection) to Jessie Orton Jones (photoduplicate, 3 copies), 18 May 1977
- From Donald F. Joyce (Vivian Harsh Collection) to Joseph Rollins, Jr. (photoduplicate), 4 Nov. 1977
- From Donald F. Joyce (Vivian Harsh Collection) to Joseph Rollins, Sr. (photoduplicate), 23 Feb. 1978
- From Joseph Rollins, Sr. to Donald F. Joyce (carbon copy draft), 25 Feb. 1978
- From Joseph Rollins, Sr. to Donald F. Joyce (carbon copy draft), 25 Feb. 1978
- From Donald F. Joyce to Donald J. Sager (Chicago Public Library Commissioner) (photoduplicate), 5 March 1979
- From Donald F. Joyce (Harsh Collection) to Joseph Rollins, Sr., 14 Nov. 1979
- [encl] From Donald F. Joyce to Annette [Lewis] Phinazee (carbon copy), 14 Nov. 1979
- From Donald F. Joyce to Joseph Rollins, Sr., 24 Oct. 1980
- [encl] Ballot to rename Chicago Public Library Southeast Branch
- From Judith Davie to Joseph Rollins, ca. 17 Dec. 1980
- [encl.] From Judith Davie to Augusta Baker and Effie Lee Morris, 17 Dec. 1980
- From Henry G. LaBrie III to Annette L. Phinazee (photoduplicate), 28 Oct 1980
- From Effie Lee Morris [Jones] to Joseph Rollins, Sr. 24 Nov., 1980
- [encl.] Contributions of Black Women to America Conference Contact List
- [encl.] Augusta Baker and Effie Lee Morris to Judith Davie (photoduplicate), 24 Nov. 1980
- [encl.] Resolution on Charlemae Rollins Oral History Project
Box 1
Folder 4
Memorial, North Carolina Central University-Shaw
- From Annette Lewis Phinazee (North Carolina Central University) to Joseph Rollins, Sr., 22 June 1979
- From Annette Lewis Phinazee (North Carolina Central University) to Ezra Jack Keats (photoduplicate), 1 Nov 1979
- From Annette Lewis Phinazee to Joseph Rollins, Sr., 7 Dec 1979
- [encl] From Annette Lewis Phinazee to Donald F. Joyce (carbon copy), 6 Dec. 1979
- From Annette Lewis Phinazee to Donald F. Joyce (carbon copy), 11 June 1980
- From Annette Lewis Phinazee to Joseph Rollins, Jr. (photoduplicate), 6 Nov. 1980
- From Annette Lewis Phinazee to Lillian Gerhardt, 26 Feb. 1981
- From Annette Lewis Phinazee to Joseph Rollins, Sr., 2 Apr. 1982
- [encl] "Charlemae Hill Rollins: A Bibliography" by Patricia H. Perry (2 copies)
- [encl] "Black Librarians Collection" description
- [encl] "William Tucker Collection" description
- [encl] List of Registrants for 1982 Charlemae Rollins Colloquium
- From Robert S. Poole (North Carolina Central University) to Joseph Rollins, Sr.
- [encl] receipt for gift to North Carolina Central University Foundation
- From Annette Lewis Phinazee to Joseph Rollins, Sr., 14 May 1982
- From Spencer G. Shaw to Joseph Rollins, Sr. (photoduplicate), 4 May 1980
Box 1
Folder 5
Military Order of the Cootie, "Cootie" - Morton
- To "Cootie," (form thank you letter), 20 Feb. 1971
- From James M. Hanks, 8 Jan. 1967
- To James M. Hanks (Cootie Courier editor) (carbon copy), 21 Jan. 1976
- From James M. Hanks (Cootie Courier editor), 10 Feb. 1976
- From Florence Hoffman (Mrs. Walter J. Hoffman) (carbon copy), 23 Sep. 1959
- To Florence Hoffman (Mrs. Walter J. Hoffman) (carbon copy), 26 Sep. 1959
- From Patrick H. Houle to Manager, V.A. Research Hospital (carbon copy), 10 Jan 1957
- From Patrick H. Houle, 10 Jan. 1958
- To Patrick H. Houle (carbon copy), 14 Jan. 1957
- From Patrick H. Houle, 4 March 1957
- From Illinois Grand Pup Tent (memorandum), 6 Feb. 1979
- To Franklin W. Morton, Jr. (2 carbon copies), 8 Nov. 1974
- From Franklin W. Morton, Jr., 3 Dec. 1974
- [encl.] From Franklin W. Morton, Jr., citation, 7 June 1974
- See also Photographs, Box 4, Folder 61
- See also Other Clippings, Box 3, Folder 51
Box 1
Folder 6
Military Order of the Cootie, Perschau-Wilkins
- From Louis F. Perschau (photographer) to Melvin, 2 Sep. 1980
- [encl]. Notes about Cootie photographs from Louis Perschau (see also photographs)
- To Richard Rodebush (V.A. Administrator) (carbon copy), 18 Feb. 1975
- From Richard Rodebush (V.A. Administrator), 24 Feb. 1975
- From Joseph Rollins, Jr., 12 Dec. 1974
- See also Photographs, Box 4, Folder 61
- From H.G. Smith (postcard), 6 Oct. 1941
- From John Sparks, 21 Sep. 1980
- See also Photographs, Box 4, Folder 61
- From Sam Story (VFW National Home Director), 14 Jan. 1976
- See also Ephemera, Joseph Rollins, programs, Box 3, Folder 42
- To Sam Story (VFW National Home Director) (carbon copy), 21 Jan. 1976
- From Betty Gordon (Travelers Aid Society), 16 April 1973
- [encl.] From Betty Gordon (Travelers Aid Society), certificate, 16 April 1973
- To Betty Gordon (Travelers Aid Society) (carbon copy), 14 May 1973
- From V.A. Research Hospital (Harry L. Thompson), 15 Jan. 1957
- To Harry L. Thompson (V.A. Hospital) (carbon copy), 19 Jan. 1957
- From Harry L. Thompson, 25 March 1957
- From Harry L. Thompson, 26 August 1957
- To Harry L. Thompson (carbon copy), 28 Sep. 1959
- From Harry L. Thompson, 14 Oct. 1959
- From Lillian H. Waddick (V.A. Research Hospital), 26 Feb. 1973
- From Henry L. Warner ("Tubby"), 15 July 1960
- See also Photographs, Military Order of the Cootie Activities, Box 4, Folder 66
- From William T. Wilkins, 30 June 1978
- To William T. Wilkins (carbon copy), 17 July 1978
Box 1
Folder 7
Personal, Allee-Pierce
- From the Allee Family (Christmas letter), 25 Dec. 1944
- From Laura B., [n.d.]
- From Zenobia L. Baxter, 14 Feb. 1979
- From Wilma F. Campion, 10 May 1979
- From Charles H. Fearing (1st Lieut. 365th Infantry) to Joseph Rollins, Sr. (photocopy), 22 March 1919
- From Birdie T. Hill to Charlemae Rollins, 18 Oct. 1944
- From Birdie T. Hill to Charlemae Rollins, 31 Oct. 1944
- From Anne M. Jones 26 October 1970
- From Clifton Pierce to Joseph Rollins, 3 Feb 1982
- See also Audio, Box 6
Box 1
Folder 8
Personal, Roberts-"Winnie"; unknown
- From Walter A. Roberts, 7 Nov. 1977
- From Charlemae Rollins to Joseph Rollins, Sr. (postcard), 28 June 1965
- From Charlemae Rollins to Joseph Rollins, Sr., Christmas card, [n.d.]
- From Joseph Rollins, Jr. to Josephine (memo), 11 Mar 1977
- From Joseph Rollins, Jr. (memo), 13 Feb. 1978
- See also Clippings About Charlemae Rollins, Box 3, Folder 47
- From Joseph Rollins, Sr., to Charlemae Rollins, 28 Nov. 1918
- From Studs Terkel and Ida Terkel, 29 Dec. 1969
- From Era Bell Thompson (card), 1960
- From Winnie to Charlemae Rollins, 6 July 1976
- From [sender unknown], 4 Jan.
Box 1
Folder 9
Condolence letters, A-F
- From Michael A. Bilandic (Mayor of Chicago), telegram, 7 Feb. 1979
- From California Librarians Black Caucus (James Crayton), mailgram, 6 Feb. 1979
- From Archibald J. Carey, Jr., telegram, 7 Feb. 1979
- From Chicago Urban League (James W. Compton), 7 Feb. 1979
- From Scott B. Davis, mailgram, 6 Feb. 1979
- From Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, telegram, 7 Feb. 1979
- From Felican College (Mary Chrysantha, Librarian), 8 Feb. 1979
Box 1
Folder 10
Condolence letters, G-Z
- From Adrian Jones (Roosevelt University), 9 Feb. 1979
- From Clifton Jones (envelope fragment only), 8 Dec. 1979
- From Virginia Lacy Jones, 10 Feb. 1979
- From Mrs. Otho Kerr, Sr. and Otho Kerr, Jr., mailgram, 7 Feb. 1979
- From Eileen Lawrence, telegram, 7 Feb. 1979
- From Effie Lee Morris Jones, mailgram, 6 Feb. 1979
- From Watershops and Equipment Retirement Gift Club (Ernie Hill), mailgram, 6 Feb. 1979
- From Rolf A. Weil (Roosevelt University), 9 Feb. 1979
- From Ruth Young, Katie Daniels, and Marshall Edwards, mailgram, 7 Feb. 1979
Series II: Writings, ca. 1950s-1982
Writings of Charlemae Rollins and Joseph Rollins, Sr., are arranged alphabetically by type, followed by Writings of Others, arranged alphabetically by last name.
Box 1
Folder 11
bibliographies and inventories concerning donation of Charlemae Rollins's library to the Vivian G. Harsh Collection
Box 1
Folder 12
Biographical sketches and curricula vitae, Charlemae Rollins
Box 1
Folder 13
Biographical sketches and curricula vitae, Joseph Rollins, Sr.
Box 1
Manuscripts, Charlemae Rollins
Box 1
Folder 14
Sissy: typescript with ms corrections, 137 pages
Box 1
Folder 15
"Spain" notes/early draft chapter of Black Troubadour: Langston Hughes [?]
Box 1
Folder 16
Manuscripts, Joseph Rollins, Sr.
"What is a Cootie?" article/address, 2 drafts
Box 1
Folder 17
Memoranda and notes, Charlemae Rollins
Box 1
Folder 18
Memoranda and notes, Joseph Rollins
Box 1
Folder 19
Notebook, Charlemae Rollins
Box 1
Folder 20
Printed, Charlemae Rollins
- We Build Together, 2 copies
- Introduction to Riley Rabbit by Margaret T. Burroughs (photoduplicate)
Box 1
Folder 21
Brooks, Gwendolyn. "For Charlemae Rollins" (poem) MS (3 photoduplicates), 25 May, 1963
Box 1
Folder 22
Jackson, Jesse. "Tribute to a Gentle Giant: Charlemae Rollins" typescript, 7 Feb. 1979
Box 1
Folder 23
"Sally Bee's Snow Suit" (short story from Crosswalks, eds. Ethel Young and Natelkka Burrell [?])
