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Guide to the Ben Burns Collection, 1939 - 1999
Allyson Hobbs, 2006
Title: | Ben Burns Collection |
Dates: | 1939 - 1999 |
Size: | 24 linear feet, 46 archival boxes |
Repository: |
Chicago Public Library |
Subject Headings
No restrictions
When quoting material from this collection, the preferred citation is:
Ben Burns Papers, [Box #, Folder #], Chicago Public Library, Carter G. Woodson Regional Library, Vivian G. Harsh Research Collection of Afro-American History and Literature
Donation of Ben Burns (1981, 1983, 1990s/1995).
The Ben Burns Collection consists of two parts. Part I was donated in 1981 and includes reference files and the personal library of Ben Burns. Part I was processed by Deborah Holton in 1988. Approximately 135 linear feet, Part I includes materials dating from 1950 to 1979.
This finding aid captures the materials in Part II of the collection. Burns donated these materials throughout the 1990s; most of the materials were donated in April and May of 1995. The materials in Part II of the collection date from 1939 to 1999.
Funding to process this collection and compose its finding aid was provided by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Biographical Note
Ben Burns had a long and distinguished career as "a white editor in black journalism." He helped found Ebony and a number of other black publications and he trained many black writers in all aspects of print journalism. After working for black publications for thirty-five years, Burns referred to himself as "a black newspaperman, black in my orientation and thinking, in my concerns and outlook, in my friends and associations, black in everything but my skin color." Burns summarized the influence that his experiences at black publications had on him: "I am a white man who has been passing for Negro for thirty-five years."
Born Benjamin Bernstein on August 25, 1913 to Alexander, a housepainter, and Frieda Burns, Burns grew up on New York's West Side. Burns attended New York University and received a bachelor's degree in journalism from Northwestern University in 1934. He married Esther Stern on November 28, 1937 and they had three children, Barbara, Richard and Stephen.
Burns was the national editor of the Chicago Defender from 1941 - 1945, the editor of Negro Digest from 1942 - 1954, and the executive editor of Ebony from 1945 - 1954, Jet from 1950 - 1954, Sepia from 1955 - 1958 and Guns magazine from 1956 - 1958. He was later the vice president of a public relations firm, Cooper, Burns and Golin, from 1958 - 1966. He returned to journalism as the editor of the Chicago Daily Defender from 1966 - 1967 and the editor of Sepia from 1968 - 1977.
Burns' membership in the Young Communist League after his college years limited his employment opportunities in the world of journalism. As Burns explained, "I think I must be the only journalist who ever worked not just on the Daily Worker, but on all three of the country's communist newspapers. With credentials like that, I knew it wouldn't do much good to apply to The Wall Street Journal." When the Burns were expecting their first child and the left-wing publication that Burns was working for in San Francisco folded, the couple returned to Chicago and Burns accepted a job painting houses with his father. Burns was hired at the Chicago Defender as a temporary editor when the newspaper needed extra writers to publish the legendary "Victory Through Unity" edition in September 1942. From that first assignment, Burns studied the black community "almost like a sociologist, filling thousands of file folders with tidbits of information about who-was-who in Chicago's Bronzeville and what organizations made the South Side neighborhood tick." These files comprise the majority of this collection.
Before Burns got the job working at the Defender, he worked in public relations for Earl Dickerson, a local black politician who was running for Congress against William Dawson in 1942. It was at this time that Burns met John H. Johnson. Johnson was a young political assistant who wanted to create a black equivalent of Life magazine. While Johnson raised money to fund the magazine, Burns worked on assembling the fledgling publication. The first issue was assembled on the Burns' kitchen table in their apartment on Jackson Boulevard in Chicago. In 1954, Burns was fired from Ebony. During the late 1960s, Burns continued his career in black journalism as the editor of a rival publication, Sepia.
From 1968 to his retirement from journalism in 1977, Burns was the editor of Sepia. Beginning in 1977, Esther and Ben Burns traveled extensively and co-wrote a number of travel articles, including one describing their travels to the slave castles of Ghana, for the Chicago Sun-Times and other publications.
In 1996, Burns published his autobiography, Nitty Gritty: A White Editor in Black Journalism, with the University Press of Mississippi. In 1997, Burns was named to the Hall of Achievement of his alma mater, the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University.
Burns died of heart failure at the age of 86 on January 29, 2000 in Atlantis, Florida.
Scope and Content Note
The Ben Burns Collection includes a wide range of materials that reflect Burns' career in journalism as well as his personal interests and pursuits. The collection consists of correspondence, photographs, manuscripts and over one thousand clippings. The collection has been arranged into the following six series: Correspondence, Manuscripts, Subject Research Files, Photographs, Audio-Visual/Oversize and Black Magazines and Various Publications.
The Chicago Public Library, Carter G. Woodson Regional Library, Vivian G. Harsh Research Collection of Afro-American History and Literature holds the entirety of the Ben Burns Collection. Burns considered donating part of his collection to Northwestern University (his alma mater) but decided that the Harsh, given its location "in the heart of the black community," was a more appropriate repository.
Series I. Correspondence, 1938-1999: The Correspondence series consists of four subseries: The Chicago Defender Years, The Ebony Years, Sepia Business Correspondence, Nitty Gritty Correspondence and Personal Correspondence.
Subseries A. The Chicago Defender Years, 1941 - 1980: Burns began his career in journalism working at the Chicago Defender, where he was national editor from 1941 - 1945. This subseries includes an announcement of Burns as the new editor-in-chief of the Defender, correspondence between Burns and John Sengstacke regarding the remaking of the Defender and a number of letters from readers. Burns' dispatches to Metz Lochard from the World Federation of Trade Unions Conference in Paris in 1945 are also included. These dispatches contain discussions of the conditions in South Africa and the difficulties that black workers faced in organizing unions. Photographs, business cards and the names and addresses of black delegates at the conference are also included.
Subseries B. The Ebony Years, 1938 - 1995: Burns was the executive editor of Ebony from 1945-1954. This subseries includes business correspondence, articles about Ebony and a review of Era Bell Thompson's autobiography. Coverage of the disagreement about who prevented Richard Wright's article, "I Choose Exile," from being published in Ebony as well as other correspondence with Richard Wright regarding a production of Black Boy is contained in this subseries.
Subseries C. Sepia Business Correspondence, 1955 - 1977: In addition to issues such as disputes over payment, gentle reminders about overdue articles and discussions of the difficulties in finding skilled photographers, these files include a number of letters that express Burns' editorial style and vision for Sepia. Some letters discuss Burns' concerns about the ability of white journalists to write effectively for sophisticated black audiences. Rationales for the acceptance and rejection of articles are included as well as discussions of article ideas.
Subseries D. Nitty Gritty Correspondence, 1994 - 1996: This subseries includes correspondence between Burns and Seetha Srinivasan, Associate Director and Editor-in-Chief at the University Press of Mississippi. This correspondence tracks Burns' disappointment in the "slashing and revising" done by the Press and his accusations that the copy editor, Roy Grisham, was especially "heavy-handed" during the editing process due to his southern background and his discomfort with the racial issues raised in Nitty Gritty. Discussions about graphic designs, photographs for the book cover and Burns' changes to the manuscript are also included.
Subseries E. Personal Correspondence and Family Materials: This subseries contains personal correspondence and family materials including Burns' daughter's first or second grade composition and letters from elementary school students expressing their disbelief and interest in a white man who works for black publications. Copies of the Northwestern Observer and the Medillian are also included.
Series II: Manuscripts, 1955 - 1996: This series includes Burns' autobiography, Nitty Gritty: A White Editor in Black Journalism, "Last Word" columns published in Sepia and an unpublished travel essay, "An African Diary."
Series III: Subject Research Files, 1939 - 1999: This series consists of over one thousand clippings, reports and essays. This series is divided into five subseries that reflect the major subjects that interested Burns:
Subseries A: "Reaching the Negro Market"/African American Consumerism: This subseries includes lectures, pamphlets and reports published by Johnson Publishing Company as well as newspaper clippings and articles.
Subseries B: Interracial Marriage and Multiracial Identity: The articles in this subseries include discussions of census reports of the increase in interracial marriage (in the 1960s and 1970s), the Loving v. Virginia decision (1967), representations of interracial couples on soap operas, and the existence of historically mixed-race communities such as the "Jackson Whites" of Ramapo, New Jersey and the "Melungeons" of the Tennessee hill country. These clippings also discuss famous interracial couples including Margaret Rusk (Secretary of State Dean Rusk's daughter) and Guy Smith.
Subseries C: Dawson/Dickerson Materials, 1938 - 1970: Burns worked on Earl Dickerson's campaign when he ran for Congress against William Dawson in 1942. The materials in this subseries include copies of the publication, Voice of the First Congressional District, letters rallying support for Dickerson, Dickerson vs. Dawson flyers and other campaign materials as well as numerous articles from the Sun-Times and the Tribune on Dawson.
Subseries D: Travel: Ben and Esther Burns traveled extensively throughout their lives. This subseries contains travel documents related to their trips around the world as well as travel-related articles and clippings.
Subseries E. Various Topics: This subseries contains numerous clippings that reflect the wide variety of topics that interested Burns, including: affirmative action, anti-Semitism, assimilation, black English, black politics, Communism, Jews, prejudice, segregation, sex and white supremacy and word origins.
Series IV: Photographs, 1947 - 1970s: The collection contains 427 photographs. Photographs of Esther and Ben Burns' trips to Haiti in 1948 and to Europe in 1950 with John and Eunice Johnson are included. The couples hired distinguished photographer Gordon Parks to accompany them and to document their trip to Haiti. This series also includes photographs taken at Ebony offices and includes photographs of Burns with Josephine Baker.
Series V. Audio Visual/Oversize: This series consists of Burns' collection of over one hundred records. Cassette tapes and video footage from the Burns' and Johnsons' vacations ("Ben Burns Europe Master 23 min," "Burns Haiti Master 27 min," "John H. Johnson & Ben Burns in Europe Spring 1950") are also included in this series.
Series VI. Black Publications, Various Magazines and Newspapers: This series contains Ben Burns' collection of publications that reflect his interests and include magazines such as MsTique, Duke and CommonQuest as well as newspapers such as The Black Panther and the Daily Californian.
Series I: Correspondence, 1945 - 1999
The correspondence series has been divided into five subseries: The Chicago Defender Years, The Ebony Years, Sepia Business Correspondence, Nitty Gritty Correspondence and Personal Correspondence and Family Materials.
Subseries A. The Chicago Defender Years, 1941 - 1980
Box 1
Folder 1
The Chicago Defender
BB's American Newspaper Guild cards, announcement of BB as new editor-in-chief of Defender, BB's business cards, press pass and employee cards; clippings re: BB as editor-in-chief of Defender, correspondence between BB and John Sengstacke re: remaking the Defender; correspondence and letters to the Defender from readers; BB's editorial department program for 1963, future goals, Defender masthead (1941 - 1962)
Box 1
Folder 2
Defender - Metz Lochard
Pamphlets: "The Defender, the Negro Press and You," and "John Sengstacke: Defending the Black Press," copy of the Defender (May 5, 1975) -- special tribute to Defender's rise; correspondence between BB and ML; ML's obituaries in newspapers, program for Honors Luncheon for ML (May 22, 1976), articles covering tributes to ML, funeral program for Julia Lochard (1946 - 1990)
Box 1
Folder 3
Defender Paris Stories -- 1945 - 1946
Envelopes of photographs of delegates to the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) in Paris in 1945 including Sydney Johnson, Joe Curran, President of the National Maritime Union, Teresa Garcia, P.L. Prattis, Charlie Collins (?) and others; dispatches from BB to ML re: WFTU, including the names and addresses of Negro delegates; "'Defender Sends Burns to Paris," in The Worker; Defender newsprint of article by BB about Duke of Windsor's butler, Sidney Johnson; criticism of West African labor about the seating of a delegate from the "Jim Crow unions of South Africa"; discussion of conditions in South Africa; handwritten correspondence with Sidney Johnson and Charles A. Collins, ex-WPA actor from Harlem; correspondence with CIO and other trade unions (1945 - 1946)
Subseries B. The Ebony Years, 1938 - 1995
Box 2
Folder 1-2
Ebony 1943 (2 folders)
Various articles re: Ebony, the Negro Press and John Johnson (JHJ) (1945 - 1976)
Box 2
Folder 3
Ebony History
Oversized pages: "Germany has Einstein, Britain had Shaw, but Ebony has the world's only white Mau Mau!;" clippings re: "Johnson Publishing heads Illinois slate of top 100 black-owned firms," "Battle of the Beauty Counter;" fact sheet on Ebony magazine by Cooper & Golin (1953, 1976 - 1989)
Box 2
Folder 4
Ebony, JHJ - Letters/Wires
Employment agreements between BB and Negro Digest; letter from JHJ commending BB on promotional work (1947 - 1972; most materials are undated)
Box 2
Folder 5
Ebony; Letters
Letters discussing Ebony; correspondence with Professor Wolseley, author of "The Black Press;" complaints regarding inaccurate information about Ebony, JHJ and BB (1949 - 1977)
Box 2
Folder 6
Ebony - Staff
Review of Era Bell Thompson's autobiography published in The Nation (June 27, 1987), Thompson's resume, clipping on Vincent Tubbs, Sylvester Watkins' resume, Sun-Times article, "Black Society" (1954 - 1987)
Box 2
Folder 7
Addresses of photographers who worked for Ebony and Sepia; Ben and Esther Burns' Slide Collection - No. 2 (undated)
Box 2
Folder 8
Press Passes, Ebony & Jet (1954)
BB's press cards for Ebony & Jet (1954)
Box 2
Folder 9
Printing information, contract and printing proposal from W. F. Hall Printing Company (1950 - 1952)
Box 2
Folder 10 - 11
Wright, Richard (2 folders)
Letter to BB from RW re: "I Choose Exile" article about RW's life in Paris and disagreements over the article; "I Choose Exile" by RW; correspondence with Addison Gayle re: BB maligned for Ebony's refusal to publish "I Choose Exile"; articles about RW's books (including Native Son and White Man, Listen!) and black ex-patriots in Paris; Ben Burns' "'They're Not Uncle Tom's Children,'" published in The Reporter (March 8, 1956); correspondence with Joe (?) re: Bigger Thomas, the Communist Party, traveling to the South, difficulties in getting books published (1938 - 1994)
Box 2
Folder 12
Wright, Richard - PBS
Correspondence re: "Richard Wright-Black Boy" production (1993 - 1995)
Box 3
Ebony Page Proofs
- "Ebony's Name"
- "Ebony's Girls"
- "Ebony Opens Its New Building" (1949)
- "Kingsblood Royal"
- "Where Ebony Stands Today"
- "Meet the Real Lena Horne"
- "Ebony's Fifth Anniversary" (Nov 1950)
- "5 Million U.S. White Negroes" (March 1948)
Subseries C. Sepia Business Correspondence, 1955 - 1977
Box 4
Folder 1
Ads - 76
7/8/74; 7/ Correspondence re: advertising and increasing Sepia sales; challenge ad comparing Sepia to Ebony (1975 - 1976)
Box 4
Folder 2
Barnes, Bill
7/8/74; 7/ Letter from Mrs. Joe Turner re: efforts to prevent leprosy in Korea (July 1974)
Box 4
Folder 3
Barnick, Kaye
Correspondence including letter from BB to KB re: two suggestions for articles 1) Iman; 2) Rutgers professor who claims that blacks were in U.S. before Columbus (Sept - Nov 1976)
Box 4
Folder 4
Bennett, Lerone - "Southern Trip" with Mike Sheas
Box 4
Folder 5
Biondi, Shirley
Correspondence including letters discussing problems with article and photographs of Berkeley schools; questionnaire for BB for article on black magazines (Nov - Dec 1972)
Box 4
Folder 6
Blackman, Brandon
Letters re: interview with Melvin Van Peebles for Sepia and other article ideas; "Approaching the inevitable caller," by BB (June 1974 - Dec 1976)
Box 4
Folder 7
Brockman, Chris
Letter to CB from BB re: influence of "black music" on classical music and black conductors and "The Black Chinese" article in Sepia (Sept 1974 - June 1975)
Box 4
Folder 8
Brower, Bill
Letter to Brower from BB re: story ideas including black basketball coaches and black sports broadcasters (July 17, 1974)
Box 4
Folder 9
Brower, W.A.
Letter of introduction and resume (August 18, 1976)
Box 4
Folder 10
Brown, Mamie
Correspondence between MB and BB including letters re: disappointment with photos of Norman Jones, article idea describing a lynching when MB was a child (Jan 6, 1975 - Dec 19, 1975)
Box 4
Folder 11
Burrell, Walter
Letters re: Roots story and photography (June 4, 1974 - Oct 21, 1976)
Box 4
Folder 12
Carter, Tom
Letters to BB from TC re: Alex Haley article, Ernest Gaines, Artus DeLonguiel's sex change, photography costs and TC finding his 19-year-old son (1972 - 1976)
Box 4
Folder 13
Letter to BBs re: cartoon work for Sepia (June 17, 1961 - Aug 10, 1971)
Box 4
Folder 14
Clips for file
Letter to Ted Stewart from Anita Wilson re: use of the word "black;" letter to BB from Al White re: Sepia; New York Times book reviews; Bauman Rare Book catalog of rare books and autographs (1976, 1979, 1997)
Box 4
Folder 15
Cofield, Ernestine
Letter to EC from BB re: Ethel Ennis (1971 - 1973)
Box 4
Folder 16
Collins, Lisa
Correspondence between LC and BB re: article ideas and photography (Feb 26, 1976 - March 11, 1977)
Box 4
Folder 17
Comer, James (Dr.)
Correspondence between James P. Comer, M.D., (Associate Professor Of Psychiatry at Yale Child Study Center) and John Griffin (editorial consultant for Sepia); review of Comer's book, Beyond Black and White (July 14, 1974) (1974)
Box 4
Folder 18
Conrad, Earl
Correspondence between EC and BB re: story ideas ("The First Black President of the U.S. Why Not and When?") and resuscitation of Sepia (Feb 23, 1971 - March 2, 1971; some undated)
Box 4
Folder 19
Daniels, George
Correspondence between GD and BB re: article suggestions (trips to Africa and Opportunities Industrialization Center in Ghana) (August 10, 1976 - Feb 9, 1977)
Box 4
Folder 20
Darden, Norman
Article in Amsterdam News on ND, "Lone Black Literary Agent?" (undated); correspondence between ND and BB re: Wilkins piece, article and interview ideas, advertising space, contributions to Amsterdam News, Shirley Verrett piece (May 30, 1975 - March 11, 1977)
Box 4
Folder 21
Davis, Griffith
Business card and letter from BB re: BB's trip to Africa (July 8, 1977)
Box 4
Folder 22
Davis, Melton
Correspondence between MD and BB re: article ideas (Feb 2, 1971 - Feb 22, 1975)
Box 4
Folder 23
Demille, Darcy
Correspondence between DD and BB re: Levitan's death, article ideas (March 15, 1971 - Oct 22, 1976)
Box 4
Folder 24
Diouf, S.
S.Diouf's CV; correspondence between SD and BB re: rejection of article on Bonnys (June 17, 1974 - June 21, 1974)
Box 4
Folder 25
Drake, Hal
Correspondence between HD and BB (July 1, 1976 - July 7, 1976)
Box 4
Folder 26
Duckett, Al
News release re: Ruth Duckett Gibbs, associate editor of Collegiate Woman's Career Magazine; Correspondence between AD and BB (Nov 4, 1971 - April 20, 1977)
Box 4
Folder 27
Duke Magazine
Correspondence re: Duke, Modern Man and Sepia magazines; includes George Schuyler's CV (May 8, 1957 - May 12, 1958)
Box 4
Folder 28
Ebert, Alan
Correspondence between BB and AE (Aug 4, 1976 - May 4, 1977)
Box 4
Folder 29
Fallis, Diana
Letter and article, "Black Co-Eds at White Colleges" (August 2, 1972)
Box 4
Folder 30
Fingarette, Sherry
Correspondence between SF and BB (Aug 2, 1976 - Aug 13, 1978)
Box 4
Folder 31
Garfinkel, Perry
Correspondence between PG and BB re: Ernie Royal story (May 6, 1976 - May 10, 1976)
Box 4
Folder 32
Gaver, Jessyca
Correspondence between JG and BB re: Sepia mention in Writers Newsletter; copies of Writers Newsletter (Feb 1, 1970 - March 15, 1971)
Box 4
Folder 33
General Sepia Correspondence
Correspondence between BB and Alvin White, Ambassador Richard Jones, Wayne Willer; correspondence between Bea Pringle and George Wilcox, complaints about articles; correspondence re: BB leaving Sepia for a year to travel to Africa and Frank Peterson as the new editor; article in Texas Monthly, "Soul on Ink: Farewell to the Fort Worth publishing house that gave us Sepia, Jive and Bronze Thrills" (1956 - 1983)
Box 4
Folder 34
Gibbs, Ruth Duckett
Correspondence between RDB and BB (Sept 23, 1971 - May 22, 1975; some handwritten notes are undated)
Box 4
Folder 35
Griffin, John Howard
Correspondence between JHG and BB re: Sepia articles, including correspondence about writing an article, "White No More," a follow-up to Roi Ottley's article on the passing of "passing"; photograph and print of JHG's book, Black Like Me, jacket cover of Black Like Me (1958 - 1977)
Box 4
Folder 36
Hill, Herman
Correspondence between HH and BB (Jan 13, 1976 - Dec 20, 1976)
Box 4
Folder 37
Hobbs, Sterling
Correspondence between SH and BB (Jan 20, 1974 - March 8, 1977)
Box 4
Folder 38
Horne, Lena
Letter re: story on Horne
Box 4
Folder 39
Irwin, Ben
Correspondence between BI and BB (April 10, 1975 - Feb 9, 1977)
Box 4
Folder 40
Jones, Isaac
Article published in Michigan Chronicle, "Couple Takes Sentimental Journey Home to 'New South,'" by Isaac Jones (undated); correspondence re: article on Arthur Barnes (101 years old) (Feb 28, 1973 - March 9, 1973)
Box 4
Folder 41
Jordan, Milton
Correspondence between MJ and BB (Jan 27, 1975 - Dec 4, 1977)
Box 5
Folder 1
Kaplan, Marion
Correspondence between MK and BB (Oct 13, 1972 - June 13, 1977)
Box 5
Folder 2
Killens, John
Letter to BB from JK re: book by Chancellor Williams (Feb 25, 1972 - March 12, 1972)
Box 5
Folder 3
Lane, Bill
Letter to BB from BL re: pilot of Sepia and story and photos of Denise Nicholas (BB's response is attached) (April 15, 1971)
Box 5
Folder 4
Lant, Jeffrey
Correspondence between JL and BB (Sept 8, 1976 - May 16, 1977)
Box 5
Folder 5
Lear, Len
Correspondence between LL and BB re: Caroline Rich, whites working in black publications and LL's article, "The Tribune's Token Honky Bares His Lily-White Soul" (1975 - 1976)
Box 5
Folder 6
Learn, Paul
Correspondence between PL and BB re: Cheryl Johnson, Miss Wyoming 1974 (Aug 12, 1975 - Aug 21, 1975)
Box 5
Folder 7
Correspondence with Morton Cooper re: article ideas, BB leaving PDC; correspondence with Marcia Osborn at Doubleday re: reprinting Bucklin Moon's The Darker Brother and Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles; correspondence with Mr. Peterson re: new articles for Sepia (1956 - 1971)
Box 5
Folder 8
Letters to the Editor
Box 5
Folder 9
Correspondence between BB and GL re: comparison between Ebony and Sepia, getting Sepia into libraries, BB's editorial responsibilities, announcements about Bea Pringle being named publisher of Sepia (1970 - 1977)
Box 5
Folder 10
Lewis, Larry
Correspondence between LL and BB re: becoming "Sepia's man in Israel" (Jan 15, 1975 - July 30, 1976)
Box 5
Folder 11
Lucas, Bob
Box 5
Folder 12
Marine, Gene
Correspondence between GM and BB re: article on Dizzy Gillespie (Aug 6, 1976 - Aug 31, 1976)
Box 5
Folder 13
Matthews, Faye
Correspondence between FM and BB; New York Post article, "The Lomax 'Revolt' and the NAACP;" New York Times Book Review, "The Day the Negroes Left" (review of A Different Drummer by William Melvin Kelley) (Jan 25, 1972 - Feb 12, 1972; July 8, 1962; June 17, 1962)
Box 5
Folder 14
McFadden, Jerome
Correspondence between JM and BB (April 28, 1977 - May 4, 1977)
Box 5
Folder 15
Moen, Erma
Correspondence between EM and BB; attached is EM's article, "Unforgettable Gelu Pierre," published in The Reader's Digest (January 1976) (Aug 4, 1975 - March 25, 1976)
Box 5
Folder 16
Moore, Bob
Correspondence between BM and BB (March 2, 1971 - March 19, 1972)
Box 5
Folder 17
Niemark, Paul
Correspondence between BB and PN re: article on integration in the suburbs, Al Green, PN's novel, She Lives!(1975 - 1977)
Box 5
Folder 18
Norman, Shirley
Correspondence between SN and BB re: Lena Horne interview, Roxie Roker story, Harry Belafonte (Aug 30, 1976 - Feb 1, 1977)
Box 5
Folder 19
Ottley, Roi
Draft with corrections of "Great Lovers" article(June 1, 1973)
Box 5
Folder 20
Peterson, Franklyn
Correspondence between BB and FP re: Maya Angelou, Bobby Short and story ideas (May 6, 1971 - May 21, 1977); letters from Abidjan, Ivory Coast (Dec 1977 - March 1978)
Box 5
Folder 21
Press reports re: Governor George Wallace as "America's most dangerous racist," "How Joe Louis Got 'Hooked' on Cocaine," retrospective on "Black No More" with John Howard Griffin, holdings of the Black Muslims, adoption of black children by white families (undated)
Box 5
Folder 22
Preece, Harold
Correspondence between HP and BB (July 13, 1971 - Sept 25, 1976)
Box 5
Folder 23
Pringle, Bea & Edna Turner
Program from 20th Annual Celebrity Breakfast, articles on awards given to Bea Pringle and Edna Turner, correspondence to BP from BB; various correspondence including letters from Edna Turner and Franklynn Peterson, letter re: incorrect listing of Sepia's circulation; announcement of Bea Pringle named as publisher of Sepia, article on BB's assignment to gather material on African countries(1973 - 1978)
Box 5
Folder 24
Reynolds, Barbara
Correspondence between BP and BB (May 19, 1972; May 16, 1972?)