Box 1
Folder 24
Shaw, Spencer
- Shaw, Spencer. "Charlemae Hill Rollins 1897-1979: In Tribute" (address delivered at 1982 North Carolina Central University Charlemae Hill Rollins Colloquium) (4 copies) 4 Apr. 1982
- Shaw, Spencer. "Afro-American Legacies from the Past for the Present" (bibliography created for the 1982 North Carolina Central University Charlemae Hill Rollins Colloquium) (4 copies) 4 Apr. 1982
Box 1
Folder 25
Wirth, Otto. (Dean, Roosevelt University) "Remarks at Book Presentation in Honor of Mrs. Charlemae Rollins, 12 Mar 1964"
Series III: Military Order of the Cootie Records, 1949-mid-1980s
Items in this series are arranged chronologically; other documents relating to the Military Order of the Cootie and Joseph Rollins's other V.F.W. activities can be found under the heading Military Order of the Cootie in the Correspondence series, and in the Ephemera series.
Box 2
Folder 26
Memo announcement of Executive Committee (original and carbon copy), 6 Dec 1948
- Minutes from Special Scratch, 8 Jan 1949
- Committee Report, 7 Jan 1949 (original with all signatures)
- Committee Report, 7 Jan 1949 (2 carbon copies signed by Dotries Mason)
- Committee Report, 7 Jan 1949 (unsigned carbon copy)
- Register from Scratch, 8 Jan 1949
- Executive Committee Report (carbon copy), 7 Feb 1949
- Letter from Edwin Perry to Green Raby (carbon copy), 12 Jan 1949
- Special Bulletin announcing Special Scratch, 11 Dec 1950
- Letter from Dotries M. Mason to Ewing M. Taylor (photoduplicate), 10 Jan 1951, with enclosed Charge Sheet for Ewing M. Taylor (photoduplicate), and Special Orders (photoduplicate) (2 copies)
- Minutes from Veterans Administration Voluntary Service Hospital Advisory Committee Meeting, 7 Oct 1958
- "Walk-Tall: History: Military Order of the Cootie" ca. 1961 [?]
- Bulletin #1 from Seam Squirrel George H. DeBroe, 25 June 1976
- Bulletin #1 from Seam Squirrel William Nelson, 25 Jun. 1982
- General Order No. 1, 28 June 1982
- Minutes (fragment), ca. mid-1980s [?]
- Typed text of Certificate of Merit awarded to Jack Roosevelt ["Jackie"] Robinson by the VFW, [n.d.]
Series IV: Ephemera, ca. 1945-1989
This series has been divided into three subseries: Charlemae Rollins, Joseph Rollins, Sr., and Memorials for Charlemae Rollins. Items have been divided into types, arranged alphabetically by type, and then chronologically within each type.
Subseries 1: Ephemera of Charlemae Rollins
Box 8
Awards and Certificates
Awards and certificates: Delta Kappa Gamma Society, honorary member, 28 Dec. 1970 (See Oversize Box 8)
Box 2
Folder 27
Autograph Book
Box 2
Folder 28
Book Jackets
2 Christmas Gif' book jackets
Box 2
Folder 29
- Constance Lindsay Skinner Award Coctail Reception (Women's National Book Association), 1 Nov. 1973
- Reception in honor of Clara S. Jones (Johnson Publishing Company), 19 July 1976
- Newbery and Caledcott Awards Dinner, (Children's Services Division of American Library Association), 20 July 1976
Box 2
Folder 30
Member Cards
- Social Security Card
- YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago, 1973-1974
- Senior Citizen Reduced Fare Permit, Chicago Transit Authority
- Personal Identification Card
Box 2
Folder 31
- Publicity photograph of Gwendolyn Brooks on card stock, ca. 1950 [?]
- Science Research Associates test card, "The Forgotten Hero" (from Charlemae Rollins, They Showed the Way), published 1976
- Science Research Associates test card, "The First to Die" (from Charlemaer Rollins, They Showed the Way) published 1976
- Printed card, Constance E. Berkeley, "Glow Child" (poem), [n.d.]
Box 6
Stamp of Charlemae Rollins portrait (See Object Box 6)
Box 6
Stamp of Charlemae Rollins portrait (See Object Box 6)
Box 2
Folder 32
- "The Rabbit and the Turnip" Publicity pamphlet, published 1969
- "The American Negro" publicity pamphlet (includes They Showed the Way), published 1964
Box 2
Folder 33
Programs, 1945-1968
- Funeral services [?] for Marjorie Hill Allee, ca. 1945
- Obsequies of Allen G. Hill, 13 Jun 1962 (4 copies)
- "The Chronicle" of the Book Circle, 1968
- Obsequies of Birdie Tucker Hill, 29 Sep. 1968 (8 copies)
Box 2
Folder 34
Programs, 1970
32nd Annual Easter Tea of Good Shepherd Congregational Church, 29 Mar 1970
Box 2
Folder 35
Programs, 1972-1978
- "Torch Bearer" Awards, Theta Omega Alumni Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, 5 Nov 1972
- Commencement, Columbia College Chicago, 7 Jun 1974 (2 copies)
- Coretta Scott King Award Ceremony, 21 July 1976
- Chicago Year Book, Children's Reading Round Table, 1978
- 35th Anniversary Founder's Day, The Book Circle, 12 Nov. 1978
- "Chronicle II," The Book Circle, Nov. 1978
- Annual Program, Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, Gamma Alpha Chapter, 1978
- Annual Program, Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, Gamma Alpha Chapter, 1979
Subseries 2: Ephemera of Joseph Rollins, Sr.
Box 2
Folder 36
Awards and Certificates
- Certificate of Outstanding Service, Veterans Administration Voluntary Service, 11 May 1961
- Citation, Military Order of the Cootie (awarded to V.A. Research Hospital), 13 Aug 1965
- Citation, Military Order of the Cootie, 14 Aug 1965
- Certificate of Nomination as A Great Chicagoan, Jane Dent Home for the Aged, 1970
- Certificate of Recognition for Volunteer Service, Veterans Administration Voluntary Service, 10 May 1973
- Citation of Merit, Military Order of the Cootie (awarded to Monkey Mountain Pup Tent #20), 1974
- Certificate of Appointment to office of Aide de Camp to Supreme Commander - VAVS Class, 16 May 1975
- Certificate for Outstanding Service, Travelers Aid Society of Metropolitan Chicago, [n.d.]
- Certificate of Merit, Military Order of the Cootie, [n.d.]
- Certificate in Recognition of Twenty Years of Service, United States Department of Agriculture, [n.d.]
Box 2
Folder 37
- Testimonial Night for Joseph W. Rollins (Military Order of the Cootie MMPT #20), 21 Oct 1967
- Joint Installation of Shavetails and Ladies Auxiliary Officers (Military Order of the Cootie MMPT #20), 23 March 1968
- Joint Installation of Officers (Maj. Charles L. Hunt Post No. 2024, VFW), 10 May 1968
- Joint Installation of Shavetails and Ladies Auxiliary Officers (Military Order of the Cootie MMPT #20), 15 March 1969
- Joint Installation of Shavetails and Ladies Auxiliary Officers (Military Order of the Cootie MMPT #20), 14 March 1970
- Joint Installation of Officers (Maj. Charles L. Hunt Post No. 2024, VFW), 16 May 1970
- Joseph W. Rollins Testimonial Night (Military Order of the Cootie MMPT #20), 13 Feb. 1971
- Joint Installation of Officers (Maj. Charles L. Hunt Post No. 2024, VFW), 14 May 1971
- Joint Installation of Shavetails and Ladies Auxiliary Officers (Military Order of the Cootie MMPT #20), 4 March 1972
- Joint Installation of Officers (Maj. Charles L. Hunt Post No. 2024, VFW), 13 May 1972
- Joint Installation of Shavetails and Ladies Auxiliary Officers (Military Order of the Cootie MMPT #20), 31 March 1974
- Joint Installation of Officers (Maj. Charles L. Hunt Post No. 2024, VFW), 25 May 1975
- Joint Installation of Officers (Maj. Charles L. Hunt Post No. 2024, VFW), 23 May 1976
- Joint Installation of shave tails [sic] and Ladies Auxiliary Officers (Military Order of the Cootie MMPT #20), 28 March 1976
- Joint Installation of Shavetails and Ladies Auxiliary Officers (Military Order of the Cootie MMPT #20), 12 March 1977
- Dinner Honoring Past Grand Commanders and Past Presidents (Military Order of the Cootie, Grand Pup Tent of Illinois), 28 June 1982
- Jane Addams Story Telling Festival, 5 June 1983
Box 2
Folder 38
Member Cards
- Past Commanders' Club (Veterans of Foreign Wars of Illinois), 17 May 1946
- Supreme Pup Tent (Military Order of the Cootie), 10 Aug 1956
- Supreme Pup Tent (Military Order of the Cootie), Supreme Council Member, 1965
- Supreme Pup Tent (Military Order of the Cootie), Supreme VAVS Deputy, 1966
- Supreme Pup Tent (Military Order of the Cootie), Special Hospital Award, 20 August 1966
- Supreme Pup Tent (Military Order of the Cootie), Supreme VAVS Deputy, 1967
- Supreme Pup Tent (Military Order of the Cootie), Special Hospital Award, 17 Aug 1968
- Supreme Pup Tent (Military Order of the Cootie), Aide de Camp to Supreme Commander VAVS Class, 1975
Box 2
Folder 39
- Ticket stub from VFW 83rd National Convention, Los Angeles, CA, 13 Aug 1982
- Small card printed with "A Cootie" (poem), (approx. 25 copies)
Box 6
VFW name tag holders (See Object Box 6)
Box 6
VFW bolo (See Object Box 6)
Box 6
Stamp of Joseph Rollins portrait (see Object Box 6)
Box 8
Western University Transcript, 3 June 1921 (see Oversize Box 8)
Box 2
Folder 40
- By-Laws, Maj. Chas. L. Hunt Post No. 2024, VFW, Adopted 29 Nov 1943
- By-Laws, Supreme Pup Tent, Military Order of the Cootie, printed Dec. 1974
- By-Laws, Supreme Pup Tent, Military Order of the Cootie, printed Nov. 1976
- Ritual of the Military Order of the Cootie, Adopted 18 Aug 1973
- Roster of the Grand Pup Tent of Illinois, Military Order of the Cootie, 1981-1982
Box 3
Folder 41
Programs, 1958-1973
- 20th Anniversary Banquet and Dance (Military Order of the Cootie), 26 July 1958
- Veterans Benefit Dinner Dance (Major Chas. L. Hunt VFW Post 2024 ), 21 July 1962
- Remarks or Program from Testimonial Dinner for Joseph W. Rollins (2 copies), 21 Oct. 1967
- 1970 Recognition Awards to Outstanding Chicagoans (Jane Dent Home for the Aged), 2 May 1970
- 34th-33rd Anniversary Observance Dinner Dance (Major Chas. L. Hunt VFW Post 2024), 24 Oct 1970
- Honorary Dinner for Clarissa Wood (Military Order of the Cootie Auxiliary) (7 copies, 1 autographed), 13 April 1973
- Fragment of program listing Founders and Past Officers of Military Order of the Cootie, ca. 1972 [?]
Box 3
Folder 42
Programs, 1975-1989
- Golden Anniversary VFW National Home, 20 Dec 1975
- See also Correspondence, Box 1, Folder 6
- Obsequies for Theophilus M. Mann, 15 May 1975
- Obsequies for Thomas C. Miller, 25 May 1977
- 41st Anniversary Observance (Major Charles L. Hunt Post 2024, VFW), 15 Oct 1977
- Obsequies for Edward Lee Young (2 copies), 29 Sept 1979
- 83rd National Convention, VFW, Los Angeles, 13 Aug 1982
- Fragment of program from funeral services [?] William H. Jetton, [n.d.]
Box 5
Scrapbook: See Box 5
Subseries 3: Ephemera from Memorials for Charlemae Rollins
Box 3
Folder 43
Memorials for Charlemae Rollins, 1964; 1977; 1989
- Book plate from Charlemae Rollins Collection at Roosevelt University (3 copies), 1964
- Book plate from Charlemae Hill Rollins Collection at Vivian G. Harsh Collection of Afro-American History and Literature, 1977
- Program from Dedication Ceremonies and Reception for C. Rollins Collection at Harsh Collection (3 originals, 2 photoduplicates), 19 Nov 1977
- Program from Dedication of Charlemae Hill Rollins Children's Room, George Cleveland Hall Branch Library (4 copies), 21 Oct 1989
Box 3
Folder 44
Funeral of Charlemae Rollins
- Cards received with flowers: Margaret Walker Alexander; The Book Circle; Chicago Public Library (Children's Librarians and Staff Associates); Yolanda D. Federici; Oneita and Modest Ferrell and Ora Green Morrow; Alice and James Harris and Hellen and Julian Dawson; Mr. and Mrs. John H. Johnson; Unity Funeral Home
- Card in memory of Charlemae Hill Rollins (2 copies), 7 Feb 1979
Box 3
Folder 44
Program from funeral services of Charlemae Rollins (3 copies), 7 Feb 1979
Box 3
Folder 45
Funeral of Charlemae Rollins-Funeral Book
Series V: Clippings and Serials, 1938-1982
Clippings have been divided into three subjects: Clippings about Charlemae Rollins, Clippings about Joseph Rollins, and Other clippings. They are arranged chronologically within each subject, with oversized clippings listed at the end of each subject. Serials are arranged chronologically, with oversized serials listed at the end. Clippings on newsprint have been photocopied onto acid-free paper for conservation; they are labeled. Other photocopies in the collection are "original" photocopies.
Box 3
Folder 46
Clippings about Charlemae Rollins, 1938; 1945; 1955-1967
- Charlemae Rollins, "Big Broadcast," Wilson [Library] Bulletin, June 1938
- Charlemae Rollins, "Children's Books," [publication unknown], 1945 [?]
- Roi Ottley, "Sketches Civic Life of One of Many Unsung Negro Families," Chicago Tribune, 17 June 1955 (original and photoduplicate)
- Sylvia Shepherd, "Librarian Discusses Reading," Chicago Daily Tribune, 18 Jan 1962
- "What it Takes to be a Good American," [publication unknown], 1962 [?]
- "Chicago Librarian Watches Children Grow to Fame," Jet, 1962 [?] (original and photoduplicate)
- "Farewell Friends," Jet, 1963 [?]
- Jane Mary Farley, "Librarian Helped Change Face of Children's Books," The Milwaukee Journal, 23 July 1965 (photoduplicate)
- "Gary Speaker", [publication unknown], 2 Nov 1965
- George Woods, "To Mississippi in the Interest of Children and Books," Wilson Library Bulletin, June 1967
Box 3
Folder 47
Clippings about Charlemae Rollins, 1970-1978
- "Book Award," Jet, 30 April 1970
- Peggy Constantine, "An Award-Winning Librarian and Storyteller," [publication unknown], 8 April 1970
- "in Honor of Charlemae Hill Rollins," What's New in Books (Newsletter of Chicago Public Library), May 1970 (photoduplicate)
- "AKA 'torch bearers'" Chicago Daily Defender, 4 Nov 1972
- "Charlemae Rollins Chicago librarian and storyteller," Chicago Courier, 14 Sept. 1974
- "Charlemae Rollins-Librarian and Storyteller," American Libraries, Sept. 1974
- [no title], [publication unknown], ca. Sept. 1974 [?]
- "Charlemae H. Rollins," [publication unknown], ca. 1975 [?]
- Delores J. Brooks, "Charlemae Rollins: authoress and children's advocate," The Herald, 26 Oct 1977 (photoduplicate)
- Vernon Jarrett, "Unsung heroes with a message," Chicago Tribune, 18 Nov 1977
- "Goal was quality children's literature," The Little Paper (Newsletter of Arthur D. Little, Inc.), Feb 1978
- See also Personal Correspondence, Box 1, Folder 8
- "Historical Facts about Resident Charlemae Rollins," Newsletter of Chevy Chase Nursing Centre, Nov. 1978
Box 3
Folder 48
Clippings about Charlemae Rollins, 1979-1982, n.d.
- [Obituary], Boston Globe, 6 Feb, 1979 (original and photoduplicate)
- "Charlemae Rollins dies, librarian," Chicago Sun-Times, 7 Feb, 1979 (orig. and photoduplicate)
- "Librarian Rollins dead at 80," Chicago Tribune, 7 Feb 1979 (original)
- "Services for Charlemae Hill Rollins, 80," Chicago Defender, 7 Feb 1979 (photoduplicate)
- "Charlemae Rollins Dies" Amsterdam News (New York), 7 Feb 1979 [?]
- "Charlemae Hill Rollins, author," Bay State Banner, 22 Feb 1979.
- Lillian N. Gerhardt, "President's Message II-ALSC," Top of the News (publication of the American Library Association), Spring 1979
- "Charlemae Rollins," California Librarians Black Caucus Newsletter, Summer 1979 (photoduplicate)
- "Charlemae Hill Rollins Colloquium Huge Success" Black Caucus Newsletter (ALA), June 1980 (photoduplicate)
- "A Trailblazer for Children," [advertisement], [publication unknown], ca. 1980s [?]
Box 8
Kathryn Christensen, "Charlemae and her long affair with books," Chicago Tribune. (5 copies), 7 June 1974: see Oversize Box 8
Box 3
Folder 49
Clippings about Joseph Rollins, Sr., 1948-1969
- "Segregation Bar Proposal Causes Uproar in V.F.W.," [publication unknown], 2 Sept. 1948 [?]
- "Lawn Party 'Surprise' Honors Joseph W. Rollins, Retired Gov't Inspector," Chicago Defender, 2 July 1955.
- "Cooties Cite Vets Hospital," Chicago Courier, 21 Oct 1961
- "Wreath for Unknown Soldier," [publication unknown], 8 Nov 1964
- See also Photographs, MOC Activities, Box 4, Folder 68
- "Set Testimonial for Joseph Rollins," Chicago Courier, 14 Oct 1967 (2 copies)
- [no title], Chicago Daily Defender, 26 Oct 1967
- "Presenting Gift to Honoree," Chicago Courier, 28 Oct 1967
- Doris Saunders, [no title], Chicago Daily Defender, 26 Aug 1969
- "Cooties," Jet [?], 13 Feb 1971 [?] see photographs
- See also Photographs, MOC Activities, Box 4, Folder 69
- "VFW Cooties Elect Rollins Historian," Chicago Courier, 30 Aug 1969 (3 copies)
Box 3
Folder 50
Clippings about Joseph Rollins, Sr., 1971-1980, n.d.
- "Vet tribute set for Joseph Rollins, Sr." [publication unknown], ca. 13 Feb, 1971
- "Grand President Honored," Me-Itch-Igan (Newsletter of Military Order of the Cootie), May 1973
- "Gerri Major's Society World," Jet, 25 Sept 1980 (photoduplicate)
- Scrap book page with clippings, [publications unknown], [n.d.]
- "Cootie Cited," [publication unknown], [n.d.]
Box 8
Joseph W. Rollins, "Another Version of 'What is a Cootie?'" The Cootie Courier, May 1959 (See Oversize Box 8)
Box 8
Illinois V.F.W. News, April 1974 (See Oversize Box 8)
Box 8
Illinois V.F.W. News, Aug. 1974 (See Oversize Box 8)
Box 3
Folder 51
Other Clippings
- Gwendolyn Brooks, "The Assassination of John F. Kennedy," [publication unknown], Nov. 1963 [?]
- Peter Evarts, "Suburbia: The Target Area," Wilson Library Bulletin, Oct 1966
- "Langston Hughes" (obituary), Chicago Daily Defender, ca. 22 May 1967
- [Obituary for Birdie Hill], [publication unknown], ca. 29 Sept. 1968
- "Negro History Lesson," Terre Haute (IN) Tribune, 14 Feb, 1969
- Doris Saunders, "Confetti" [obituary for Horace Cayton], Chicago Daily Defender, 26 Jan, 1970
- Rob Cuscaden, "Love is the difference in tribute to Gwen," Chicago Sun-Times, 4 Feb. 1971.
- Doris Saunders, "My Point of View," Chicago Courier, 13 Sept. 1971
- "Justice for Barney Alston, slain in Bridgeport at 19," Chicago Tribune, 23 May 1980 (photoduplicate)
- "Hold services for Dr. [Edward A.] Jones," Chicago Defender, 4 June 1981.
- "Consumer Book," [publication unknown], [n.d.]
- "Newly Elected Grand of Illinois MOCA President," Illinois V.F.W. News [?], [n.d.]
- "PSC Jean Brelsford Answers Final Call," Cootie Courier [?], [n.d.]
- "We Grieve" [obituary for Ray Branneman], [publication unknown], [n.d.]
- "Mail Call," [publication unknown], 1974 (See also Military Order of the Cootie Correspondence, Box 1, Folder 5)
- "Joe Rollins Honored," The Little Paper (Newsletter of Arthur D. Little, Inc.) [?], [n.d.]