Box 5
Folder 25
Richmond, Al
Correspondence between BB and AR including letters re: writers Gene Marine and Dave Richmond, article ideas, writers and photographs for Sepia (1970 - 1976)
Box 5
Folder 26
Roberson, Mason
Correspondence between MR and BB (Feb 4, 1971 - March 16, 1971; includes undated materials)
Box 5
Folder 27
Robinson, Major
Correspondence between MJ and BB (May 3, 1971, May 7, 1971)
Box 5
Folder 28
Ross, Dorothy
Correspondence between BB and Victor O'Gilvie and BB and DR (includes program, "Musical Marbella") (June 14, 1975 - July 8, 1975)
Box 5
Folder 29
Rowan, Carl
Letter to CR from BB re: CR's "price tag is much too rich for [Sepia's] budget" (Oct 28, 1975)
Box 5
Folder 30
Salaam, Yusef Abdul
Correspondence between YAS and BB (Aug 31, 1976; other letters are undated)
Box 5
Folder 31
Salvo, Patrick
Correspondence between PS and BB (Oct 19, 1974 - Dec 15, 1976; several letters are undated)
Box 5
Folder 32
Scott, Gilbert
Correspondence between GS and BB; includes GS's letter to Bea Pringle (publisher of Sepia) and GS' CV (June 24, 1976 - July 7, 1976)
Box 5
Folder 33
Jet article on death of George Levitan, owner of Sepia Publishing Co., correspondence including letters re: Sepia articles, information about Good Publishing Company magazines (Sepia, Bronze Thrills, Hep, Jive, Soul Confessions, Soul Teen), discontinuation of all operations on Sepia magazine, use of the expression "two coons" and BB's concern about the material edited in Texas; BB's leave of absence, BB's position at Sepia (1956 - 1985)
Box 5
Folder 34
Sepia - Peterson 78
Correspondence between BB and FP re: BB's travels to Africa and Europe and BB's column, "Last Word" (1977 - 1978)
Box 5
Folder 35
Shay, Reg
Correspondence between RS and BB (March 11, 1975 - Feb 10, 1976)
Box 5
Folder 36
Showell, Milton
Letter re: misunderstanding in the use of the word "motherfucker" compared to "muthafucka"
Box 5
Folder 37
Stern, Phil
Correspondence between BB and PS re: photo work for Sepia (1973)
Box 5
Folder 38
Thomas, Jacqueline
Letter to BB from JT re: story on Holy Angels (undated)
Box 5
Folder 39
Thomas, Leroy
Letter from BB to LT re: SLA column (June 1, 1974)
Box 5
Folder 40
Tolbert, Frank
Correspondence between BB and FT (May 31, 1974 - Oct 4, 1974)
Box 5
Folder 41
Trubo, Richard
Thank you from Norman Lear to Richard Trubo for Sepia article (June 6, 1975)
Box 5
Folder 42
Tubbs, Vincent
Correspondence between VT and BB re: photography, articles on Calvin Lockhart, "Hollywood's New Beauties," Jimmy Walker, and story ideas including "Hollywood's Beautiful Black Divorcees" (Oct 5, 1972 - Dec 4, 1975)
Box 5
Folder 43
Tubbs, Vincent -- Paris Phone List, 1973
Letter to Michael Flug re: phone list sent to BB in 1973 from Vincent Tubbs (who was married to Mamie Hansberry); phone list (1997)
Box 5
Folder 44
Turner, Edna 76
Program from 20th Annual Celebrity Breakfast, articles on awards given to Bea Pringle and Edna Turner, correspondence to BP from BB (1975 - 1977)Correspondence between BB and ET and between BB and Eunice Wilson re: articles (including Mahogany and Diana Ross, Lou Rawls, Black Muslims, John Howard Griffin), corrections, printing and quality issues pertaining to the magazine(1971 - 1978)
Box 5
Folder 45
Turner, James
Correspondence between JT and BB re: bi-centennial issue; includes JT's essay, "Colonial Black New England" (March 22, 1975 - May 8, 1975)
Box 5
Folder 46
Van Sertima, Ivan
Thank you to BB from IVS for article in Sepia (Jan 20, 1977)
Box 6
Folder 1
Walton, Hanes
Correspondence between HW and BB re: bicentennial issue and articles focusing on black historical sites and black fashion; includes abstracts and ads for works by HW including: "Black Republicans: The Politics of the Black and Tans," "The Political Philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr.," "Black Political Parties: A Historical and Political Analysis," and an ad for "Black Politics: A Theoretical and Structural Analysis"(Jan 30, 1976 - April 27, 1976)
Box 6
Folder 2
Wesley, Richard
Correspondence between RW and BB about article in Sepia (Jan 13, 1977; Jan 26, 1977)
Box 6
Folder 3-4
White, Al (2 folders)
Correspondence between AW and BB re: Florence Mills story (Aug 8, 1975 - May 9, 1977)
Box 6
Folder 5
Writers/Names and Addresses
Mark Harris' bibliography (Feb 6, 1997), letters to and from Marion Kaplan (April 28, 1992, May 14, 1992), letter asking for cartoon material from cartoonists, list of writers and photographers, list of proposed articles for pilot issue of Sepia(1971 - 1997)
Box 6
Folder 6-7
Young, Doc (2 folders)
Letters re: articles by Doc Young, disagreements over BB's methods, his "Great White Fatherism," disappointment with the black press, article assignments, dispute over article on Muhammad Ali/Frazier fight, resuscitation of Sepia, open areas within the magazine field (teen, women's interest, New South, Negro detective field), ways to improve Sepia(July 30, 1970 - June 28, 1977)
Box 6
Folder 8
Young, Masco
Correspondence between MY and BB; article about Young's column, "On the Town"(Dec 9, 1957 - Oct 7, 1971)
Subseries D. Nitty Gritty Correspondence
Box 7
Folder 1
Correspondence with Bill Mullen re: his book, Popular Fronts: Chicago and African American Cultural Politics: 1935-1946, request to quote two letters from Nitty Gritty, requests for information from BB from academics, "Following the Color Line of Labor: Black Workers and the Labor Movement before 1930" by Eric Arnesen, "Popular Fronts: Negro Story Magazine and the African American Literary Response to World War II" by Bill Mullen(1996 - 1998)
Box 7
Folder 2
Ads, etc.
Ads for Nitty Gritty(1996)
Box 7
Folder 3
Correspondence between BB and prospective literary agents, evaluations of Nitty Gritty, letters of rejection from literary agents; pamphlet from Scott Meredith's literary agency, BB's biographical statement (1988 - 1991)
Box 7
Folder 4
Agents - Elmo/Cohen
Rejection letters from literary agents, BB's disappointment at lack of interest from publishers and literary agents' lack of success in placing the manuscript(1991 - 1992)
Box 7
Folder 5
Algase, Gertrude
Correspondence re: conceptualization of BB's book (including possible titles), creating a book contract, BB's decision not to publish the book and later reconsideration, Putnam's rejection of manuscript (unsure about timing of book given problems of racial segregation); BB's biographical statement(1953 - 1955)
Box 7
Folder 6
BB - Personal
Correspondence between BB and Bill Edwards re: Sammy Davis pictures from Duke magazine and Modern Man articles; correspondence between BB and Laura Washington re: Chicago Reporter and BB's induction into Medill School of Journalism Hall of Achievement
Box 7
Folder 7
Book Expenses
Box 7
Folder 8
Book Expenses/Contract
Publishing agreement with University Press of Mississippi, list of book expenses, tax returns, invoices to Chicago Public Library(May 17, 1994 - June 8, 1998)
Box 7
Folder 9
Book Jacket
Box 7
Folder 10
Book Publishers/Stories
Letters from BB to publishers pitching Nitty Gritty for publication; newspaper articles re: Haki Madhubuti, Jill Nelson's Volunteer Slavery and other recently published books about the changing face of corporate America, multiethnic romance novels(1992 - 1994)
Box 7
Folder 11
Book Reviews - Dupes
Reviews of Nitty Gritty published in Chicago Defender, Daily Challenge, Publisher's Weekly(1996)
Box 7
Folder 12
Copyright - Author's Guild
Copyright information for Nitty Gritty; certificate of registration (May 29, 1996) and correspondence (April - November 1996)
Box 7
Folder 13
Daily Northwestern - PR
Various articles/mentions of Nitty Gritty, profile in Daily Northwestern(1996 - )
Box 7
Folder 14
Harsh and Schomburg Collections
BB's donation of Nitty Gritty to the Schomburg, talk at the Harsh (undated)(May 1, 1996)
Box 7
Folder 15
Indiana U Press
Correspondence, memos and contracts with Indiana U Press re: consideration and withdrawal of offer to publish Nitty Gritty; Burns' response to withdrawal of contract (1993)
Box 7
Folder 16
Correspondence re: BB's request for a feature on Nitty Gritty in Jewish Star and BB's article on his visit to Auschwitz, copy of "An Atheist at Auschwitz"(1996)
Box 7
Folder 17
Jewish Star
Copies of Chicago Jewish Star including an article on Burns, "White Jew, Black Media" (published in the August 30 - September 12, 1996 issue)(1996)
Box 8
Folder 1
Miller, Wayne
Correspondence between BB and WM; postcards and flyers announcing WM's exhibit, "Black Chicago: 1946 - 1948" (1995 - 1996)
Box 8
Folder 2
Miss - Business Contract
Correspondence with University Press of Mississippi re: royalties, list of University Press of Mississippi Bestsellers in 1996 (#20 is Nitty Gritty); reader evaluations and suggestions for revisions; publishing agreement(1994 - 1998)
Box 8
Folder 3
Miss - Hunter Cole
Correspondence re: promotion and marketing plans for Nitty Gritty(1995 - 1999)
Box 8
Folder 4-5
Miss (Seetha) (2 folders)
Correspondence between BB and Seetha Srinivasan, Associate Director and Editor-in-Chief at University Press of Mississippi, re: decision to reject manuscript on BB's visits to Africa, readers who reviewed the Nitty Gritty manuscript, graphic designs and photographs for book cover, comments on editorial changes to manuscript, discussion of BB's concerns about changes to manuscript, reader's evaluations(1996)
Box 8
Folder 6
The Nation
Review of Nitty Gritty and other articles about race published in The Nation (June 17, 1996); copy of Pathways: A Minority Press Review (1995)(1995 - 1996)
Box 8
Folder 7
Short biography of BB, correspondence re: BB's article, "A Radical at Northwestern" and a copy of the article, "The 1934 Review," "Northwestern Remembrances: The War Years and NU's Response" and other alumni and class reunion materials(1989 - 1998)
Box 8
Folder 8
Northwestern Awards
Correspondence with Laura Washington re: Chicago Reporter and BB's induction into the Medill School of Journalism Hall of Achievement; list of Medill School of Journalism Hall of Achievement inductees, letter from Dean Michael C. Janeway inviting BB to become among the first alumni inductees into the Hall of Achievement; essay by Esther Burns nominating BB for National Association of Black Journalists (provides BB's biography); handwritten copy also in folder; program for Medill awards ceremony (April 26, 1997)Copies of the Northwestern Observer (April 14, 1997) and The Medillian (Fall 1996, Winter 1997, Summer 1997) and copy of Chicago Reporter (March 1, 1997)
Box 9
Folder 1
Various articles/mentions of BB and publication of Nitty Gritty(1996 - )
Box 9
Folder 2
Prince, Richard - NABJ
Correspondence between Wayne Dawkins, BB and Richard Prince re: NABJ journal (1996)
Box 9
Folder 3
Correspondence re: discussion of Nitty Gritty on WBEZ on April 18, 1997; letter to Oprah from Esther Burns re: BB and EB's life experiences; thank you notes from BB to Studs Terkel and others who invited him to discuss Nitty Gritty on their programs (1997)
Box 9
Folder 4
Safire, William
Two letters re: origins of the expression "Nitty Gritty"(1991, 1996)
Box 9
Folder 5
University Presses
Correspondence re: finding an agent and a publisher for Nitty Gritty; rejection letters from university presses (Wayne State, University of Missouri, University of North Carolina and others) (1991 - 1994)
Box 9
Folder 6
Various Nitty Gritty materials
BB's essay on Era Bell Thompson, letters to Ron Grossman re: Nitty Gritty, Chicago Jewish Star article featuring BB, press junket for Nitty Gritty, Nitty Gritty news releases, talks given at book signings(1996 - 1997)
Box 9
Folder 7
Copies of reviews of Nitty Gritty printed from Barnes and Noble's website(July 26, 1999)
Subseries E. Personal Correspondence and Family Materials
Box 10
Folder 1
Benjamin Burns
Correspondence between BB and Benjamin Burns re: confusion with their names(1997)
Box 10
Folder 2
Chicago Tribune
Letters from nine, ten and eleven year-old students in a computer/writing class at the Earle School on the Chicago's South Side; BB's suggestion that they be used as a promotion for the Tribune or as a Channel 9 segment (1997)"We're all people: Unique career in black journalism recalled" by Ron Grossman published in Tribune(February 23, 1997)
Box 10
Folder 3
Family Materials
Barbara Burns' (BB's daughter) summer school (first or second grade) composition (May 17, 1949) BB's USA Personnel Security Questionnaire; search for information on Alexander Bernstein; telegram with information about BB's mother's arrival in US; background on the name "Bernstein" from Museum of Jewish Diaspora; parents' marriage license (1918); biographical sketch of BB from "Who's Who in America"(1983)
Box 10
Folder 4
Various material on Peapod (grocery delivery service), Seattle Sutton, clippings on local restaurants and types of foods, coupons and menus from local restaurants (undated)
Box 10
Folder 5-6
Library - CHI DuSable Museum (2 folders)
Flyers from events at Chicago Public Library including a discussion with Angela Davis, "The Chicago Renaissance 1932 - 1950: A Flowering of Afro-American Culture," 1998 Chicago Tribute Markers of Distinction celebrating Vivian Harsh, program for Black Journalism in the Chicago Renaissance with speakers Doris Saunders, Ben Burns, Vernon Jarrett, John H. Johnson and Herbert Nipson (May 16, 1998); articles on Doris Saunders, black Journalism in Chicago. Invitation and acceptance to be on journalism panel on Chicago Renaissance event at the Harsh on May 16, 1998; program for Harsh Collection Room Groundbreaking Ceremony (June 27, 1996)Correspondence with Steve Burns re: bookplate design (June 9, 1989), with Donald Sager re: BB's donation of his collection to the Harsh Collection (March 20, 1981), with Deborah Wood Holton, scholar who cataloged Part I of the collection (April 21, 1989)(1981 - 1998)
Box 10
Folder 7
National Association of Black Journalists
Annual Report, 1995-1996; Journal, May-June 1996
Box 10
Folder 8
Our World
LA Tribune article re: Our World magazine; correspondence with John Davis, publisher of Our World magazine re: BB's interest in freelancing for Our World and Say (1952-1954)
Box 10
Folder 9
Personal Correspondence
Requests for interviews, letter from U.S. Representative Jan Schakowsky, advertisement for event at the Harsh featuring Doris Saunders(1999)
Box 10
Folder 10
University Archives/Woody Guthrie
Correspondence from University Archives re: BB's Woody Guthrie collection (four cartoons on notebook paper completed in the late 1930s); pre-World War II medal given in Italy by Mussolini's government to fathers with big families; rejection letters from Kenneth W. Rendell, Sotheby's, Christie's; acceptance letter from University Archives(April, May 1995; Sept 1997)
Box 10
Folder 11
Who's Who in Colored America
Letter and questionnaire (June 14, 195) No folders. Travel journals and datebooks. Travel journals, itineraries, other travel materials and information. Esther Burns' datebook for 1973, 1995. BB's datebook for 1990, 1991
Series II: Manuscripts
Box 14
Folder 1
Nitty Gritty (cover - pg. 50)
Box 14
Folder 2
Nitty Gritty (pgs. 51 - 100)
Box 14
Folder 3
Nitty Gritty (pgs. 101 - 150)
Box 14
Folder 4
Nitty Gritty (pgs. 151 - 200)
Box 14
Folder 5
Nitty Gritty (pgs. 201 - 250)
Box 14
Folder 6
Nitty Gritty (pgs. 251 - 300)
Box 14
Folder 7
Nitty Gritty (pgs. 301 - 350)
Box 14
Folder 8
Nitty Gritty (pgs. 351 - 400)
Box 14
Folder 9
Nitty Gritty (pgs. 401 - 450)
Box 14
Folder 10
Nitty Gritty (pgs. 451 - 500)
Box 14
Folder 11
Nitty Gritty (pgs. 501 - 550)
Box 14
Folder 12
Nitty Gritty (pgs. 551 - 599)
Box 14
Folder 13
Nitty Gritty (pgs. 600 - 650)
Box 14
Folder 14
Nitty Gritty (pgs. 651 - 700)
Box 15
Folder 1
Chapter 21. Paris Again and Last Days at Ebony (NG, pgs 701 - 750)
Box 15
Folder 2
Nitty Gritty, pgs 751 - 800
Box 15
Folder 3
Nitty Gritty, pgs 801 - 851
Box 15
Folder Folders 4-16 include notes and copy from Nitty Gritty
Folder 4
Box 15
Folder 5
Defender 1942/Dawson
Box 15
Folder 6
Defender; Back at the Defender, 1962
Box 15
Folder 7
Defender, Summary
Box 15
Folder 8
Early Years, CP & Personal
Box 15
Folder 9
Ebony/JHJ/Negro Digest
Box 15
Folder 10
Box 15
Folder 11
PR/Von Rosen/Modern Man/Cuba
Box 15
Folder 12
Box 15
Folder 13
Box 15
Folder 14
Trips 1963/68-69
Box 15
Folder 15
Box 15
Folder 16
An African Diary
Box 15
Folder 17
An African Diary
Box 15
Folder 18
Manuscript by Ben Burns, p 1 - 50
Box 15
Folder 19
Manuscript by Ben Burns, p 51 - 100
Box 15
Folder 20
Manuscript by Ben Burns, p 101 - 150
Box 15
Folder 21
Manuscript by Ben Burns, p 151 - 200
Box 15
Folder 22
Manuscript by Ben Burns, p 201 - 262
Box 16
Folder 1
"A House Divided" by Ben Burns
Page proofs and final copies of BB's article, "A House Divided," on the end of black politics, published in Chicago Reader on June 13, 1997 and correspondence re: this article, its publication and an earlier copy titled "The Truth About Black Politicians"(1996 - 1997)
Box 16
Folder 2-4
"Last Word" columns (3 folders)
Writing under the pseudonym of Ted Stewart, columns re: discussions of black leadership, media representations of blacks, the New South, the black vote, "reverse discrimination," black political and social power, Israel-South African trade; whites taking credit for black success ("Is Muhammad Ali Irish?"); Jimmy Carter, black movies, the KKK on television, the bicentennial; use of humor to blast bigotry; clippings from Texas Monthly (Oct 1983) and The Reporter (Oct 1983). (1976 - 1978)
Box 16
Folder 5-6
Last Word Columns/Africa (2 folders)
Esther Burns' travel journal from trip to Africa, 1978 - 79Article about the Sahara(November 1991)
Box 16
Folder 7
"Liberty, Some Equality...But No Fraternity" by Ben Burns
Two copies of The Reporter, includes BB's article, "They're Not Uncle Tom's Children," readers' letters, "Why Europeans Think We're Racists" (undated)(March 1956)
Box 16
Folder 8
London and Morocco
Travel essay
Series III: Subject Research Files, 1939 - 1999
This series consists of thousands of clippings, reports and essays on topics of interest to Burns. This series is divided into five subseries.