Box 3
Folder 52
- The Gold Stripe (Newsletter of Major Charles L. Hunt Post 2024, VFW), May 1946
- The Gold Stripe, (Newsletter of Major Charles L. Hunt Post 2024, VFW), March 1947
- ALA Bulletin, Feb 1955
- Interracial Books for Children, Winter 1967
- Black Caucus Newsletter (ALA), June 1980
- Jet, 25 Sept 1980
- Ebony Jr., Nov 1980
- Public Libraries, Fall 1982
Box 8
V.F.W. News, September 1976 (See Oversize Box 8)
Box 8
Cootie Courier, 15 Oct 1979 (See Oversize Box 8)
Box 8
Cootie Courier, 15 Nov 1979 (See Oversize Box 8)
Box 8
Cootie Courier, 15 Jan 1980 (See Oversize Box 8)
Series VI: Hill Family Papers, 1913-ca. 1946
Items in this series have been divided into types, arranged alphabetically by type, and chronologically within each type, with the exception of correspondence, which is arranged alphabetically by last name of sender.
Box 3
Folder 53
Correspondence, 1926-1935; n.d.
- Buddie Hill (son of Birdie and Allen Hill) to Allen G. Hill, 8 Apr. 1935
- State Board of Education of Oklahoma (George C. Wells) to Birdie Lula Tucker [Hill], 19 Nov 1930
- Maude Tucker (sister of Birdie Hill) to Birdie Hill, 31 Jan 1933
- William R. Tucker (father of Birdie Hill) to Birdie Hill, 28 April 1927
- William R. Tucker (father of Birdie Hill) to Birdie Hill, 14 June 1927
- William R. Tucker (father of Birdie Hill) to Birdie Hill, 23 June 1927
- William R. Tucker (father of Birdie Hill) to Birdie Hill, 22 March 1931
- From [sister of Birdie Hill] to Birdie Hill, [n.d.]
- [empty envelope], Aug 1926
Box 3
Folder 54
Birdie T. Hill Credentials for Teaching
- Letter from School Board of Trustees of Yazoo Mississippi, 15 Oct 1913
- State of Mississippi Department of Public Education, 10 Dec 1907
- Public Schools of Oklahoma, 29 June 1915
- Public Schools of Oklahoma, 1 Nov 1916
- Department of Education, State of Oklahoma, 31 Oct 1925
- Beggs Public Schools Teacher's Contract, 2 July 1930
Box 8
State Board of Education of Oklahoma, 2 Dec 1919 (See Oversize Box 8)
Box 3
Folder 55
Box 3
MSS of article, Birdie Hill, "Oklahoma Couple Observe their Golden Anniversary," ca. 6 June 1946 [?]
Box 3
Folder 56
Receipt for $245, [n.d.]
Box 6
Wooden spoon inscribed by Allen G. Hill (See Object Box 6)
Box 8
Western University Transcript of Bertie A. Hill (sister of Charlemae Rollins [?]), 2 June, 1920 (see Oversize Box 8)
Box 3
Folder 57
Birdie T. Hill School Materials
- Registration Card, 31 May 1930
- Grade Cards, Agricultural and Normal University (Langston, OK), 1930 (5 cards)
- Grade Report, Summer 1931
- Registration Card, Agricultural and Normal University (Langston, OK), 2 June 1931
Series VII: Photographs, 1897 - early 1980s
The photographs have been divided into the following subjects: Photographs removed from Charlemae Rollins's photograph album; Portraits of Charlemae Rollins; Portraits of Joseph Rollins, Sr.; Portraits of Others; Charlemae Rollins Professional Activities; Military Order of the Cootie and Other Veteran Activities; Family Photographs; Rollinses at Home and With Friends; Photographs of Trips; Miscellaneous Photographs; and Framed and Matted Photographs. Photographs have been arranged chronologically within these subjects; where dates are not available they have been estimated. Oversize photographs are listed at the end of the subject in which they would appear.
To aid researchers attempting to make alternative conjectures about content and dating of photographs, they have been indexed according to the number they were assigned in the preliminary inventory of this collection, which appears at the end of this finding aid. That inventory includes descriptions of the photographs as well as notes about the envelopes in which they were found. An original order index number appears to the right of the description; these numbers are sequential except for numbers beginning with 800: numbers 800-843 follow 270; and numbers 850-873 follow 411.
Box 4
Folder 58
Photographs Removed from Charlemae Rollins's Photo Album (271)
- Unidentified event in honor of Charlemae Rollins [?], ca. late 1960s [?], 43 images (includes photographs of Odetta performing)
- Charlemae Rollins in Nassau, ca. 1950s, [n.d.]
- Charlemae Rollins at Book Fair in Detroit, Nov 1964
- Charlemae Rollins and 3 unidentified people, ca. 1950s [?] [n.d.]
- Birdie Hill and 2 unidentified people eating watermelon, ca. 1950s [?] [n.d.]
- Charlemae Rollins in group of 9 women, ca. late 1940s [?] [n.d.]
- Charlemae Rollins and 2 unidentified women, ca. 1950s [?] [n.d.]
- Charlemae Rollins and 2 unidentified women, ca. 1950s [?] [n.d.]
- Charlemae Rollins and 2 unidentified women, ca. late 1950s or 1960s [?] [n.d.]
- Joseph Rollins in apartment [?], ca. 1970 [?]
- Charlemae Rollins and unidentified woman at San Francisco ALA meeting, ca. 1960s [?] [n.d.]
Box 8
Charlemae Rollins's photo album (See Oversize Box 8)
Box 4
Folder 59
Portraits of Charlemae Rollins
- Charlemae Rollins portrait (Adams Foto), ca. mid-1940s to mid-1950s (732)
- Charlemae Rollins portraits, ca. 1950s [?], 5 images (871-873, 711, 712)
- Charlemae Rollins portrait, ca. 1950s [?], color and black and white copies (154, 695)
- Charlemae Rollins portrait, ca. 1950s [?], 3 copies (332, 400, 858)
- Charlemae Rollins portraits (David Jackson/Ebony Magazine), ca. 1950s [?], 2 images (852, 857)
- Charlemae Rollins portrait (Dion A. Stams), ca. 1950s (866)
- Charlemae Rollins portraits (Vincent Saunders), ca. mid-1950s to mid-1960s [?], 4 images (851, 869, 870, 673, 702)
- Charlemae Rollins portrait (Cleodia H. Lyles), ca. 1960s [?] (715)
- Charlemae Rollins portrait, ca. late 1960s-early 1970s [?] (862)
Box 8
Charlemae Rollins portrait, 10 Oct 1963 [?]; see Oversize Box 8 (338)
Box 4
Folder 60
Portraits of Joseph Rollins, Sr.
- Joseph Rollins in uniform, ca. 1918 [?] (6)
- Joseph Rollins portrait in Maj. Chas. Hunt Post 2024 VFW Uniform (Mahler's Studio), ca. 1940s [?] (588)
- Joseph Rollins portrait (Herb Wallace), ca. 1950s [?] (587)
- Joseph Rollins portraits, ca. 1960s [?], 3 images (10, 13, 14)
- Joseph Rollins portrait, ca. 1960s [?] (9)
- Joseph Rollins portrait strip, ca. late 1960s-mid 1970s [?] (122)
- Joseph Rollins portrait, ca. 1970s (11)
Box 4
Folder 61
Portraits of Others
- "Cleora," 1968 (628)
- Doris Gates [?] portrait, (George A. Cain) (701)
- Monette Moore portrait, inscribed , 11 July 1923 (716)
- Monette Moore portrait, inscribed, 14 Dec 1950 (717)
- Franklin W. Morton portrait, inscribed, Dec 1974 (see Military Order of the Cootie Correspondence, Box 1, Folder 5) (618)
- Richard Roudebush portrait drawing (photographic reproduction), inscribed, 12 Dec 1974 (see Military Order of the Cootie Correspondence, Box 1, Folder 6) (82)
- John Sparks portrait, inscribed, [n.d.] (see Military Order of the Cootie Correspondence, Box 1, Folder 6) (81)
Box 4
Folder 62
Charlemae Rollins Professional Activities, ca. 1930-ca. 1950
- Charlemae Rollins at Hall Branch Library [?], ca. 1930s [?] (718)
- Charlemae Rollins and 4 unidentified women, ca. 1940s [?] (726)
- Charlemae Rollins and children, ca. 1940s [?] (46)
- Charlemae Rollins and 4 unidentified women in St. Louis, ca. 1940s [?] (868)
- Charlemae Rollins and 2 unidentified women in St. Louis, ca. 1940s [?] (724)
Box 4
Folder 63
Charlemae Rollins Professional Activities, ca. 1950 - ca. 1960
- Charlemae Rollins greeting family with 3 children, 20 Sept. 1952 (700)
- Unidentified event, hotel room and environs in Virginia [?], 13 images, Jul 1953 [?] (210-213, 218, 221, 308-314)
- Newberry Awards Dinner, San Francisco, 1954, 7 images by Cristof Studio (850, 855, 859, 860, 720, 721, 722)
- Charlemae Rollins and unidentified man at other Newberry Awards event [?], ca. 1960s [?], 2 images by Cristof Studio (861, 740)
- Marthetta McMickle, Rosa Page Welch, Charlemae Rollins, Ashram 1955 (214)
- Charlemae Rollins and 2 ALA members in New York [?], ca. 1950s [?] (728)
- Charlemae Rollins and group of librarians [?] (O.B. Willis), ca. 1950s [?] (61)
- Charlemae Rollins with woman and 2 children, ca. 1950s [?] (736)
- Charlemae Rollins with children dressed as American icons for a performance [?], ca. 1950s [?] (745)
- Atlanta University Library School group photograph, ca. 1950s (705)
Box 8
32nd National Book Week at Clark College, 5 images, 1950 (see Oversize box 8) (134, 865, 725, 727, 737)
Box 4
Folder 64
Charlemae Rollins Professional Activities, ca. 1960 - ca. 1970
- Charlemae Rollins shaking hands with unidentified woman, Dec. 1962, includes negative (307, 307.1)
- Unidentified holiday event, Dec 1962, 6 images (292-295, 297-299)
- Charlemae Rollins with 2 unidentified people and framed certificate, 1963 (2 images) (316, 317, 320)
- Groups of people at party, July 1963 (3 images) (315, 318, 319)
- Aimee Sommerfelt, Charlemae Rollins, and Marie Lou Mohr at Nobel Peace Institute, Oslo, Norway, 1963 [?] (703)
- Charlemae Rollins presenting Jane Addams Book Award to Aimee Sommerfelt, 1963 [?], 2 images (867, 731)
- Charlemae Rollins at Reavis School, Dec. 1968 (698)
- Charlemae Rollins and 2 unidentified women at speaking event [?], ca. 1960s [?] (864)
- Charlemae Rollins and 3 unidentified people in Gary, IN, ca. 1960s [?] (853)
- Charlemae Rollins and unidentified woman at speaking event [?], ca. 1960s [?] (709)
- Unidentified dinner event in honor of Charlemae Rollins [?], ca. 1960s [?], 4 images (863, 714, 856, 708)
- Charlemae Rollins and unidentified woman posing with Christmas Gif' at Chicago Public Library (photo by Barbara Carey), ca. 1960s [?] (854)
- Women and children working on posters (photo by Sussman-Ochs), ca. 1960s [?], 2 images (418, 419)
- Charlemae and unidentified woman at ALA meeting in Philadelphia [?], ca. 1960s [?] (738)
- Charlemae and unidentified man at ALA meeting in Philadelphia [?], ca. 1960s [?] (739)
Box 4
Folder 65
Charlemae Rollins Professional Activities, ca. 1970 - ca. 1979
- Unidentified event in honor of Charlemae Rollins [?], April 1970 (62)
- Charlemae Rollins at dinner at Carson Pirie Scott, 15 May 1970 (694)
- Charlemae Rollins and Joseph Rollins at Constance Lindsay Skinner Awards, 1970 (4 images) (8, 719, 733, 743)
- Charlemae Rollins at dinner, 7 March 1974 (302)
- Joseph Rollins at Columbia College Chicago Commencement, 7 June 1974 (584)
Box 4
Folder 66
Military Order of the Cootie and other veteran activities, ca. 1930 - ca. 1950
- Group photo of Monkey Mountain Pup Tent #20, with typed caption, 4 June 1938, (3 copies, includes negative) (see also Oversize Box 8) (609, 610, 625)
- Joseph Rollins and group of men at Cootie Banquet and Ball, with typed caption, Chicago, 1941, 3 copies (includes negative) (608, 613)
- Joseph Rollins and group of men at breakfast following Cootie Banquet and Ball, with typed caption, Chicago, 1941, 3 copies (includes negative) (607, 612)
- Typed captions for photographs
- Joseph Rollins in parade to Boston Commons Cemetery, with typed caption, 1946 (see Military Order of the Cootie correspondence From Henry L. Warner, Box 1, Folder 6) (547)
- Men in VFW uniform in Chicago (3 images), ca. 1940s [?] (544, 548, 549)
Box 8
Grand Commanders Banquet, 16 August 1958; (See Oversize Box 8)
Box 4
Folder 67
Military Order of the Cootie and other veteran activities, ca. 1950 - ca. 1960
- Springfield trip [?], 1956, 8 images (234-237, 250-253)
- Florida trip, Aug 1957, 14 images (238-240, 244-245, 540, 246-247, 802-807)
- Parade, 3 images, May 1959 (543, 545, 546)
- Parade, 5 images, ca. 1950s [?] (832-836)
- Party, 5 images, ca. 1950s [?] (91, 92, 94-96)
- Women standing in front of Hunt 2024 Post Office (5311 Cottage Grove Ave, Chicago), ca. 1950s [?], 3 images (242, 254, 255)
- Uniformed VFW men and Auxiliary women in Chicago [?], ca. 1950s [?], 3 images (243, 258, 259)
- Joseph Rollins standing in front of large building, ca. 1950s [?] (837)
- Joseph Rollins holding camera in a park, ca. 1950s [?] (838)
- Group of Major Charles Hunt Post 2024 on platform in Chicago [?], ca. 1950s [?], 4 images (839, 840, 841, 843)
- Group of Major Charles Hunt Post 2024 members in a bar, ca. 1950s [?] (842)
- Group of Major Charles Hunt Post 2024 members at a memorial service, ca. 1950s [?], 6 images (228-233)
- Group of Major Charles Hunt Post 2024 members with wreaths and in a cemetery, 4 images, ca. 1950s [?] (828-831)
- Major Charles Hunt Post 2024 members in a bar, 2 images, ca. 1950s [?] (224, 827)
- Joseph Rollins, three unidentified women, and an unidentified man, 3 images, ca. 1950s [?] (800, 801, 808)
- VFW group at a dinner (541)
Box 4
Folder 68
Military Order of the Cootie and other veteran activities, ca. 1960 - ca. 1970
- Joseph Rollins and seated girl, 2 copies, Aug./Sept. 1960 (222, 226)
- Marching band in a field, 2 copies, Aug./Sept. 1960 (223, 248)
- Joseph Rollins seated in his MOC hat and badges, Sept. 1960 (225)
- Marching band, Sept. 1960 (249)
- Joseph Rollins and three Cooties, ca. 1963 (825)
- Joseph Rollins in MOC hat with elderly woman and children reading, ca. 1963 (187)
- Cootie party, Feb. 1964, 2 images (817, 186)
- MOC in Washington, DC, 8 Nov 1964, 3 images (264, 263, 266)
- See also Clippings about Joseph Rollins, Box 3, Folder 49
- MOC event in New Berlin, Wisconsin, 1965, 8 images (192-194, 197-203)
- Joseph Rollins and Cooties, Feb 1965 (262)
- Joseph Rollins at a dinner, Nov 1965 (826)
- MOC event, Mar 1966, 7 images (810-816, 819)
- MOC gathering, Apr/May 1966, 11 images (267-269, 189-191)
- MOC event, July 1966 [?], 2 images (195-196)
- MOC event, July 1966, 5 images (261, 188)
- Joseph Rollins and others, stamped property of Ebony Magazine, ca 1960s [?] (16)
- Joseph Rollins receiving gift at testimonial dinner,21 Oct 1967 [?] (118)
- Joseph Rollins and other members of MOC, ca. 1960s [?], 2 images (137, 138)
- Joseph Rollins standing next to Cutlass, ca. 1960s [?] (809)
Box 4
Folder 69
Military Order of the Cootie and other veteran activities, ca. 1970 - ca. 1980
- Joseph Rollins and man in Miami Beach, 1970 (582)
- Joseph Rollins and Clarissa Wood in Detroit, 1973 (119)
- Ernie H. Moore, Joseph Rollins, James G. Lee, and James F. Sample at Testimonial for Joseph Rollins, 13 Feb 1971 (597)
- See also Clippings about Joseph Rollins, Box 3, Folder 49
- Joseph Rollins and other Cooties in a car, ca. 1970s [?] (586)
- Joseph and Charlemae Rollins at a dinner, ca. 1970s [?] (585)
- Joseph Rollins at MOC Supreme Convention, Chicago, 28 Aug 1980, 11 images (12, 78-79, 125-127, 129-133, 135, 128)
Box 4
Folder 70
Family Photographs
- Charlemae Rollins aged 6 months, Dec. 1897 [?] (663)
- Joseph Rollins, ca. 1940s [?] (668)
- Charlemae Rollins and Joseph Rollins, Jr., ca. 1940s [?] (699)
- Charlemae Rollins and Birdie Hill, Dec. 1941 (696)
- Allen G. Hill and Birdie Hill 50th Wedding Anniversary, 6 June 1946 [?], 2 images (706, 707)
- Charlemae Rollins, 12 July 1948 (748)
- Charlemae Rollins, ca. 1950s [?] (735)
- Charlemae Rollins, ca. 1950s [?] (697)
- Joseph Rollins standing next to car, ca. 1950s [?] (823)
- Birdie Hill and unidentified woman, ca. 1950s [?] (692)
- Allen G. Hill and Birdie T. Hill in Beggs, Oklahoma, ca. 1940s-1950s [?] (674)
- Joseph Rollins, Sr., Charlemae Rollins, and Joseph Rollins, Jr., 1963 [?], 2 copies (3, 4)
- Birdie T. Hill and Charlemae Rollins with copy of Christmas Gif', ca. 1963 [?] (155)
- Birdie T. Hill, ca. 1963 [?] (155.1)
Box 4
Folder 71
Rollinses at home and with friends, ca. 1920 - ca. 1950
- Unidentified woman, Joseph Rollins, and Charlemae Rollins, ca. 1920s [?] (664)
- Joseph Rollins and friends, ca. 1930s [?] (348)
- Joseph Rollins and friends, ca. 1940s [?] (1)
- Joseph Rollins and friends, ca. 1940s [?] (2)
- Joseph Rollins and friends, 1944 (5)
- Joseph Rollins, Charlemae Rollins, and friends, ca. 1940s [?] (713)
- Charlemae Rollins and friends in front of car, ca. 1940s [?], 3 images (672, 684, 685)
- Women in front of car, ca. 1940s [?] (686)
- Charlemae Rollins and friends, ca. 1940s [?] (687)
- Friends of Charlemae Rollins [?], ca. 1940s [?] (693)
Box 4
Folder 72
Rollinses at home and with friends, ca. 1950 - ca. 1960
- Charlemae Rollins and Joseph Rollins, Chicago [?] 25 Dec 1954 (280)
- Joseph Rollins and 2 unidentified people, Chicago [?] 25 Dec 1954 (281)
- Party, 5 images, 21 Sept 1957 (288, 289, 301, 305, 306)
- Charlemae Rollins, Joseph Rollins, and unidentified woman in front of Lake Michigan [?], ca. 1950s [?] (276)
- Charlemae Rollins, unidentified woman, and Joseph Rollins in front of ornate building, ca. 1950s [?] (286)
- Unidentified woman and Charlemae Rollins in front of ornate building, ca. 1950s [?] (287)
- Charlemae Rollins and two unidentified women, ca. 1950s [?] (279)
- Charlmae Rollins and Doris Saunders in Rollins apartment [?], ca. 1950s [?] (151, 152)
- Unidentified couple in Rollins apartment [?], ca. 1950s [?] (144)
- Outdoor party in Chicago [?], ca. 1950s [?], 8 images (273-275, 284-285, 820-822)
- Unidentified couple and Charlemae Rollins, ca. 1950s [?] (277)
- Woman on street in Chicago [?], ca. 1950s [?] (278)
- Tea party, ca. 1950s [?], 4 images (290-291, 302-303)
- Charlemae Rollins with church group, ca. 1950s [?] (734)
- Charlemae Rollins and friend at church, ca. 1950s [?] (730)
- 2 unidentified women and Charlemae Rollins, ca. 1950s [?] (729)
Box 4
Folder 73
Rollinses at home and with friends, ca. 1960 - ca. 1970
- Unidentified man and woman in Rollins's apartment [?], July 1963 (204)
- Joseph Rollins at home [?], ca. 1960s [?] (205)
- Bookcase in Rollins apartment [?], ca. 1960s [?] (206)
- Friend of Joseph Rollins in Chicago [?], ca. 1960s [?] (818)
Box 4
Folder 74
Rollinses at home and with friends, ca. 1970 - ca. 1985
- Charlemae Rollins, Joseph Rollins, Jr., and unidentified woman, May 1971, 2 images (59, 60)
- Charlemae and Joseph Rollins at home [?], Apr. 1970 [?], 3 images (207-209)
- Charlemae Rollins with group in an Oklahoma church [?], ca. 1970s [?] (410)
- Joseph Rollins with birthday cake at Pink Co. Hotel, 23 August 1980 (136)
Box 4
Folder 75
Photographs of Trips
- Joseph Rollins at the ocean, ca. 1950s [?], 5 images (98-100, 102, 97)
- Joseph Rollins and others in Vermont [?], 1950 [?], 3 images (93, 89, 90)
- Charlemae Rollins and Joseph Rollins on vacation [?], ca. 1950s [?], 4 images (215-217, 333)
- Charlemae Rollins and Joseph Rollins in New York City, 1955 [?], 3 images (227, 282, 283)
- Joseph Rollins in Bermuda [?], Aug. 1973, 6 images (101, 103-107)
- Joseph Rollins and Charlemae Rollins on vacation [?], ca. 1970s [?], 2 images (218, 219)
Box 4
Folder 76
Miscellaneous photographs
- Large group, ca. 1940s [?] (744)
- Unidentified woman and car, ca. 1950s [?] (241)
- Joseph Rollins and black U.S.D.A. meat inspectors, ca. 1950s (615)
- Unidentified groups at a dinner, ca. 1960s [?], 2 images (589, 590)
- Unidentified woman seated at a desk, Feb. 1960 (306)
- Joseph Rollins and two women at a dinner, May 1971 (577)
- Joseph Rollins and group in an airport terminal, May 1971 (578)
- Bob Cromie and Joseph Rollins at Bob's Retirement Party, 10 Mar 1974 (408)
- 4 unidentified people on a boat, [n.d.] (542)
- Large group in classroom, [n.d.] (593)
- 3 women drinking, [n.d.], 2 images (296, 300)
- Christmas celebration with unidentified people, [n.d.], 2 images (256, 257)
Box 7
Folder Framed and Matted Photographs (see Oversize Box 7)
- Framed tinted photograph of Charlemae Rollins, December 1897 (634)
- Framed photograph portrait of Joseph Rollins, Sr., ca. 1930s (631)
- Framed candid photograph of Joseph Rollins, Sr. on beach, ca. 1950s (632)
- Framed photograph of Birdie T. Hill, Allen G. Hill, and their five children (incl. Charlemae Hill Rollins), 10 June 1946 [?] (669)
Box 7
- Framed photograph of Birdie T. Hill and two children (633)
- Matted photograph of unidentified group, ca. 1900-1915 [?] (610)
- Matted photograph of Chicago Western University Alumni Association, 14 May 1929 (667)
- Matted photograph of Charlemae Hill Rollins and group of women, ca. 1940s [?] (670)
Series VIII: Objects
This series includes a small number of objects that are described and cross-referenced in the series Ephemera and Hill Family Papers.