Subseries A: "Reaching the Negro Market"/African American Consumerism.
This subseries includes lectures, pamphlets and reports published by Johnson Publishing Company as well as newspaper clippings and articles. General interest articles about African American celebrities are also included in this subseries.
Box 17
Folder 1-2
Advertising (2 folders)
Various newspaper clippings including:"Living Together in 1976" by Fairfax M. Cone for the 63rd Annual Meeting of Off-the-Street Club on June 10, 1964; "Marketing to the Negro Consumer" in Sales Management, The Magazine of Marketing dated March 4, 1960; "Selling the Negro Market" in Tide Magazine, The Newsmagazine for Advertising, The Gallagher Report
Box 17
Folder 3-4
Advertising Articles-Negro Market (2 folders)
Various newspaper clippings: "Cosmetic Makers are Waking up to the Negro Market's Profit Potential," in Chemical Week (September 21, 1957); "No Single Mass Market," a talk by Mr. Don Connell, V.P., Market Research Corporation of America Before the Marketing Executives Club of New York
Box 17
Folder 5
Consolidated Rate Card; "Newspaper Readership Dynamics in the Black Community," A Research Study Conducted by Behavioral Systems, Inc.; "Market Demographics in 25 Major Cities (100,000 or more Black Population)," from "The Social and Economic Status of the Black Population, 1971," U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census; "Newspapers Represented by Amalgamated Publishers, Inc.: Negro Newspapers Reach the Heart of Central City Households"
Box 17
Folder 6
"Central-City Retailers Are Losing Customers for Your Brands;" (2 copies)"Negro Family Expenditures for Women & Girls Apparel;" "How Ebony Sells Apparel;" "Negro Family Expenditures for Men & Boys Apparel;" "How the Rate of Spending by Negro Families for Furniture Exceeds that of the General Market;" "Total Negro Demand for House Furnishings and Equipment"
Box 17
Folder 7
Auto tires--Negro Market
Clippings: "65 Million Dollars: The Urban Negro Replacement Tire Market Effectively Reached by Ebony Magazine;" "The Automotive Market of the Ebony Audience;" "Automotive Trends among the Ebony Audience," Research Department, Johnson Publishing, Co., Frank G. Davis, PhD., Director (November 1960) 2 copies; "The Automotive Market of the Ebony Audience" (1959); "Motor Vehicle Production -- U.S. Plants"
Box 17
Folder 8
Black Enterprise
"Black Enterprise in Profile," New York Times (April 7, 1972); Black Enterprise Audience Study 1974; "Why should you advertise in Black Enterprise?" (ad); Stats on Black Enterprise Magazine; "The green side of Black is up to $59,000,000,000," brochure for Black Enterprise; "Black Enterprise Magazine Advertising Rates and Specifications"
Box 17
Folder 10
Black Magazines - General, Newspapers
Clippings re: struggles of Baltimore Afro-American, Black Journalists Reflect Shift from Racialism, pamphlet about MsTique magazine, The Race Reporter, Eagle & Swan, "The Black Magazines' Steady Struggle for Survival," Discovery and New Lady magazines, article on comic strip, "Where I'm Coming From" (1972 - 1992)
Box 17
Folder 11
Black Sports
Black Sports Magazine, Profile of the Black Sports Reader; The World of Black Sports Bridge to a 45-Billion Dollar Market
Box 17
Folder 12
Various newspaper clippings
Box 17
Folder 13-14
Circulation (2 folders)
The Gallagher Report, "Advertisers Revolt Against Magazine Cut-Rate Circulation Practices," (Supplement to November 10, 1975)Letter to Bea Pringle from BB dated 11/20/76 re: Ebony's newsstand circulation
Box 17
Folder 15
Defender/Black Press
Various articles re: John Sengstacke (obituary), Essence magazine, concerns about the future of the Chicago Defender, Elinor Tatum and Amsterdam News, new black publications (African Voices, Emerge, Shade, Upscale, Source, Heath and Soul, YSB), Earl Graves(1993 - 1998)
Box 17
Folder 16
"Special publications can help interested collectors to find black dolls," Chicago Tribune (July 17, 1983)
Box 17
Folder 17-18
Ebony Ads (2 folders)
Various newspaper clippings. Pencil drawings "What is Nitty Gritty;" Report to the Drug Industry, "Central-City Retailers are Losing Customers for Your Brands;" "The Urban Negro Market Potential;" "Isn't the Negro Market Too Small for Mass Volume Effort?;" "Patterns of Negro Expenditures in Big City Markets (A Survey of 552 Negro Families in 10 Selected Cities) by Frank G. Davis; "'Negro Market is Too Vital to Ignore,'" in American Druggist (January 26, 1970); "Ebony: Making a New Market Pay Off" in Business Week (March 22, 1952); "Selling the Negro Market: A Manual for Salesman," published by Ebony; "The Negro's Role in the Marketing Revolution," by John Johnson; "Deferential Factors in the Negro Market," by Frank G. Davis (November 5, 1959)
Box 18
Folder 1
Various newspaper clippings: Essence Fact Sheet; Biography of Edward Lewis, Publisher and Chairman of the Board, Essence Communications (photograph); Biography of Clarence "Larry" Smith, President, Essence Communications and Advertising Sales Director (photograph); Essence Editorial Advisory Board; Essence Board of Directors; Biography of Marcia Ann Gillespie, Editor-in-Chief, Essence; Essence 1974 "Update
Box 18
Folder 2
"The Negro Family Food Bill Amounts to $3 3/4 Billion;" "'Negroes Eat More at Home,' says Ebony's DeKnight;" "Report to the Food Industry: 'Central-City Retailers are Losing Customers for Your Brands;'" "The Negro Market for Prepared Flour Mixes" by the Research Department of Johnson Publishing Co.;" "Why Pet Milk Should Cultivate the Negro Market Through the Pages of Ebony Magazine," by Johnson Publishing Company (February 1962)
Box 18
Folder 3
Various newspaper clippings re: marketing drug products, product use among blacks, network television billings
Box 18
Folder 4
New Yorker articles
Box 18
Folder 5
"How the Rate of Spending for Negro Families for Household Appliances Compare with that of the General Market;" Report to Household Furnishings and Equipment Manufacturers: "Central-City Retailers are Losing Customers for Your Brands" (2 copies); Chart: "Negro Families Spend $468 Million for Household Appliances"
Box 18
Folder 6
Article re: libel suit against Jet magazine (Sept. 17, 1954)
Box 18
Folder 7
Lists - Radio
Box 18
Folder 8
Negro Digest
Clippings re: black publications, "Hard Times for Black Writers," Black World, obituary in Time of Hoyt Fuller, managing editor of Negro Digest and its successor, Black World, correspondence re: Black World and anti-Semitism, "The Alien Message of the Wind" published in Black World, October 1970 (1970 - 1981)
Box 18
Folder 9
Negro Magazine Lists
Chicago Defender advertising rates; Philadelphia Tribune article: "178 Black Newspapers Have 3.5 Million Circulation;" Amsterdam News advertising rates(March 16, 1971 - Dec 9, 1971)
Box 18
Folder 10
Negro Market Miscellany
Ebony report, "The Vast Buying Power of Negro America for Your Products;" Letters from Johnson Publishing Company seeking advertising and explaining the power of the black market; Chart of Negro population and Ebony circulation in major cities; Chart, "Relative Rate of Growth in the Formation of Urban Husband-Wife and Single Person Households, 400% Negro, 161% White during the period 1950-56;" Ebony report, "Analysis of Negro Population and Median Income, including Ebony Magazine's Coverage, Penetration and Advertising Effectiveness;" "Daddy, What's a nigger?," advertisement for True Story; Various clippings on the Negro market and advertisements for Ebony and its effectiveness in reaching the Negro market; "Selling the New Negro Consumer," a talk by Dr. Frank G. Davis; "The Negroes' Contribution to General Business," by LeRoy W. Jeffries, VP, Johnson Publishing Company (June 1, 1957 - Oct 16, 1984)
Box 18
Folder 11-12
Newspaper Circulation (2 folders)
Advertising Linage Service report, "General Advertising Special Classification Negro Newspapers in Selected Cities;" Chart of circulation of Negro newspapers; Afro-American Publisher's Statement for various cities; Correspondence between BB and D. Arnett Murphy, advertising director of Afro-American Newspapers; Various correspondence on advertising rates for newspapers; Booklet, "The Philadelphia Negro Market is Bigger than the Combined Cities of...;" Report, "1957 Consumer Analysis Baltimore Market;" "A Readership Study of the Baltimore Afro-American"(Nov 1, 1957 - Oct 31, 1963)
Box 18
Folder 13
Negro Pharmacists
Various articles on black pharmacists; essay (and earlier drafts) on opportunities in pharmacy for blacks by Burns & Bentley; Withers Swan Public Relations report, "Young Pharmacists Will Serve the Community"(March 29, 1965 - July 10, 1972)
Box 18
Folder 14
Negro Radio
Various clippings on Negro radio; Report on Roundsaville Radio Stations: General and Specific Negro Market Data and Individual Station Information; Sponsor magazine ("The weekly magazine Radio/TV Advertisers Use")(Sept 28, 1957 - Oct 5, 1966)
Box 18
Folder 15
Outdoor - Negro Market
Various correspondence on Negro market; map of Chicago; Report, "The Negro Market in the the Continuing Study and Analysis of Theatre Screen Advertising"(Nov 8, 1951 - Dec 6, 1957)
Box 18
Folder 16
Personal Care
Ebony report, "The Potential for Personal Care Products in a $17 Billion Negro Market," by LeRoy Jeffries; Chart: "How the Rate of Spending by Negro Families for Personal Care Items Exceeds that of the General Market"(May 13, 1958)
Box 19
Folder 1-2
Race Racket (2 folders)
Article by Ben Burns, "The Race Racket;" Various clippings on racial extortion and fraud; Letter to Ray Kroc, President of McDonald's from Robert Turner, publisher of Bronze American National Travel Guide, angered about Kroc's treatment of Turner in his office;"Actual Reports on How Public Relations is Helping to Solve Race Relations Problems"Doris Black, "Racketeers in Race Relations," (published in November issue of Sepia and provides a response to letter to Ray Kroc); (Sept 20, 1963 - March 10, 1972)
Box 19
Folder 3
The Sepia Story in Black and White
Sepia press kits. Letter from publisher, sales information, demographics
Box 19
Folder 4
"The Negro Market for Men's Shoes" (Sept 1, 1961)
Box 19
Folder 5
Research Department, JPC, "The Ebony Soap Market 1959" (Dec 1959)
Box 19
Folder 6
Soft Drinks
"Soft Drinks: Present Distribution of Memphis Negro and White Households According to Brand Preference" (undated)
Box 19
Folder 7-8
Statistics - Ebony (2 folders)
Publisher's statements; various letters regarding Ebony magazine statistics (advertising, city and county circulation); "Facts About the Ebony Audience in Major Central City Areas on Automobile Ownership and Automotive Products Preference;" clippings from Advertising Age (color advertising, pages and revenue figures)(June 30, 1957 - Jan 29, 1968)
Box 19
Folder 9
Statistics - Negro Market
New York Times articles, "Census Portrays Shift of Negroes," "Many Negroes Take a Stride, but Millions Still Lag Behind," "Census Finds More Blacks in Suburbs of Large Cities," and "Census Totals Show Nation is Diverse as Never Before;" Chicago Sun Times, "Job Lack Mars City Negro-Welfare Rank," Chicago Tribune, "City black areas growing: census;" Advertising Age, "Negro Family is Better Market for Luxuries than White with Same Income, Study Says," U.S. Department of Labor, "The Economic Situation of Negroes in the United States," Chicago Tribune research division, "Negro Population Changes in the City of Chicago, 1950-1960," and other articles related to the Negro market(Jan 4, 1958 - Sept 6, 1981)
Box 19
Folder 10
One ad in French; one drawing -- both with stereotyped images of blacks(undated)
Box 19
Folder 11
Tuesday - Leonard Evans
Agreement with BB re: Tuesday supplement; copies of Tuesday supplement; articles from Advertising Age, Midwest Magazine re: advertising and TV syndication, Tuesday supplement, Leonard Evans, advertisement for Tuesday, Tuesday magazine (Dec 1965, Dec 1966, Sept 1965)
Box 19
Folder 12