Box 5
VFW name tag holders
- VFW bolo
- Stamp of Charlemae Rollins portrait
- Stamp of Charlemae Rollins portrait
- Stamp of Joseph Rollins portrait
- Wooden spoon inscribed by Allen G. Hill
Series IX: Oversize
This series includes oversized items that are described and cross-referenced in the series Ephemera, Photographs, and Clippings and Serials.
Box 8
Certificate from Delta Kappa Gamma Society, honorary member, 28 Dec. 1970
- Charlemae Rollins's photograph album (contents removed--see Box 4, Folder 58)
- Photograph of Grand Commanders Banquet, 16 Aug 1958
- Photographs from 32nd National Book Week at Clark College, 1950, 5 images
- Photograph portrait of Charlemae Rollins, 10 Oct 1963 [?]
- Photograph of Monkey Mountain Pup Tent #20, 4 June 1938
- Western University Transcript of Joseph Rollins, Sr., 3 Jun 1921
- Western University Transcript of Bertie A. Hill, 2 Jun 1920
- Teaching Certificate from State of Oklahoma, 2 Dec 1919
- Clipping, Kathryn Christensen, "Charlemae and her long affair with books," [publication unknown] (5 copies), ca. Sept. 1974 [?]
- Clipping, Joseph W. Rollins, "Another Version of 'What is a Cootie?'" The Cootie Courier, May 1959
- Clipping, Illinois V.F.W. News, April 1974
- Clipping, Illinois V.F.W. News, August 1974
- Serial, V.F.W. News, September 1976
- Serial, Cootie Courier, 15 Oct 1979
- Serial, Cootie Courier, 15 Nov 1979
- Serial, Cootie Courier, 15 Jan 1980
Series X: Audio Materials
Access to the Audio Materials series is currently restricted. Please consult the Curatorial Department if you would like to examine these materials.
Box 9
Audio recording on tape reel, Children's Librarians Newberry Award Dinner, Pt. I, 17 Oct 1958
- Audio recording on tape reel, Children's Librarians Newberry Award Dinner, Part II, 17 Oct 1958
- Audio recording on tape reel, The Ink Spots' Greatest Hits, [n.d.]
- Audio recording on tape reel, Christmas Gif recorded by Ann and Clifton Pierce (incomplete), [n.d.]
- Audio recording on tape reel, Roundtable Library Assn, 30 Jun 1964
- Audio recording on tape reel, Chicago Symphony Orchestra (2 March 1957, 28 April 1958); "Dancing Drums of Talkatora," [n.d], and "Psychology of Race Prejudice," [n.d.]
- Audio recording on tape reel, Tom Lehrer, [n.d.]
- Audio recording on cassette tape, Storytelling Festival, [n.d.]
- Audio recording on cassette tape, African Folklore in Carribbean Materials, [n.d.]
- Audio recording on tape reel, Multi-Ethnic Curriculum Committee, University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, [n.d.]
- See correspondence, Box 1, Folder 1
- Audio recording on tape reel, Jazz and Poetry, 1A, [n.d.]
- Audio recording on tape reel, Jazz and Poetry, 2A, [n.d.]
- Audio recording on tape reel, Christmas Gif read by Charlemae Rollins and Studs Terkel, [n.d.]
- See correspondence, Box 1, Folder 7
- Audio recording on phonograph, 4 16-2/3 rpm, The New Outlook for the Blind, vol. 54, no. 5, May 1960
Preliminary Descriptive Inventory of Photographs
This is the original descriptive inventory made of the photographs in the collection. It is provided here to give researchers information about the original order in which the photographs were found, and the descriptive notes available on the containers in which they were found. Preliminary conjectures about the photographs have been corrected, but where there is a discrepancy between these descriptions and the descriptions in the container list, the latter should be considered more definitive.
Box Original Box 1
Folder DSMuseum folder, "Rollins, Joe"
- #1.0: photograph (b/w)--group in drawing room; JWR in back corner of room
- #2.0: photograph (b/w)--group of men with drinks (in page from photo album)
- #3.0: photograph (b/w)--Joseph Rollins, Sr., Charlemae Rollins, and Joseph Rollins, Jr. (1/1/63)
- #4.0: photograph (b/w)--Joseph Rollins, Sr., Charlemae Rollins, and Joseph Rollins, Jr. (1/1/63)
- #5.0: photograph (b/w) -- group posing w/JWR, signed "Taylor"
- #6.0: photograph (b/w) -- JWR in uniform (1/1/18)
- #8.0: photograph (b/w)--C. and J. Rollins at Constance Lindsay Skinner Awards (4/30/70)
- #9.0: photograph (b/w) --J. Rollins wearing MOC hat (full body)
- #10.0: photograph (b/w) --J. Rollins wearing MOC hat (portrait)
- #11.0: photograph (color) J. Rollins wearing MOC uniform
- #12.0: photograph (color) -- J. Rollins
- #13.0: photograph (b/w) - J. Rollins in MOC hat
- #14.0: photograph (b/w) - J. Rollins in MOC hat
- #16.0: photograph (b/w) - J. Rollins and others, stamped as property of Ebony magazine
Box Original Box 1
Folder DSM folder, "Rollins, C. Mae"
- #46.0: photograph (b/w) - C Rollins (?) with children
- #59.0: photograph (color) of CR, Joseph Jr. and ? (6/1/71)
- #60.0: photograph (color) of CR, Joseph Jr. and ? (5/1/71)
- #61.0: photograph (b/w) of CR and several other women
- #62.0: photograph (color) of banquet with CR books (possibly award ceremony of Women's National Book Assn.) (4/1/70)
Box Original Box 1
Folder DSM folder, "Rollins, J."
- #78.0: photograph (color) - JR and others at MOC event (8/1/80)
- #79.0: photograph (color) - JR speaking at MOC event (8/1/80)
- #81.0: photograph (b/w) John Sparks, Supreme Commander of MOC, signed (9/1/80)
- #82.0: photograph of drawing of Richard Rodebush, signed (10/12/74)
- #88.0: small photo album--contents follows
- #89.0: photograph (b/w) of JWR, man, and kneeling woman (1/1/50)
- #90.0: photograph (b/w) of JWR next to house ("Vermont" written on verso) (1/1/50)
- #91.0: photograph (b/w) of man in Hunt VFW post uniform seated with drink
- #92.0: photograph (b/w) of JWR in Hunt VFW post uniform preparing drink
- #93.0: photograph (b/w) of JWR and man in suits with dog
- #94.0: photograph (b/w) of JWR and man in Hunt post uniforms with two women (2 copies)
- #95.0: photograph of JWR plus 3 men in Hunt post uniform and one woman
- #96.0: photograph of JWR plus 3 men in Hunt post uniform and two women
- #97.0: photograph of Joseph Rollins standing on shore
- #98.0: photograph of JWR seated on rock next to ocean (bound in album)
- #99.0: photograph of JWR, man and two women next to ocean (bound in album)
- #100.0: photograph of JWR lying on rock next to ocean (bound in album)
- #101.0: photograph of Joseph Rollins next to bicycles (Bermuda [?])
- #102.0: photograph of JWR on shore (bound in album)
- #103.0: photograph of JWR and two women in album--Bermuda Aug 1973 (1/1/73)
- #104.0: photograph of JWR with children and woman (bound in album)
- #105.0: photograph of JWR in front of house (bound in album)
- #106.0: photograph of JWR next to bicycles (Bermuda [?])
- #107.0: photograph of JWR with another man next to bicycles (Bermuda [?])
- #118.0: photograph (b/w) of JR receiving gift at testimonial dinner (10/21/67)
- #119.0: photograph of JR and woman (Clarissa Wood) at testimonial dinner for Clarissa Wood (1/1/73)
Box Original Box 1
Folder DSM folder, "Rollins, Joseph"
- #122.0: photograph strip of Joseph Rollins Sr.
- #125.0: photograph (color) of Joseph Rollins with others at dinner (8/1/80)
- #126.0: photograph of Joseph Rollins at "Supr. Conv. MOC" same as #78? (8/1/80)
- #127.0: photograph of JR with others at dinner (8/1/80)
- #128.0: photograph (color) of JR in his hospitality room with Nina Miller, George Miller, Melvin King, Lucille Forbes (8/21/80)
- #129.0: photograph of JR with speaker at MOC "opening season"/ "supr. Conv." dinner (8/1/80)
- #130.0: photograph of JR at MOC "opening season"/ "supr. Conv." dinner (8/1/80)
- #131.0: photograph "Joe Rollins at awards breakfast" (8/1/80)
- #132.0: photograph of JR with others at dinner (8/1/80)
- #133.0: photograph neg. of JR with others at dinner (8/1/80)
- #134.0: photograph of people dressed as characters from children's stories
- #135.0: photograph (color, enlargement) of JR with others at dinner (8/1/80)
Box Original Box 1
Folder DSM folder, "Rollins, Joe"
- #136.0: photograph (polaroid) of Joseph Rollins with birthday cake (8/23/80)
- #137.0: photograph of JR and other members of MOC Illinois
- #138.0: photograph of JR and members of MOC Illinois
- #144.0: photograph of man and woman
- #151.0: photograph of Doris Saunders and CHR (verso says "Christmas 19?")
- #152.0: photograph of Doris Saunders and CHR (verso says "Christmas 19?")
Box Original Box 2
- #154.0: photograph of CHR with books
- #155.0: photograph of CHR w/mother and Christmas Gif
- #155.1: photograph of Birdie Hill (1/1/63)
Box Original Box 3
Folder photo folder labeled "New Berlin, Wis - 1965" in red pencil; "Bus Trip" in pencil, in Joseph Rollins's hand
- #186.0: photograph of MOC gathering (2/1/64)
- #187.0: photograph of JR with kids reading books and woman (1/1/63)
- #188.0: JR with men (MOC?) (7/1/66)
- #189.0: JR with others (5/1/66)
- #190.0: JR with others (5/1/66)
- #191.0: 3 unidentified people (5/1/66)
- #192.0: MOC man and 2 women on bus trip (New Berlin, Wi?) (1/1/65)
- #193.0: MOC men with bus (1/1/65)
- #194.0: MOC men with women and bus (1/1/65)
- #195.0: JR and MOC Women's Auxiliary
- #196.0: JR and MOC Women's Auxiliary
- #197.0: man and two women (second copy) (1/1/65)
- #198.0: 2 MOC men (1/1/65)
- #199.0: 2 MOC men (second copy) (1/1/65)
- #200.0: MOC group (1/1/65)
- #201.0: MOC Women's Auxiliary (1/1/65)
- #202.0: MOC Women's Auxiliary (1/1/65)
- #203.0: MOC group (1/1/65)
Box Original Box 3
Folder photo folder labeled "1966," "V.A.V.S. 50th Anniversary," "Washington D.C. April 19-20-21" in Joseph Rollins's hand
- #204.0: woman and man (7/1/63)
- #205.0: Joseph in apartment?
- #206.0: bookshelf in apartment?
- #207.0: CHR in apartment? (4/1/70)
- #208.0: JR and CHR in apartment? (4/1/70)
- #209.0: CHR (4/1/70)
- #210.0: CHR and unidentified person (1/1/53)
- #211.0: CHR and unidentified person (1/1/53)
- #212.0: group dining (1/1/53)
- #213.0: group of women (1/1/53)
- #214.0: Ashram--Marthetta McMickle, Rose Page Welch, Charlemae Rollins (1/1/55)
- #215.0: CHR holding flowers
- #216.0: CHR on steps in park [?]
- #217.0: CHR in front of United States Pavilion
- #218.0: group dining (1/1/53)
- #219.0: JR in front of fountain (DC?)
- #220.0: CHR in front of fountain (DC?)
- #221.0: group of women (1/1/53)
Box Original Box 3
Folder Envelope labeled "VFW" in Joseph Rollins's hand
- #223.0: marching band (9/1/60)
- #224.0: men in uniforms (7/1/57)
- #225.0: JR in MOC gear (9/1/1960)
- #226.0: JR and girl (second copy) (8/1/60)
- #227.0: JR in NYC (Apache ad in BG) (1/1/54)
- #228.0: photo of wreath with JR at funeral (or veteran ceremony) [?]
- #229.0: funeral/veteran ceremony [?]
- #230.0: funeral/veteran ceremony [?]
- #231.0: funeral/veteran ceremony [?]
- #232.0: funeral/veteran ceremony [?]
- #233.0: funeral/veteran ceremony [?]
- #234.0: JWR and VFW men
- #235.0: VFW men (verso: "Springfield '56" (1/1/56)
- #236.0: men at bar (1/1/56)
- #237.0: men in hotel room with JR (1/1/56)
- #238.0: JR at banquet, Florida (8/1/57)
- #239.0: Florida banquet (8/1/57)
- #240.0: Florida banquet (8/1/57)
- #241.0: woman and car
- #242.0: woman in front of CH Post 2024 office
- #243.0: men with flags
- #244.0: MOC banquet Florida (8/1/57)
- #245.0: MOC banquet Florida (8/1/57)
- #246.0: MOC group
- #247.0: MOC group
- #248.0: marching band-yellow (8/1/60)
- #249.0: marching band-red (9/1/60)
- #250.0: 2 VFW men in Springfield (1/1/56)
- #251.0: 3 VFW men in Springfield [?] (1/1/56)
- #252.0: VFW man shaking hands with JR in Springfield [?] (1/1/56)
- #253.0: VFW men-blurry, in Springfield [?] (1/1/56)
- #254.0: 2 women in front of CH Post 2024 office
- #255.0: woman in front of CH Post 2024 office
- #256.0: man and boy at Christmas
- #257.0: group of children at Christmas
- #258.0: VFW and women with flags
- #259.0: VFW and women with flags
Box Original Box 3
Folder Envelope labeled "Joseph Senior" and "Washington prints" in Joseph Rollins's hand
- #261.0: MOC event (4 photos) (7/1/66)
- #262.0: MOC event (4 photos) (2/1/65)
- #263.0: JR and MOC in DC (11/8/64)
- #264.0: MOC in DC planting wreath for Unknown Soldier (11/8/64)
- #265.0: clipping of photograph of wreath for Unknown Soldier (11/8/64)
- #266.0: MOC dinner (12/1/64)
- #267.0: MOC men (4/1/66)
- #268.0: JR and people (4/1/66)
- #269.0: JR and others (6 photographs) (4/1/66)
Box Original Box 3
Folder Unlabeled photo envelope
- #800.0: photograph of JWR, three women, and a man
- #801.0: photograph of JWR, two women, and a man
- #802.0: photo of JWR with group and palm trees (Florida [?]) (8/1/57)
- #803.0: photo of group in Florida [?] (8/1/57)
- #804.0: photo of group in Florida next to pool in motel (8/1/57)
- #805.0: photo of three men next to pool in motel in Florida (8/1/57)
- #806.0: photo of group in Florida (8/1/57)
- #807.0: photo of group in Florida (includes JWR) (8/1/57)
- #808.0: photo of JWR with three women and man
- #809.0: photo of JWR standing next to Cutlass
- #810.0: JWR at MOC event (3/1/66)
- #811.0: MOC event (3/1/66)
- #812.0: MOC event (3/1/66)
- #813.0: MOC event (3/1/66)
- #814.0: photo of MOC event-spanking (3/1/66)
- #815.0: photo of MOC event-spanking (3/1/66)
- #816.0: photo of MOC event-Ladies' Auxiliary speakers (3/1/66)
- #817.0: MOC group (2/1/64)
- #818.0: Friend of JWR on street in Chicago (Bronzeville [?])
- #819.0: women speaking at MOC event (3/1/66)
- #820.0: lawn party in Chicago [?]--CHR in lounge chair
- #821.0: lawn party in Chicago [?]--CHR in far background
- #822.0: lawn party In Chicago [?]
- #823.0: JWR next to black car
- #824.0: JWR stamp
- #825.0: JWR with some Cooties (1/1/63)
- #826.0: JWR at a dinner (11/1/65)
- #827.0: men in VFW uniform at bar
- #828.0: group of men in various degrees of VFW uniform in cemetery
- #829.0: group of men in VFW uniforms with wreath
- #830.0: group of men in VFW uniforms with wreath
- #831.0: group of men in VFW uniforms in cemetery
- #832.0: VFW marching band in Springfield [?]
- #833.0: VFW marching band in Springfield [?]
- #834.0: VFW men in parade
- #835.0: VFW men in parade
- #836.0: VFW men in car in parade
- #837.0: JWR in front of building in VFW uniform
- #838.0: JWR in park wearing VFW hat and holding camera
- #839.0: outdoor platform for CH Post 2024
- #840.0: outdoor platform for CH Post 2024
- #841.0: outdoor platform for CH Post 2024
- #842.0: members of CH Post 2024 inside bar
- #843.0: outdoor platform for CH Post 2024
Box Original Box 3
Folder loose
- #271.0: CHR's photo album (plus some loose photos)
Box Original Box 3
Folder Envelope labeled "Charlemae and Joseph"
- #273.0: photo of woman in front of rose trellis in Chicago [?]
- #274.0: photo of picnic in Chicago
- #275.0: photo of picnic in Chicago
- #276.0: Joseph, Charlemae, and woman in front of Lake Michigan/Chicago skyline [?]
- #277.0: Charlemae and couple
- #278.0: woman on street in Chicago [?]