Charts of Negro consumption of distilled spirits, "The Negro Market for Straights," "What's Selling in the Urban Negro Alcoholic Beverage Market" (JPC); "Urban Negro Market for Liquor, Wine and Beer" (JPC); Articles reprinted from Liquor Trade Weekly, "The Negro Market Analysis--Offers Little Stability for a Brand; Buys in a Fashion, Price Chief Factor," and "The Negro Newspapers', Magazines' Answer to Negro Market Analysis;" Portrait of the Urban Negro Household"(undated)
Subseries B: Interracial Marriage and Multiracial Identity
Box 20
Folder 1
Blassingame, Lurton
Correspondence between BB and LB re: an anthology titled "Love Across the Color Line" and BB's introduction to a book on mixed marriages(1955 - 1965)
Box 20
Folder 2
Interracial Articles
Various articles re: increasing numbers of multiracial people, interracial adoption, interracial marriage increases, interracial romance in films(1978 - 1997)
Box 20
Folder 3-5
Mixed Marriage (3 folders)
Various articles including:"Again, Black Women Score Black Men Over White Women," List of "black notables who wed whites,""The Mixed Marriage Explosion,""Mixed Marriage Children Play an Integration Role," "White woman wed to black can keep kids," "Interracial marriages up sharply," "Intermarriages up 63% in '60's,""The broad ancestry of famous blacks" by Vernon Jarrett, Census Reports, several articles on Peter Finch and his marriage to Jamaica Eletha, Soul articles and letters to the editor for "Interracial Love Part Two: It Ain't Always 'Good Times,' "Ups and Downs of Black/White Love," "How the Stars Cope with Interracial Love," "Can Interracial Love Survive in Hollywood?," "Famous Negro Sons of White Fathers: Many mixed offspring of unions of Southern whites and Negro mistresses have achieved lasting distinction in American public life," by Edward T. Clayton (published in Ebony, July 1950), Article about Sidney Poitier and Joanna Shimkus (untitled), by Doc Young (written for Sepia magazine)(July 1, 1950 - June 2, 1981)
Box 20
Folder 6
Mixed Marriage Big Name - Comment
Various clippings (several from Jet) on intermarriage including: "Claim Intermarriage to Cause Various Races to Disappear;" "The Real Africa: Heart Before Politics, An Interview with Graham Greene;" 'Historian Predicts Intermarriage of Races," "Truman Hopes for Taboo on Mixed Couples"(1958 - 1970)
Box 20
Folder 7
Mixed Marriage - Children
Various clippings including: series of articles titled, "These are Inter-Racial Children," "Transracial Adoptions Grow," "Integration on the Family Level: Whites Adopt Negro Children," "A Little Boy Helps to Ease Family Prejudice," "Interracial Children -- The Question...Who Am I?"(1964 - 1967)
Box 20
Folder 8
Mixed Marriage - Church
Clippings on interracial marriage and opinions within the church(1965 - 1966)
Box 20
Folder 9-10
Mixed Marriage - Examples, Experiences (2 folders)
Clippings on interracial marriage including specific stories (couple that was fired from their jobs because of their marriage); "Are There Boundary Lines in Love? Five True Stories," by William Peters; "How interracial couples live: while white hostility appears to be on the decline, families report growing resentment among Negroes," series of articles on mixed marriage published in New York Post Daily Magazine; "Detroit Couples Prove that Interracial Marriages can be Successful," by Isaac Jones (manuscript); Interracial Adoption Successful in Toronto(1955 - 1973)
Box 20
Folder 11-13
Mixed Marriage - Examples Top Names (3 folders)
Various articles on famous interracial couples and clippings that discuss interracial marriage more generally(1967 - 1975)
Box 21
Folder 1
Mixed Marriage - Fiction
Reviews of books about interracial marriage, short stories including "Sugar Brown" by Langston Hughes and "The Hungry Lovers" by Chester Himes published in Duke(1964 - 1967)
Box 21
Folder 2
Mixed Marriage - Foreign '61
Various articles: interracial dating on soap operas, reports of increasing numbers of interracial marriage, article about the "Jackson Whites," "Interracial Marriage is a Sometime Thing," The New York Times Magazine (June 9, 1968); "Black and White Together," by Susan Brownmiller, World Journal Tribune (September 25, 1966); "Objections Declining in U.S. to Interracial Marriages," New York Herald Tribune (June 2, 1961)
Box 21
Folder 3
Mixed Marriage - General
Various articles
Box 21
Folder 4
Mixed Marriage - History"The real Casanova: A reappraisal of an extraordinary reputation," by John Masters (undated)
Box 21
Folder 5
Mixed Marriage - Jet magazine
Articles on mixed marriages(Oct 5, 1967 - Dec 14, 1972)
Box 21
Folder 6-7
Mixed Marriage - Legal (2 folders)
Various articles on struggles of mixed couples (fight for house); "Slave Descendant Fights Race Listing;" "Custody of 4 Orphans Takes on Racial Tone;" "Charge Bias in Lake Building;" "Mixed marriage ban thrown out;" "Mixed Marriage Wife Gets Back Pay;" "Deny Marriage License for Mixed Couple;" "First Mixed Marriage in South Carolina;" (many articles on repeal of miscegenation laws), "Race, Sex and the Supreme Court," by Anthony Lewis (in The New York Times Magazine); "Interracial Marriage and the Law," by William D. Zabel; (1963 - 1982)
Box 21
Folder 8
Mixed Marriage - Opinions
Various clippings including: articles from Jet; "Ali Calls Race Separation the 'only hope' for Negro," "Teens Advised To Go Slow on Mixed Marriage;" letters to the editor in Ebony magazine; Doris Saunders' "Confetti" column in Defender about objections of black women to increasing number of black men with white wives in public office; "Negro Parents Don't Like Mixed Marriages," Chicago Defender (November 19-25, 1966); "Mixed Marriages: What the Negro Thinks," Chicago Sun Times (May 25, 1964); "Toynbee on America," "Henry and Violet are doing okay," review of Intermarriage by Robert Coles, Book Week (June 21, 1964); review of White over Black by C. Vann Woodward, New York Times Book Review (March 31, 1968); "Was Lincoln Just a Honkie?" by Herbert Mitgang, New York Times Magazine (February 11, 1968); "Was Abe Lincoln a White Supremacist?" by Lerone Bennett Jr., Ebony (February 1968)(April 23, 1964 - Dec 21, 1968)
Box 21
Folder 9
Mixed Marriage - Science
Various articles including: "Intermarriage Improves the Breed," "Light Skin, Dark Skin: Geneticists View the Race Problem," "World Scientists OK Interracial Marriage"(1965 - 1968)
Box 21
Folder 10
Mixed Marriage - Sex
Various articles including "Disturber of the Peace: James Baldwin," "Sinner Sanctum" by George Schuyler(1963 - 1967)
Box 21
Folder 11
Mixed Marriage - Stage Movies
Various articles on plays addressing interracial marriage (including the staging of "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?" and "The Great White Hope," a play about boxer Jack Johnson's life)(1967 - 1972)
Box 21
Folder 12
Mixed Marriages - Statistics
"Reading: Lust across the Color Line," by Brent Staples, Chicago Reader (January 9, 1981), "Children of Interracial Marriage," "Hostility to mixed marriage drops in the United States"(1968 - 1984)
Box 21
Folder 13
Mixed Marriage-Violence
Three articles regarding threats of violence directed at mixed couples(July 27, 1965 - Oct 6, 1966)
Subseries C: Dawson/Dickerson Materials, 1938 - 1970
Box 22
Folder 1
Dickerson P.R./"News from EBD," #3
Weekly newsletter (Nov 14, 1941)
Box 22
Folder 2
Voice of the First Congressional District, Oct 29, 1938
Articles on Dawson
Box 22
Folder 3
Dickerson for Congress
Letter rallying support for Dickerson from Willard Townsend (undated)
Box 22
Folder 4
Earl Dickerson campaign materials - 1942
Correspondence, biography, platform, pamphlets, campaign materials
Box 22
Folder 5
Dickerson v. Dawson flyer, 1942
Box 22
Folder 6
"Ebony/Jet/Tan" handkerchief
Box 22
Folder 7
Earl B. Dickerson - clippings, brochure, correspondence/1942
Box 22
Folder 8
Voice of the 2nd Ward, Feb 12, 1938
Articles on Senator William King and William Dawson as candidate for Congress
Box 22
Folder 9
The Voice, Nov 2, 1940
Front page headline, "Republicans Concede Roosevelt's Election"
Box 22
Folder 10
Second Ward Voice, March 14, 1942
Front page headline, "The Nation Rallies Behind F.D.R. - We Must Win This War"
Box 22
Folder 11
Second Ward Voice, March 21, 1942
"2nd Warders Fight to Establish - Rent Ceiling; Back FDR's Program Against Rising Prices"
Box 22
Folder 12
Second Ward Voice, March 28, 1942
Front page headline: "'Crush Roosevelt Haters at Polls,' McKeough Asks"
Box 22
Folder 13
The Voice, Oct 10, 1942?
"Thousands Wildly Cheer -- Raymond S. McKeough -- A Fearless Friend of the Negro"
Box 22
Folder 14
People's Voice, April, 11, 1942
"FDR Needs Him: Send Dickerson to Congress"
Box 22
Folder 15
First District Voice, Oct 10, 1942
"McKeough Fights for Negro Rights"
Box 22
Folder 16
First District Voice, Oct 17, 1942
"Keep Food Prices Down," Dawson
Box 22
Folder 17
The Voice, April 4, 1942
"Thousands Wildly Cheer - Raymond S. McKeough - A Fearless Friend of the Negro"
Box 22
Folder 18
First District Voice, Oct 24, 1942
"McKeough Election Will Assure Anti-Lynching Law"
Box 22
Folder 19
First District Voice, Oct 31, 1942
"Vote American! Send McKeough to U.S. Senate"
Box 22
Folder 20
Arthur Mitchell Congressional campaign brochure, 1938
Campaign materials
Box 22
Folder 21
"Dorothy Thompson Says Roosevelt," 1940
Campaign materials
Box 22
Folder 22
From Rockford Morning Star, Aug 28, 1941, "Trask Bridge picnic"
Clippings on Klan, article by Walter Winchell (Aug 15, 1942)
Box 22
Folder 23
The Spotlight (Downstate Negro Democratic League), Oct 3, 1942
"Wayland and the Wizard Speak at Ku Klux Meeting"; ad for McKeough
Box 22
Folder 24
The Spotlight (Downstate Negro Democratic League), Oct 17, 1942
"Protect Your Country, Home and Life...Elect McKeough U.S. Senator"
Box 22
Folder 25
Ad for Raymond McKeough for Senator (Indep. Voters Cte of Ill), 1942
Box 22
Folder 26
Republican Party ads (Nat'l Negro Council), Oct 1942
Political cartoon, "The Man Who Fights for His Country has a Right to Vote"; clippings
Box 22
Folder 27
Earl B. Dickerson news releases, 1941 - 1942
Box 22
Folder 28
"It Did Happen Here," Benjamin Adamowski, 1942
Box 22
Folder 29
"Message to the Youth of Illinois," Indep. Voters of Illinois, 1942
McKeough campaign materials
Box 22
Folder 30
News from Earl B. Dickerson (Wkly Newsletter), Oct 31, 1941 - March 31, 1942
Box 22
Folder 31
Illinois Election Campaign Committee brochure (Communist Party), 1942
"Back Him...with Your Vote," political handbook
Box 22
Folder 32
"Negro Writers" - Memo from L. Hughes, c. 1950
List of Negro Writers from Langston Hughes
Box 22
Folder 33
Dawson C. Tribune, Jan 12, 1955
"And So Dawson Doesn't Like Kennelly"
Box 22
Folder 34
Dawson C Daily News, Feb 1, 1955
"Target Dawson"
Box 22
Folder 35
Dawson Tribune, Feb 2, 1955
"Mayor Kennelly and Rep. Dawson"
Box 22
Folder 36
Dawson C. Tribune, Feb 3, 1955
Article re: Dawson taking gifts from gamblers
Box 22
Folder 37
Dawson Sun-Times, Feb 9, 1955
"Meet Rp. Bill Dawson - S. Side Powerhouse"
Box 22
Folder 38
Dawson Tribune, Feb 15, 1955
"N.U.'s Records Fail to Show Dawson Degree"
Box 22
Folder 39
Dawson Chicago, 6/55
"The Boss of Bronzeville," (June 1955)
Box 22
Folder 40
Dawson Afro, Sept 24, 1955
"Ex-Shoeshine Boy Runs Largest Committee"
Box 22
Folder 41
Dawson C Defender, July 7, 1956
"Dawson's Speech on Bias Clause"
Box 22
Folder 42
Dawson Afro, Aug 11, 1956
"Bill Dawson: Congressman, scholar, wearer of bow ties, lover of poetry, home and family"
Box 22
Folder 43
Dawson Collier's, Aug 17, 1956
"The Negro voter: Can he elect a President?"
Box 22
Folder 44
Dawson C Tribune, Oct 12, 1956
"Question for Negro Voters" (Oct 12, 1956)
Box 22
Folder 45
Dawson C Tribune, Oct 21, 1956
"Voters Revolt Against Reign of Rep. Dawson"
Box 22
Folder 46
Dawson C Sun-Times, Jan 15, 1959
"Rep. Dawson Raps President for 'Passive' Race-Bias Policy"
Box 22
Folder 47
Dawson P. Courier, Jan 17, 1959
"Congressman W.L. Dawson, the Democratic Stalwart"
Box 22
Folder 48
Dawson C Sun-Times, Jan 25, 1959
"Dawson Helps Tilt Power to South in Vital House Group"
Box 22
Folder 49
Dawson C Sun-Times, Feb 22, 1959
"Three Dawson Proteges Expected to Win Council Seats"
Box 22
Folder 50
Dawson Sun-Times, May 26, 1960
"The Negro in Chicago: Vote Power Key to Recognition"
Box 22
Folder 51
Dawson Sun-Times, Oct 30, 1960
"Question: How Will City's 750,000 Negroes Vote?"
Box 22
Folder 52
Dawson Chicago's American, Nov 9, 1960
"City Negroes Deliver Vote to Democrats"
Box 22
Folder 53
Dawson C Daily, Nov 1, 1960
"Rep. Dawson a Shoo-in in South Side's First District;" "Why They're Smearing Congressman Dawson"
Box 22
Folder 54
Dawson NY Post, Nov 9, 1960
"Negro Voters Came Back to Democratic Ranks"
Box 22
Folder 55
Dawson C Daily News, Nov 23, 1960
Articles re: fraud in 2nd district (Nov 22 - 24, 1960)
Box 22
Folder 56
Dawson C Crusader, Dec 3, 1960
Box 22
Folder 57
Dawson Chicago Scene, Sept. 1963
"More and Better Black Faces, Daddy: Good-by Mister Charlie"
Box 22
Folder 58
Dawson C Daily News, Sept 12, 1963
"Dawson Machine Rolls On; 'Burial' Notices Premature"
Box 22
Folder 59
Dawson D Daily News, Dec 10, 1960
"Dawson's Record Should Keep Him Out of Cabinet"
Box 22
Folder 60
Dawson C Crusader, Dec 17, 1960
"Why They're Smearing Dawson;" "Dawson Didn't Foul Up Chicago Branch NAACP"
Box 22
Folder 61
Dawson C Tribune, Oct 5, 1961
"Rep. Dawson Denies an Empty Threat"
Box 22
Folder 62
Dawson Chicago's American Dream, Feb 14, 1962
"Challenges Dawson 'Invincible Myth'"
Box 22
Folder 63
Dawson Afro, Feb 16, 1963
"Congressman Dawson says Physical Fitness comes When a Man's Soul is Free"
Box 22
Folder 64
Dawson C Daily News, Feb 11, 1964
"Dawson's District Tops in Negro Ratio"
Box 22
Folder 65
Dawson C Sun-Times, June 21, 1970
"Dawson honored; he's in a hospital"
Box 22
Folder 66
Dawson Obituaries, Nov 1970
"Rep. William L. Dawson dies at 84"
Box 22
Folder 67
Dawson Jet, Nov 26, 1970
"Nation Mourns Dawson's Death as Capitol Flag Flies at Half-Mast"
Box 22
Folder 68
Dawson [n.d.]
Various clippings (undated)
Box 22
Folder 69
Progressive Party
Flyers for Progressive Party candidates (including Dorothy Bushnell Cole for Congress, Henry Wallace for President and Pauline Kigh Reed for Secretary of State) and explanation of Progressive Party platform
Subseries D: Travel
Box 23
Folder 1
1968-9 RR/Ship Etc
.Receipts, maps, guides to Rabat(1968)
Box 23
Folder 2
Clippings from Chicago Daily News, "Guess who's in Pakistan? Wilmette pair and Beech" and "Going Native, Eating Yak..."(April 1969)
Box 23
Folder 3
Travel documents(1973 - 1974)
Box 23
Folder 4
Notes on travels in Africa (loose travel journal); letters detailing trips(1977 - 1978)
Box 23
Folder 5
Box 23
Folder 6
African Art
Articles by Esther and Ben Burns re: African Art(1979)
Box 23
Folder 7
African Cruise
Box 23
Folder 8
Articles - Afghanistan, Tunisia, Colonial Africa, Persian gardens
Box 23
Folder 9
Asia Articles
Various articles re: traveling from Istanbul to Katmandu, Kabul, traveling overland to India, the "Silk Route"(1968 - 1997)
Box 23
Folder 10
Asia - Europe Trip '68 - '69
National Geographic article on Alexander the Great, BB's notes, materials from British Information Services (1968)
Box 23
Folder 11
Asia - Hotel Bills - 1969
Hotel bills
Box 23
Folder 12-13
Bills - 1973 (2 folders)
Vehicle registration or documents related to entering and exiting Afghanistan?, receipts, pamphlet on Volkswagen Campmobile
Box 23
Folder 14
Bills - 1974, Travel
Travel-related bills(1974)
Box 23
Folder 15
Travel documents(1974)
Box 23
Folder 16
Information re: Casablanca (1977 - 1978)
Box 23
Folder 17
Essay written by Esther and Ben Burns re: Elmina, Ghana; proposed article on 500th anniversary of Elmina (1977 - 1982)
Box 23
Folder 18
Europe 73/74
Travel documents (various documents including receipts, registrations and permits for the car, tickets, hotel information, repairs for car, menus, etc.)
Box 23
Folder 19
Europe Hotels - 1969
Receipts from hotels in Europe(1968 - 1969)
Box 24
Folder 1-3
Ghana (3 folders)
BB's article on Ghana, various published articles on Ghana (1990)Article by BB on Ghana, various published articles on Ghana including "Volta: The Story of Ghana's Volta River Project" (booklet), copies of the Ghanaian Times(1978)
Box 24
Folder 4
Travel documents(1973)
Box 24
Folder 5
Travel documents(1952?)
Box 24
Folder 6
Travel receipts
Box 24
Folder 7-9
Morocco (2 folders)
Tourist maps, various clippings, Odyssey Tours brochure, National Geographic
Box 24
Folder 10-11
Morocco/Tunisia (2 folders)
Various clippings; handwritten notes(1968 - 1998)Boston Globe and New York Times articles on Morocco
Box 24
Folder 12
NU African Collection
Correspondence between BB and David Easterbrook, curator of NU Library of African Studies re: BB's African diary, collection of African pieces, classes in African history at SOAS(1996 - 1997)
Box 24
Folder 13
Travel documents(1973)
Box 25
Folder 1
Ship Transport/Shopping
Receipts, travel information, information on BB's Volkswagen (shipping a vehicle)(1968 - 1969)
Box 25
Folder 2
Receipts and correspondence with School for Oriental and African Studies (London) (1968)
Box 25
Folder 3
Thailand, Bali
Travel documents(1974)
Box 25
Folder 4
Article by Esther and Ben Burns re: Togo, assorted published articles on Togo(1978)
Box 25
Folder 5
Travel Clippings, General
"Cruising the St. Lawrence, Era by Era," (August 1, 1993)
Box 25
Folder 6
Travel documents
Includes loose pages of Esther Burns' travel journal, itinerary and materials related to a cruise and overland tour
Box 25
Folder 7-9
Turkey (3 folders)
Travel documents, travel guides, clippings and articles about Turkey(1969 - 1998)
Subseries E. Various Topics
Box 26
Folder 1-2
Affirmative Action (2 folders)
Various clippings (including some book reviews) re: ethnic studies and Ward Connerly; "Breaking Thurgood Marshall's Promise" by A. Leon Higginbotham; excerpts from Dole's address on affirmative action; "Taking Affirmative Action Apart" by Nicholas Lemann; "Planet of the White Guys" by Barbara Ehrenreich; BB's letter to the editor (NY Times), "Why all the fuss about affirmative action?"(1991 - 1998)Handwritten notes (undated)
Box 26
Folder 3-4
Africa (2 folders)
Various clippings (and book reviews) re: Mauritania's 90,000 slaves; French forces in Africa; dictators in Africa; Mandela; U.S. proposal for all-African peacekeeping force; "A Few Good Reasons to Start Caring about Africa;" "How Europeans Cut Up Africa;" "On Slavery, Africans Say the Guilt is Theirs, Too;" material by Beryl Markham; "Out of Africa and into the Living Room" (collecting African art); black journalists writing about Africa; "Our Africa" by Jeffrey Goldberg; "Seeing South Africa as the U.S.A., 1954"(1992 - 1998 )
Box 26
Folder 5
Africa Books
Reviews (undated)
Box 26
Folder 6
Africa -- General
Encyclopedia par L'image Les Colonies Francaises; newspaper articles; "Aggrey of Africa;" correspondence with Al White
Box 26
Folder 7
Africa - Restrictions on the Press
Ray Moseley, "Africa: Where a Free Press Suffers from Wawa"
Box 26
Folder 8
Ali, Muhammed
"Age Hasn't Cooled the Fire Inside Ali" by Ira Berkow (April 28, 1985)
Box 26
Folder 9
Various newspaper clippings
Box 27
Folder 1
Quotes on anti-Semitism by Jesse Jackson, the ADL and Andrew Young; articles in the New Yorker (re: anti-Semitism as an "unfortunate result" of the civil rights movement and Jackie Mason); editorial by Jesse Jackson published in the Chicago Jewish Star, "Common Tears, Shared Destinies," (Jan 22 - Feb 4, 1993); newspaper articles and editorials on Louis Farrakhan and anti-Semitism in Chicago; "A New Jesse? Rev. Jackson Says He Wants to Reach Out to the Jewish Community. But Many are Wary," by James Besser published in JUF News (April 1993)(1988 - 1994)
Box 27
Folder 2
Quote by Barbara Jordan; clipping from New Yorker re: Walt Whitman applauding the state constitution of Oregon that excluded blacks (undated)
Box 27
Folder 3
Clippings and article in the Chicago Reader re: atheists (April 5, 1985)
Box 27
Folder 4
Bauman Rare Books
Ads and catalog
Box 27
Folder 5
Being Black
Quote by Eddy Harris; various articles re: Jamaica Kincaid, book on William F. Buckley, Glenn Loury, talking about race, Soul Train, Spike Lee's movie "Malcolm X," The Southern Review, the "underclass," review of Marian Wright Edelman's book, The Measure of Our Success, article about Julian Bond; list of quotes on "Being Black"(1972 - 1996)
Box 27
Folder 6
Bias - Foreign
Various articles re: Miss Italy, integration in France, black Britons, Brazil and ancestral lands, racial hatred in Europe, anniversary of abolition in Brazil, State Department attache, Frank Snowden, Mexico's denial of racism, Black London (by Henry Louis Gates) (1956 - 1996)
Box 27
Folder 7
Articles including: "Hate Story: Farrakhan's still at it," (New Republic, May, 30, 1988); "Academic Freedom and Racial Theories," (New York Times, May 3, 1990); "Sweden's Nasty, Sexist, Racist Genius," (New York Times Book Review, Sept. 1, 1985, on August Strindberg); "Nakasone's World-Class Blunder," (Time, Oct. 6, 1986); one page of Response (includes articles on David Duke and stereotyped Jews in New Testament video)(1985 - 1990)
Box 28
Folder 1
Black Books and Writing by Author
Various articles and book reviews of books by black authors (1990 - 1996)
Box 28
Folder 2
Black Bookstores
Article on black bookstores, listings of black book publishers and book stores(1996)
Box 28
Folder 3
Black English
"A Fear of Metaphors," (New York Times Magazine, July 14, 1985); "Guide explores secret language of black slang," (Marin Independent Journal, March 20, 1994)(1985, 1994)
Box 28
Folder 4-5
Blacks in the Arts (2 folders)
Various clippings re: multicultural books; theatrical production of Black No More; book reviews on books on affirmative action; "The Beauty of Black Art;" "Sexism, Racism and Black Women Writers" by Mel Watkins; "A Black Panther's Long Journey" (about Elaine Brown); Stanley Crouch; (assorted articles about black television and film stars, musicians, intellectuals); book reviews about Local People and the civil rights movement; reviews of key books on black history (1991 - 1998)
Box 28
Folder 6
Blacks in Business
Articles including: "The Big Three and Black America," "Fast Food Workers Allowed to Wear Braids," "Pool of Qualified Blacks Expands, but Very Few Sit on Corporate Boards," "Between Two Worlds" (about the black middle class)(1989 - 1997)
Box 28
Folder 7-8
Black Politics (2 folders)
Various articles re: affirmative action debate, black men barred from voting (portrait of the electorate); GOP courts black vote; conservative blacks; Harold Washington, Kweisi Mfume (1991 - 1997)
Box 28
Folder 9
Black Stereotypes - Words - Language
Various clippings re: Martin Lawrence, Aunt Jemima's makeover; Bert Williams; relics of racism; Japanese racial attitudes; shift to term "African American" (1988 - 1997)
Box 29
Folder 10
Black Studies
"Race, Revolution and Cricket," a review of the C.L.R. James Reader in the New York Times Book Review(undated)
Box 29
Folder 11
Black Upper Class in Chicago
Excerpt from Our Kind of People: Inside America's Black Upper Class by Lawrence Otis Graham (January 24, 1999)
Box 29
Folder 12
"Many Blacks Shut Out of Brazil's Racial 'Paradise,'" New York Times (June 5, 1978)
Box 29
Folder 13
British -- Race & General
Various newspaper clippings; "Life in America -- as seen by visiting Europeans"
Box 29
Folder 14
"80-Year Tide of Migration by Blacks Out of the South Has Turned Around" (New York Times); "Capital Rally to Recall Dr. King and His Dream" (New York Times); quote by Rev. Joseph Lowery(1988, 1989)
Box 29
Folder 15
Clips Used for Books
Various clippings including articles re: "Waiting for Lefty," NYU, review of "Canarsie," Princeton tribute to Norman Thomas, the Ptolemies Library in Egypt, obituary of Joseph Lash, review of "The Windsor Style," Suzanne de Passe, seltzer, Cuba, Chicago Tribune Sunday Magazine, "Remembering Nelson Algren"1968 - 1989 (mostly 1984 - 1989)
Box 29
Folder 16
Various articles re: African American Studies at Harvard, low enrollment numbers of blacks at Northwestern, ethnic dorms at Cornell, hiring and tenure policies, admissions, whites at black colleges (1981 - 1986)
Box 29
Folder 17
Untitled article from Time magazine about race relations(May 11, 1953)
Box 29
Folder 18
Communists - People
Various articles about the Communist Party and its members (including obituaries): Louise Patterson (Harlem Renaissance figure), Al Richmond, Carl Bernstein's parents, Agnes Smedley, John Rossen and about books written about the Communist Party; letter to "Lew and Lil" from BB that describes BB's relationship with the Communist Party after the war (1955, 1969 - 1996)
Box 29
Folder 19
CP Background
Program for "Writers as Workers: A 50-year Retrospective of the Illinois Writers Project, 1935 - 1939;" various clippings on Communist Party(1975 - 1996)
Box 29
Folder 20
Various articles re: hate crimes committed by increasing violent crime statistics, black-on-black crime, OJ Simpson, shooting of a 17-year-old football star, LA riots(1985 - 1997)
Box 29
Folder 21
Ebony Clips
Various articles re: Linda Johnson Rice and her 1984 wedding to Andre Rice, John H Johnson, Robert Johnson (obituary), Moneta Sleet (obituary), Diane Montgomery (obituary), Johnson awarded with Medal of Freedom by President Clinton, Era Bell Thompson (obituary), Ebony's 50th anniversary (1982 - 1998)
Box 29
Folder 22
Ellison, Ralph
Article on pianist Andre Watts, various quotes on hatred(1977)
Box 29
Folder 23
Two quotes by Booker T. Washington(undated)
Box 29
Folder 24
Various articles re: "Amos 'n Andy," growing number of black stars in Hollywood, nostalgia for blaxploitation films, Lena Horne (1995 - 1997)
Box 29
Folder 25
Quotes by Tocqueville quote and William Lloyd Garrison
Box 29
Folder 26
Female Circumcision
Article published in Emerge(Sept 1996)
Box 29
Folder 27
Article on pianist Andre Watts, various quotes on hatred(1977)
Box 29
Folder 28-29
History (2 folders)
Various articles and book reviews -- Slave Counterpoint, comparing the suffering of Jews and blacks, Amistad, Slaves in the Family, King family disputes over archive, Reconstruction, Detroit Museum of African American History, Monticello, Tulsa race riot, Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, Underground Railroad, Medgar Evers, commemoration of civil rights movement in museums in Memphis, Atlanta and Birmingham, racial antipathies in Spain, review of book on the Know Nothings(1986 - 1998)
Box 29
Folder 30
Horne, Lena
New York Times article, "Lena Horne: Aloofness Hid the Pain, Until Time Cooled Her Anger" (May 3, 1981)
Box 29
Folder 31
Various clippings and article on Andrew Young and review of books in Penguin Lives of Modern Women volume(1977 - 1993)