- #279.0: Charlemae and two women
- #280.0: Joseph and Charlemae in Chicago [?] (12/25/54)
- #281.0: Joseph and couple in Chicago [?] (12/25/54)
- #282.0: Joseph and Charlemae in Battery Park, NYC (5/1/55)
- #283.0: Joseph, Charlemae, and Joseph Jr. in Battery Park, NYC (5/1/55)
- #284.0: photo of picnic in Chicago
- #285.0: picnic in Chicago
- #286.0: Joseph, Charlemae, and woman in front of large, ornate building
- #287.0: Charlemae and woman in front of large, ornate building
- #288.0: Charlemae and group (9/21/57)
- #289.0: group at party (9/21/57)
- #290.0: woman with tea set
- #291.0: women with tea set
- #292.0: Two people reading clippings (12/25/62)
- #293.0: group of women with Charlemae at Christmas party? (12/25/62)
- #294.0: group of women at Christmas party? (12/25/62)
- #295.0: group of women with Charlemae at Christmas party? (12/25/62)
- #296.0: three women
- #297.0: Charlemae and man and woman with clippings at Christmas party? (12/25/62)
- #298.0: Charlemae with group of women at Christmas party? (12/25/62)
- #299.0: Charlemae with man and woman with clippings at Christmas party? (12/25/62)
- #300.0: three women
- #301.0: man and two women at party (9/21/57)
- #302.0: Charlemae at banquet (3/7/74)
- #303.0: Charlemae and Woman with tea set
- #304.0: Charlemae and woman with tea set
- #305.0: Charlemae and group at dinner party (9/21/57)
- #305.1: Charlemae at dinner party (9/21/57)
- #306.0: woman in purple dress at desk (2/1/60)
- #307.0: Charlemae and woman in coats (12/1/62)
- #307.1: negative of Charlemae and woman in coats (12/1/62)
- #308.0: Charlemae and woman outdoors
- #309.0: outdoor fireplace
- #310.0: Charlemae at a dinner
- #311.0: Charlemae and women
- #312.0: Joseph and women
- #313.0: Charlemae and women on bed
- #314.0: dinner party
- #315.0: group of people (7/1/63)
- #316.0: 2 copies Charlemae with man and woman and framed certificate (7/1/63)
- #317.0: Charlemae with man and woman and framed certificate (7/1/63)
- #318.0: group of women (7/1/63)
- #319.0: group of women (7/1/63)
- #320.0: Charlemae with man and woman and framed certificate (2nd copy) (7/1/63)
Box Original Box 4
- #332.0: photograph - b/w portrait of CHR (verso says "Mrs. Rollins")
- #333.0: photograph - b/w JR and CHR
- #338.0: publicity photo of CHR with books (10/10/63)
Box Original Box 4
Folder "Wedworth" folder
- #348.0: photograph (b/w) of Joseph Rollins Sr. (?) with group - names written on verso
- #400.0: photograph (b/w) portrait of CHR
- #408.0: photograph of Bob Cromie and Joseph Rollins, Sr. (3/10/74)
- #410.0: photograph of group of women and 2 men including CHR
Box Original Box 4
Folder labeled "Pictures of Charlemae Only" in Joseph Rollins's hand
- #850.0: CHR at Newberry-Caldecott award dinner at Sheraton Place in SF (1/1/54)
- #851.0: portrait of CHR by Vincent Saunders
- #852.0: portrait of CHR Grolier Award Winner
- #853.0: photo of Charlemae from Gary, IN visit
- #854.0: photo of Charlemae and woman holding Christmas Gif'
- #855.0: CHR at Newberry-Caldecott award dinner at Sheraton Place in SF
- #856.0: CHR and two women
- #857.0: portrait of CHR (similar to Grolier award Winner photo)
- #858.0: portrait of CHR with MS on verso from sending to publications
- #859.0: CHR at Newberry-Caldecott award dinner at Sheraton Place in SF
- #860.0: CHR and group at Newberry-Caldecott award dinner at Sheraton in SF
- #861.0: CHR at an event
- #862.0: CHR reading (from Black Troubadour [?])
- #863.0: CHR giving speech at event
- #864.0: CHR at event
- #865.0: CHR at 32nd National Book Week at Clark College (1/1/50)
- #866.0: portrait of CHR ("in earlier years") dated 10/26/77
- #867.0: CHR presenting Jane Addams book award to Aimee Sommerfelt
- #868.0: CHR holding flowers with two women, St. Louis [?] 1948 trip?
- #869.0: portrait of CHR by Vincent Saunders
- #870.0: portrait of CHR by Vincent Saunders
- #871.0: amateur profile portrait of CHR
- #872.0: amateur portrait of CHR
- #873.0: amateur portrait of CHR
Box Original Box 4
Folder labeled "2nd Annual Charlemae Hill Rollins Colloquium"
- #418.0: photograph (b/w) of women working (at Hall branch?)
- #419.0: photograph (b/w) of women working (at Hall branch?)
Box Original Box 5
Folder (in tube)
- #492.0: rolled photograph of MOC banquet
Box Original Box 5
Folder 3
- #540.0: photograph--"Florida" MOC event (8/1/57)
- #541.0: photograph of group at dinner
- #542.0: photograph of four women on boat
- #543.0: photograph of men in uniform in formation (parade?) (5/1/59)
- #544.0: photograph of pair of men in uniform in Chicago Loop [?]
- #545.0: photograph of men and women in uniform (parade?) (5/1/59)
- #546.0: photograph of men and women in uniform (parade?) (5/1/59)
- #547.0: photograph with caption dated 1946 and note from "Tubby" dated 7/15/60
- #547.1: note to JWR from "Tubby" (see photograph, #547) (7/15/60)
- #548.0: photograph of group of men in uniform in Chicago [?]
- #549.0: photograph of group of men in uniform
Box Original Box 5
Folder 6
- #577.0: photo of JR and women at dinner (5/1/71)
- #578.0: photo of JR and others in airport terminal (5/1/71)
- #582.0: photograph of JR and man, "Miami Beach 1970" written on verso (1/1/70)
- #584.0: photograph of JR holding Columbia College commencement program (5/1/74)
- #585.0: photograph of JR and CHR at a dinner
- #586.0: photograph of JR and other Cooties on car
- #587.0: photograph portrait of JR
- #588.0: photograph portrait of JR in VFW uniform
- #589.0: photograph of 2 unidentified couples at dinner
- #590.0: photograph of unidentified people at dinner
- #593.0: photograph of group in classroom
- #594.0: typed caption for testimonial photograph-see 597 (2/13/71)
- #597.0: photograph at Charles L. Hunt post 2024 office of group of men (see caption #594) (2/13/71)
Box Original Box 5
Folder loose
- #607.0: photograph of Cooties at a dinner: Joseph Rollins, Otto SteinBerger, Boyd Kavanaugh, Norman Youst, Frank Topash, Dan Tarantolla, Ashley Beck, Mrs Steinberger, Sylvester Doss, visitors from MI, OH, IN, WI cooties of Monkey Mountain Pup Tent #20 (1/1/41)
- #608.0: photograph of JR and other Cooties at Cootie Banquet and Ball (1/1/41)
- #609.0: 2 copies of photograph of Cooties (6/4/38)
- #610.0: photograph of Cooties with caption (609) (6/4/38)
- #611.0: photograph of JR and other Cooties at Cootie Banquet and Ball (2nd copy, 608) (1/1/41)
- #612.0: 2 copies of photograph Cooties at a dinner (2nd and 3rd copies, 607)
- #613.0: photograph of JR and other Cooties at Cootie Banquet and Ball (3rd copy, 608) (1/1/41)
- #614.0: typed captions for photographs 607 and 608 (1/1/41)
- #615.0: photograph of Black U.S. Government Meat Inspectors, USDA
- #616.0: negative of photos 607,608,609 (1/1/41)
Box Original Box 5
Folder 7
- #618.0: autographed photograph of Franklin W. Morton--see 619 (12/1/74)
Box Original Box 5
Folder loose
- #625.0: enlargement of photograph 609
Box Original Box 6
Folder loose
- #628.0: photograph - verso says "School Picture 1968- 'Cleora'"
- #631.0: framed photograph of Joseph Rollins (young portrait)
- #632.0: framed photograph of Joseph Rollins (older--beach)
- #633.0: framed photograph of elderly woman (poss. Birdie Hill?) with two children
- #634.0: framed photograph of baby Charlemae in wicker wagon (12/1/1897)
Box Original Box 6
Folder Folder of Hill Family papers
- #663.0: photograph of baby Charlemae in wicker wagon (12/1/1897)
- #664.0: photograph of Charlemae, Joseph, and unidentified woman
Box 6
Folder loose
- #667.0: matted photograph of Chicago Western University Alumnae Association (5/14/29)
Box 6
Folder loose
- #668.0: photograph of Joseph Rollins (loose)
- #669.0: framed photograph of Hill family
- #670.0: matted photograph of group of women
Box Original Box 6
Folder Envelope labeled "Mama's memos"
- #672.0: photograph of group of people in front of car
- #673.0: portrait of CHR by Vincent Saunders
- #674.0: photograph of Allen and Birdie Hill (CHR's parents) in Beggs, OK
- #684.0: photo of CHR and women in front of car
- #685.0: photo of group in front of car
- #686.0: photo of 2 women in front of car
- #687.0: photo of group
Box Original Box 6
Folder loose
- #692.0: photo of Birdie Hill and woman churning butter
- #693.0: photo of group of people
- #694.0: photo of CHR taken at Carson Pirie Scott (5/16/70)
- #695.0: photo of Charlemae Rollins with books
- #696.0: photo of Charlemae autographing (with Birdie?) (12/1/41)
- #697.0: photo of Charlemae in fur coat
- #698.0: photo of Charlemae in classroom at Reavis School with children (12/1/68)
- #699.0: photo of Charlemae and Joseph Jr.
- #700.0: photograph of CHR greeting group of people (9/20/52)
- #701.0: photo portrait of Doris Gates (written on verso) [?]
- #702.0: portrait of CHR by Vincent Saunders
- #703.0: photo of CHR, Aimee Sommerfelt, and Mrs. Marie Lou Mohr
- #705.0: photograph of class at Atlanta University Library school
- #706.0: photograph of Birdie and Allen Hill at 50th wedding anniversary (6/10/46)
- #707.0: photograph of Birdie and Allen Hill cutting cake for 50th anniversary (6/10/46)
- #708.0: photograph of people eating at a dinner
- #709.0: photograph of Charlemae Rollins and ? With Chrismas Gif'
- #710.0: matted photograph of group of women
- #711.0: amateur portrait of Charlemae Rollins
- #712.0: amateur portrait of Charlemae Rollins
- #713.0: photograph of group of people with Rollinses
- #714.0: photograph of CHR receiving gift at a dinner
- #715.0: photograph of CHR reading (staged)
- #716.0: autographed photograph of Monette Moore "Exclusive Paramount Artist" (7/11/23)
- #717.0: autographed photograph of Monette Moore (12/14/50)
- #718.0: photograph of CHR at circulation desk
- #719.0: photograph of CHR with certificate
- #720.0: photograph of 2 men and woman receiving medal
- #721.0: photograph of 3 men and 2 women
- #722.0: photograph of 2 men and woman receiving medal (2nd copy)
- #724.0: photograph of CHR holding flowers with 4 women (St. Louis [?] 1948 trip)
- #725.0: photograph of CHR giving class on Children's lit at 32nd National Book Week at Clark College (11/12/50)
- #726.0: photograph of CHR and women
- #727.0: photograph of CHR speaking at 32nd National Book Week at Clark College (11/12/50)
- #728.0: photograph of CHR with 2 ALA members
- #729.0: photograph of CHR with 2 women
- #730.0: photograph of CHR with woman
- #731.0: photograph of CHR at Nobel Peace Institute in Oslo (1/1/63)
- #732.0: photograph of CHR at desk (posed), sent to Chicago Bee
- #733.0: photograph of CHR with Constance Lindsay Skinner Award for 1970 (1/1/70)
- #734.0: photograph of CHR and large group in a church
- #735.0: photograph of CHR in straw hat w/veil at bottom of stairs
- #736.0: photograph of CHR with woman and 2 children
- #737.0: photograph of CHR at book table at 32nd National Book Week Clark College (11/12/50)
- #738.0: photograph of CHR and woman at ALA event
- #739.0: photograph of CHR and man at ALA event
- #740.0: photograph of CHR on stage
- #743.0: photograph of CHR and JR with CHR's Skinner Award 1970 (1/1/70)
- #744.0: photograph of large group of seated people, many in uniform
- #745.0: photograph of CHR wth children dressed as American figures
- #748.0: photograph of CHR (7/12/48)