Box 29
Folder 32
Inspiration Articles re: Ralph Bunche and King's Dream ("America Still Haunted by Problems of Black Poor")(1986 - 1988)
Box 30
Folder 1
Various articles re: John Hope Franklin (reflections on his 80th birthday), "Years on the Road to Integration: New Views on an Old Goal," review of Studs Terkel's book, Race: How Blacks and Whites Think and Feel about the American Obsession, Jesse Helms hires James Meredith as a domestic policy adviser, "Integration Has Had its Day," by Glenn Loury (editorial published in the New York Times)(1989 - 1997)
Box 30
Folder 2
Quotes on intermarriage by Elijah Muhammad and Stokley Carmichael; article: "Blacks Found Lagging Despite Gains"(1989)
Box 30
Folder 3
Jackson, Jesse
Article on Jesse Jackson and corporate protests, two profiles of Jesse Jackson(1992, 1996)
Box 30
Folder 4-5
Jews (2 folders)
Two articles re: black-Jewish relations; quotes on black-Jewish relations by James Baldwin, Harry Belafonte, Leonard Dinnerstein, Louis Farrakhan, Lu Palmer, Richard Wright(1990)
Box 30
Folder 6
Various clippings re: memory(1981 - 1987)
Box 30
Folder 7
Smithsonian article, "'Gone up North, Gone out West, Gone!,'" by Jon Cohen (May 1987)
Box 30
Folder 8
Various articles re: minority radio and television station owners, Spike Lee, Charles Burnett, Rosewood, Love Jones, Ossie Davis, reality and stereotypes on black television programs, John Singleton(1991 - 1997)
Box 30
Folder 9-10
Music (2 folders)
Pamphlets and information on music festivals, performances and entertainment, various articles re: rap, Sister Souljah, black critique of "hard core" rap lyrics, Suge Knight, black conductors(1992 - 1996)
Box 30
Folder 11
Various articles re: Ben Chavis and NAACP, sexism and the NAACP(1994)
Box 30
Folder 12
New Yorker article on Harry Belafonte; quote by Eleanor Roosevelt; article (editorial) by John Steinbeck on America's expectations of Negroes(1996)
Box 30
Folder 13
Articles re: Frederick Douglass, selecting a new schools chancellor in New York, Willie Brown, quote by Flannery O'Connor(1988)
Box 31
Folder 1
Clippings on PR and Ben Bentley, Jack O'Dwyer's Newsletter ("The Inside News of Public Relations")(1986 - 1995)
Box 31
Folder 2
Excerpt from Shylock's speech in The Merchant of Venice, article about military opposition to Truman's plans to desegregate (compared to Clinton's plan to lift ban on gays), quotes from Charlotte Bronte and Thoreau on prejudice(1992 - 1993)
Box 31
Folder 3
Book review of The Federal Government's Investigation of the Black Press During World War II; letter to the editor re: John Russwurm and Samuel Cornish's newspaper, Freedom's Journal; quotes about the press(1986 - 1987)
Box 31
Folder 4
Publishing/Writing (General)
Clippings including: Chicago Reader article, "Murdoch's Man in Chicago," "A Career in Journalism: Stop the Press, I Want to Get On," "Hugh Hefner: He achieved success by fulfilling his teenage fantasies," "The Battle for Control of the Daily News"(March 21, 1975 - Feb 24, 1984)
Box 31
Folder 5
Quote from Bill Bradley; list of quotes for Africa, Anti-Semitism, Jews, Slavery; additional quotes; article, "The U.S. Negro, 1953;" Nat Hentoff, "Through the Racial Looking Glass," published in Playboy (July 1962); book review of The European Tribe by Caryl Philipps(1962)
Box 31
Folder 6
Various articles re: Clinton's race panel, Noel Ignatiev and the "abolition of whiteness," Kenneth Clark's article, "No. No. Race, Not Class, is Still at the Wheel," published in the New York Times (March 22, 1978), letter to the editor re: Darwin's discussion of slaves in Brazil, interview with Cornel West, review of book on Frederick Douglass, "The Tallest Fence: Feelings on Race in a White Neighborhood," interview with Colin Powell, interview with Mark Mathabane, article discussing the "predicaments of blacks and gays" by Henry Louis Gates; quotes by Frederick Douglass, Edwin Embree, Winston Churchill, William Dawson(1988 - 1998)
Box 31
Folder 7
Race clippings - various
Various articles and book reviews re: the black press, Encarta Africana, race and the military, ethnic categories, race and the media, the black middle class, "reverse discrimination," list of ethnic/multicultural magazines, black newspaper index(1976 - 1999)
Box 31
Folder 8
Race - General
Various articles including: John Hope Franklin and Clinton's national discussion on race, "Black Scholars View Society With a Prism of Race," "Black Soldiers Wrestling with Questions of Race and Justice," "Grappling with the One-Drop Rule" (Tiger Woods), the O.J. Simpson case, editorials on race, "Integration Turns 40: The New Segregation" by Juan Williams, afrocentrism, multiculturalism, "The New Black Suburbs," Goetz, Sister Souljah, New Yorker article - "Black in America" (1978 - 1997)
Box 31
Folder 9
Various articles including: Orlando Patterson on race, Melville Hersokovits on African heritage, racism and poverty(1994 - 1997)
Box 31
Folder 10
Religion - Muslims
Various clippings re: religion and Muslims, Ben Chavis joins Nation of Islam, Peter Gomes, Louis Farrakhan(1977 - 1997)
Box 31
Folder 11
Roosevelt, Eleanor, "If I Were a Negro" (1944)
Box 31
Folder 12
Various articles re: discussion about theater between playwright August Wilson and critic Robert Brustein, article on Kenneth Clark, "The Cult of Ethnicity, Good and Bad" by Arthur Schlessinger, MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech, quotes by Booker T. Washington (1982 - 1997)
Box 31
Folder 13
Review of Cornel West's Race Matters (New York Times Book Review, May 16, 1993)
Box 31
Folder 14
Skin Color
Various articles on subjects including: Norton Anthology of African American Literature, theatrical adaptation of Delany sisters' "Having Our Say" starring Mary Alice, Mark Twain's racial attitudes, interrelatedness of blacks and whites in America, Louise Nevelson, Fannie Lou Hamer, "colorism" in black society, South Africa, James Baldwin's obituary in New York Times (Dec. 2, 1987)(1985 - 1997)
Box 31
Folder 15
Book reviews and articles re: slavery and slave trade; "African Slave Trade: The Cruelest Commerce" in National Geographic (September 1992); review of August Wilson's "Seven Guitars"(1977 - 1993, 2005)
Box 31
Folder 16
Various clippings re: Atlanta; progress of "New South"(1994 - 1998)Memo by Lerone Bennett re: trip south with Mike Shea (Jim Crow practices)(1950s)
Box 31
Folder 17
Various clippings re: boxing, basketball, Tiger Woods, Jackie Robinson, black swimmers(1995 - 1997)
Box 31
Folder 18
Racial disparities in health care; multiracial census category; the economy; Newsweek cover story, "A World Without Fathers: The Struggle to Save the Black Family;" (August 30, 1993)(1993 - 1998)
Box 31
Folder 19
Quotes by Whoopi Goldberg, Phil Collins and John Fowles(undated)
Box 31
Folder 20
Various articles re: Kenneth Clark, famous quotations, Claude McKay's poetry and quotes(1992 - 1995)
Box 31
Folder 21
White Supremacy
Time magazine article on Public Enemy (Nov 11, 1991)
Box 31
Folder 22
Word Origins
Various clippings re: language (including several of William Safire's columns, "On Language"); "Negro Termed an 'Uncle Tom' is Granted Libel Award in Ohio" Articles re: removing the word "nigger" from the names of brooks, hills and islands in Maine; discussion of term "Afro-American" vs. "African American;" William Julius Wilson and "the underclass;" origins of creole, jazz, chitlin, Aunt Jemima(1963 - 1996)
Series IV. Photographs, 1948 - 1960s
Esther Burns, Haitian President Dumarsais Estime, Eunice Johnson, Ben Burns and John H. Johnson during a trip to Haiti in 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Esther Burns, John Johnson, Eunice Johnson, Ben Burns and Haitian hosts in Haiti, 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Esther Burns in Haiti in 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Haitian hosts with John Johnson, Esther Burns, Eunice Johnson and Ben Burns, eating dessert in Haiti in 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Haitian hosts with Esther Burns, Ben Burns, John Johnson and Eunice Johnson in Henri Christophe's castle.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Ben Burns in Haiti, Eunice Johnson in background.
Photograph by Gordon Parks
Esther Burns, Haitian President Dumarsais Estime, Eunice Johnson, Ben Burns and John H. Johnson during a trip to Haiti in 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Haitian host with John H. Johnson, Esther Burns, Eunice Johnson and Ben Burns in Haiti in 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Haitian hosts with Esther Burns, John Johnson and Eunice Johnson reviewing a military parade in Haiti, 1948 (?).
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Esther Burns and Eunice Johnson standing in large archway in Haiti in 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Esther Burns eating ice cream at table, Eunice Johnson to her left. In Haiti in 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Haitian hosts in Haiti (John H. Johnson, Ben Burns) standing outside in Haiti in 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Esther Burns and ? in Haiti, 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Pilots, Ben Burns and young girl on a plane in Haiti, 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Ben Burns, John Johnson and Esther Burns on plane in Haiti in 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
John Johnson, Esther and Ben Burns with pilot outside of plane. Haiti, 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Couples dancing at a reception at the U.S. Ambassador's residence in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
John Johnson sitting behind Ben Burns in Haiti, 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Esther Burns on balcony (to the right), photographer Gordon Parks visible in mirror (center). Haiti, 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Esther and Ben Burns and John Johnson outside of car, in Haiti in 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Henri Christophe's castle in Haiti, 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Harbor defense canon in Haiti, 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Woman posing in swimsuit in Haiti in 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Henri Christophe's castle in Haiti, 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Henri Christophe's castle, 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Harbor fort in Haiti, 1948.?
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Harbor fort in Haiti, 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Harbor fort in Haiti, 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Boats on beach in Haiti in 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Esther Burns at Henri Christophe's castle.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Harbor fort in Haiti, 1948.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Henri Christophe's castle.
Photograph by Gordon Parks.
Esther Burns and Ellen Wright in Paris, 1950.
Esther Burns and John Johnson on deck chairs on cruise to Europe, 1950.
Esther Burns, Eunice Johnson and John Johnson looking out over rails of ship on cruise to Europe, 1950.
Esther Burns, Eunice Johnson and John Johnson at the Pont Neuf bridge in Paris, 1950.
John Johnson on cruise to Europe, 1950.
Esther Burns, ?, Eunice Johnson and John Johnson in France, 1950.
Eunice and John Johnson and Esther Burns in Europe in 1950
Eunice Johnson, ?, Esther Burns, ?, ?, John Johnson in Europe, 1950.
Two women (including Esther Burns, perhaps the other woman is Eunice Johnson?) in front of the Leaning Tower of Pisa
Esther Burns' relatives, Eunice Johnson, Esther Burns and John Johnson in Paris in 1950.
Street scene in Paris, Rue Des Saules, 1950
Esther Burns with a man and woman shopping in Paris, 1950
Artwork in restaurant (cartoon of boisterous dinner table)
Esther Burns and relatives in Paris, 1950.
Esther Burns and relatives in Paris, 1950.
Ben Burns and Esther Burns' relatives in Paris, 1950.
Cars outside of George V Hotel in Paris, 1950
John Johnson in Rome, 1950
John Johnson and Ben Burns in Rome, 1950
Historic building in Rome, 1950
Esther Burns in Rome, 1950
Esther Burns in Rome, 1950
Ben Burns in Rome, 1950
Eunice Johnson and Esther Burns in Rome, 1950.
Eunice Johnson, Esther Burns with John Johnson (pointing) in Rome, 1950.
Eunice Johnson and Esther Burns in Rome, 1950.
Couple in Europe, 1950.
Eunice Johnson, man with beard and Esther Burns in Europe, 1950.
Man with beard with Esther Burns in Europe, 1950
Man with beard with Esther Burns in Europe, 1950
Ben Burns in France in 1950.
John Johnson, Eunice Johnson and Esther Burns in Paris in 1950.
Eunice Johnson, John Johnson and Esther Burns in Paris in 1950.
Buildings in France, 1950.
John Johnson in France in 1950.
Eunice Johnson and ? in France, 1950.
Esther Burns, unidentified woman, Eunice Johnson and John Johnson in France (?), 1950.
John Johnson, Esther Burns and Eunice Johnson getting coffee in Europe, 1950.
Eunice Johnson and ? in France, 1950.
Ellen Wright and Esther Burns in Paris, 1950.
Esther Burns with Ellen Wright, two women and children in Paris, 1950.
Esther Burns with Ellen Wright, two women and children in Paris, 1950.
Moulin de la Galette in France, 1950.
Street scene in Paris, 1950.
Esther Burns and ? at a chateau in France, 1950.
Esther Burns with ? in Europe, 1950.
Ben Burns and Esther Burns with ? in Europe, 1950.
Fountain in Paris, 1950.
Ellen Wright and Esther Burns in front of fountain in Paris, 1950.
Esther Burns and Ellen Wright in front of fountain in Paris, 1950.
Julia Wright in Paris, 1950.
Julia Wright in Paris, 1950.
Fountain in Paris, 1950.
Fountain in Paris, 1950.
Child with Julia Wright in Paris, 1950.
Esther Burns with Ellen Wright in Paris, 1950.
Esther Burns with Ellen Wright in Paris, 1950.
Esther Burns with Ellen Wright in Paris, 1950.
John Johnson on cruise to Europe, 1950.
John Johnson on cruise to Europe, 1950.
Esther Burns and John Johnson on cruise to Europe, 1950.
Esther Burns, Eunice and John Johnson on cruise to Europe, 1950.
Esther Burns, Eunice and John Johnson on cruise to Europe, 1950.
John Johnson and Esther Burns on cruise to Europe, 1950.
Esther Burns and John Johnson being served on cruise to Europe, 1950.
Esther Burns and John Johnson being served on cruise to Europe, 1950.
Ben Burns with ? in Europe, 1950.
? in Europe, 1950.
Monmartre street scene, 1950.
? in front of Sacre Coeur in Monmartre, 1950
Esther Burns in Europe, 1950
Overview of houses and buildings in Europe, 1950.
John Johnson with a little girl in Paris, 1950.
Sydney Johnson (portrait)
Sydney Johnson (portrait)
Sydney Johnson (with life jacket)
Sydney Johnson (with life jacket)
Sydney Johnson (with life jacket)
Joe Curran, Pres., National Maritime Union
Joe Curran, Pres., National Maritime Union
Teresa Garcia in Havana, Cuba
Unidentified woman
Charlie Collins, Paris 1945 (WFTU)
Charlie Collins, Paris 1945, Harlem AFL, WFTU
P.L. Prattis, Pittsburg Courier, in front of Louvre
Unidentified delegate at WFTU
Unidentified delegate at WFTU
Unidentified delegates at WFTU
Unidentified delegates at WFTU
Unidentified delegates at WFTU
Ben Burns in his office at Ebony, 1940s
John Johnson and Ben Burns at Julius Rosenwald's house, 1940s
Portrait of Ben Burns
Eunice Johnson, Ben Burns and ? at Julius Rosenwald's house, 1940s
Ben Burns with one of his children on shoulders
Ben Burns shaking hands with Josephine Baker in his office at Ebony
Ben Burns
Ben and Esther Burns dancing at the Rhumboogie in 1954
Ben dancing with performers, large audience watching at the Rhumboogie in 1954
Ben sitting down after dancing, next to Esther Burns, surrounded by people at the Rhumboogie in 1954
Ben Burns looking at photo sheets
Ben and Esther Burns celebrating at club (?)
Ben Burns and ?
Ben Burns talking
Ben Burns smiling
Ben Burns with ?
Ben Burns flying a plane
Ben Burns
Ben Burns
Ben Burns in office with Janice Kingslow
Ben Burns reclining outside on rock wall
Ben Burns
Beatrice Pringle
Arthur J. Jackson
Will Thomas
William Fisher, author of The Waiters
Flynn Clarke Benson for Duke magazine
Nat D. Williams, radio station WDIA, Memphis, TN (for Duke magazine)
Ku Klux Klan, Charles Holland
Ku Klux Klan, Confrontation between Dr. Robert S. Pritchard and Klansman Charles Holland
Ku Klux Klan, Charles Holland on speaker's platform
Ku Klux Klan, Attempt to secure 36 foot cross
Ku Klux Klan, Speaker's platform
Ku Klux Klan, Dimmie Johnson
Ku Klux Klan, "Integration is Pollution"
Norman Darden (?)
Al Duckett and Ruby Dee
Sterling Hobbs
Marion Kaplan in Kenya
Marion Kaplan in Kenya
Marion Kaplan in Kenya
Marion Kaplan in Kenya
Mixed Marriages - Leon and Mary Russell
Mixed Marriages - Margaret (Peggy) Rusk and Guy Smith
Mixed Marriages - Marc Bolan and Gloria Jones and son Rolan
Mixed Marriages - Walter White and Poppy Cannon
Mixed Marriages - Frank Shifman (owner of Apollo), Bill Kenny and Mrs. Kenny (?)
Mixed Marriages - Donald Berry and his wife Eleanor (daughter of Mrs. Crutchfield)
Mixed Marriages - Mrs. Kenny, James Edwards and Bill Kenny (?)
Mixed Marriages - Mr. and Mrs. Crutchfield
Mixed Marriages - Mr. and Mrs. Crutchfield
Mixed Marriages - Mr. and Mrs. Crutchfield
Mixed Marriages - Mr. and Mrs. Crutchfield
Mixed Marriages - Henry Lewis and Marilyn Horne
Mixed Marriages - Monroe Jenkins and Martha Wood
Mixed Marriages - Leon and Mary Russell179Travel - African Art
Travel - African Art
Travel - African Art, market in Abidjan
Travel - African Art, Ivory Coast
Travel - African Art
Dungeon at Elmina
Iron gate at Elmina castle
Cannons outside Elmina castle
Woman outside Elmina castle
Elmina castle
Entrance to Elmina castle
Great court of Elmina castle
Iron-grated door at Elmina castle
View from inside castle dungeon
Local Ghanian girl next to Elmina castle moats
Cannon defending Elmina castle
Elmina negatives and photosheet
Northwestern class reunion
African soldiers in WWI
British mounted men crossing bridge, August 10, 1918
"English Spoken Here," September 9, 1918
Scotch Highlanders participating in Bastille Day festivities
General Harts honored by citizens of St. Mihiel
French workers proud to wear the service mark of Uncle Sam's workers, March 17, 1919
"Where Turkish Peace Delegates are Quartered," June 23, 1919
"French Blue Devils Capture Immense Vase from Bulgars"
Wreckage of a Chateau in Somme, Chaulnes, France, 1917
Chateau ruins after German attack
Nouvelle Salle du Musee de Cluny
Paris receives the Croix de Guerre
Fort in Manonviller
Hospital barrack scene in the Aisne district
Scene in front of the famous Pequin fashion shop in Paris, during the strike of the Midinettes
Temporary home of the League of Nations, June 19, 1919
General view of city of Soissons213Views of Palais D'Orsay where Peace Conference is held, January 29, 1919
Fireplace in the Grand Salon of the Palais D'Orsay, January 29, 1919
General Petain becomes Marshall, December 26, 1918
Photographers record history of the World War, May 29, 1918
Paris, The City Beautiful, July 9, 1918
Secretary of War Newton D. Baker passing Harvard regiment, October 27, 1917
English retreat on Flanders front conducted in orderly manner, May 1, 1918
Members of Austrian Peace Delegation at St. Germain
The aftermath of the battle
Chateau destroyed by German attack, September 29, 1918
On the British Western front in France
Amid the Ruins of St. Mihiel
Holland pays respect to France on the 14th of July
On the way to guard German delegation at Versailles
Keeping the German delegates at Versailles within their bounds
Arras, beauty spot of France
Monchy now in the hands of the British, August 27, 1918
The water supply for the new Reims
Brest camp being put in shape, April 24, 1919
German peace delegates arrive in Paris
Place de la Concorde in Paris
"In the wake of the Hun"
Early morning bombardment of German trenches
British reinforcements and supplies for service in Flanders
Two men and a woman speaking in war ruins
Soldiers and officers in barracks
Place de la Concorde
In this devastated district, a poilu hesitates among the ruins to write to his loved ones at home
French Minister of Health conversing with Royal Nurse
Ruined church
Ancient tarbes greets favored son in old Basque tongue
Attigny digging itself out of ruins
A captured German dugout in the Somme district
New system of alarm to announce air raids in Paris
New system of alarm for air raids
Desolation of a church, 1917
Gas tanks near Paris shot full of holes
Rebuilding bridge over the Aisne
Mass in the trenches
Combles - famous battlefield, October 7, 1918
Christening on a French battlefield on site of destroyed church
Preparing the battlefield for a harvest of peace
Rembercourt-aux-Pots: French soldiers drawing water at a public well for use at a base hospital, January 13, 1918
A cantonment in a farm house destroyed by German attacks, 1917
Military officers on field, December 22, 1917
Cologne cathedral once used as war hospital
The path to the front line trench
French veterans honor George Washington in Paris, August 4, 1918
Street scene in France, in the rain
Poilus and Tommies meet on Picardy front
Crowds waiting for a parade (?)
How Paris is combating the high cost of living
Aquatic shots in Paris
Elisha's well, British military activity in Palestine and Mesopotamia
"Old Jericho"
Czech army in France
German Gotha which has been brought down by the anti aircraft forces of London
French cavalry
Athletic meet
Lieut. Ed Rickenbacher at an American aviation field in France
French soldiers fighting behind a barricade of German supplies
Anzacs and Chasseurs help Liberty Loan in New York, May 2, 1918
Ste. Catherine in Paris
Paris Fair opened on the Esplanade des Invalides, 1919
Vedrines and Guillain's funerals in Paris, Gare de Lyon
Mr. Rebot (?) speaking to the troops on the Marne battlefield
Funeral of fallen French hero, August 16, 1918
French mounted Chassuers fighting in the Aisne sector, May 1, 1918
In Champagne, walking through village
Ruins after German attack
"A Happy Poilu"
Bastille Day in France
Calling the roll in a Chinese labor camp in France
Chalons-sur-Marne, a review of military societies by French officers on All Saints Day, November 1, 1917
Independent state of Hedjaz rally to cause
Moquet Farm in France before, during and after bombardment
Cross country girls team in Paris
Meuse-Bar le Duc; Returning the artistic doors of the Cathedral of Verdun, removed during bombardment
King Nicholas in exile celebrates 78th anniversary
Retirement home of President Poincare
Noyon, August 31, 1918
Signing the Peace Pact with Austria
"Cambrai Since the Germans were Driven Out"
Franco-American troops recapture Villers Cotteret
Village occupied by French and British troops
French soldiers boarding a transport for "somewhere" in the Mediterranean
In the mountain's forest
Honoring French heroes, February 7, 1918
In the historic tower of London which may be the ex-Kaiser's prison
British soldiers construct entanglements
Cardiff Miner's Glee Club
Armistice terms signed in French city
Cleaning up the Noyon Road, October 11, 1918
Ruined sectors in Senlis, France
Remains of Cathedral Ypres viewed by U.S. Congressional Committee, April 30, 1919
A "rock" of plaster conceals a man in the pit beneath, January 12, 1918
A cafe amidst the ruins of a French town
President Wilson visits battlefields
Church of St. Gervais in Paris
New great Italian drive on Isonzo Front, June 12, 1917
British Western Front
War ruins
Battle Ceantigny (?)
Battle Ceantigny (?)
Reconquered Alsace
Ruins in the Somme
Armentieres, the scene of heavy fighting during fight of Flanders front
Destruction in Belgium
Aquatic sports in Paris
Cemetery at the Villa of Crion
German air raids on Paris
Railroad yard destroyed by explosions
Count Brockdorff arrives at Versailles for Peace Treaty
Turkish delegates arrive for Peace Conference
House where Joffre was born in Pyrenees mountains
Aquatic sports in Paris
Woodsawing contest in Alsace
Cambrai in flames
"The Scourge of the Hun"
Ruins of village, French troops bivouac
Devastated villages
"Where American troops are now facing the enemy" (Aisne)
Newspaper correspondents at Verdun
Ruins of a building
French detachments at Beni Selah, January 19, 1918
Marville again in British hands
French woman doing laundry
Children of ruined French villages, May 1, 1918
General Pershing's new headquarters in Paris
Scene of most recent French offensive, August 31, 1918
Bridge east of Soissons destroyed
Result of German air raid in France
Members of German delegations at Versailles
The Portuguese
Engineers erecting curtains of burlap
Family searching for valuables among ruins
French and Italian troops fighting on Italian-Austrian front
French soldier preparing dinner in wreckage, December 26, 1917
Ruined city of Monchy
Fort de Manonviller
General with group of soldiers in France (?)
U.S. Ambassador Wallace laying stone for monument commemorating America's intervention
German delegates leaving Berlin for Peace Conference, May 27, 1919
View of Damloup village in Verdun
Historic church built in sixteenth century, destroyed
"Old Jericho"
Hindenburg mine broken, British enter Bapaume
Courtyard of the George Hotel, London, July 9, 1919
Man in public telephone booth in Stockholm, May 25, 1919
American Stretchers Bearers passing through streets, France
French officers play with French flag, August 4, 1918
French officers play with French flag, August 4, 1918
Boulevards without traffic
King of Spain (Alfonse) decorates graves of French soldiers, November 11, 1919
Preparing an American camp in Marne district
German trench captured by French, 1918
King George's visit to France
Traffic policing in France
Communication wires and trenches
Having soup in the ruins of Clermont in Argonne
Alsatians in Paris honor dead, July 4, 1919
French re-enforcements capture many Germans on Picardy Front, May 1, 1918
Putting the German atrocities before the Paris public
French ammunition carts in Somme
Entrance to cave where Germans were captured
German envoys leaving Peace Council, May 17, 1919
Church decorations taken from German vandals
French engineers on the Marne
Construction in France
French soldiers roasting coffee, 1918
Music in the trenches
French soldiers at the Invalides
A French sentry post
One woman and soldiers in and around trenches
French soldiers wearing respirators
Distant view of Mametz showing battered German trenches, August 27, 1918
French soldier burying fallen soldiers
French fighting side by side with English and Americans on Flanders front
British and French fight side by side
Alsatian village scene
French soldiers en route to relieve comrades in Somme
An attendant at Chateau St. Germain signals news of peace with Austria, September 29, 1919
"The Fall of Peronne" in Germany
Damages to church of Notre Dame, Malines as a result of German bombardment
General Bliss leaving Chateau of St. Germain after signing of peace with Austria, September 29, 1919
Destruction in Marne
Tower of London where ex-Kaiser may be imprisoned, July 9, 1919
Hole in streets of Belgrade caused by a 12 inch hand grenade dropped by an Austrian airplane
Two soldiers in Verdun
Detachment of Mule Machine Gun Corps in Champagne, August 8, 1918
Stone wall fortress of Belgrade demolished by explosive Austrian shell
Foch's reserves rush to reinforce lines on Oise, May 21, 1918
Wounded soldiers at the Pyramids in Egypt
Matigny, a reconstructed home in a French village
Row boats on French river
French men cultivating gardens
Paris camouflages its valuable monuments
Paris theaters
French army raises rabbits, August 7, 1918
Guynemeyer's Memorial
Celebration of 5th anniversary of Battle of the Marne
Honorable Artillery Co. training on Blackheath
French soldier uncovers mutilated figure of Jesus
French commanders observation post and dugout
5th anniversary celebration of Battle of the Marne in the Old Cathedral of Heaux, September 8, 1918
French cavalry in Somme district
Execution post at Vincennes where Bolo Pasha and Duval, French traitors, were executed by a firing squad, August 8, 1918
German observation station, June 4, 1918
Scene in Noyon
Berlin amusement palace burned, April 9, 1919
"French soldiers taking a hasty cover"
Aisne; trench-like commander's post
Erecting a canopy of leaves
French soldiers examine papers of discharged German soldiers, February 8, 1919
Series V. Audio Visual/Oversize
Box 40
Record collection; includes: Archie Shepp, "Attica Blues;" David Newman, "Lonely Avenue:" Boz Scaggs, "Silk Degrees;" Jimi Hendrix, "Rainbow Bridge;" Barbara Streisand, "The Way We Were;" Funk Inc., "Chicken Lickin';" Quincy Jones, "Body Heat;" The Harvard Glee Club, "Lamentations of Jeremiah;" Sidney Poitier, "Sidney Poitier Reads the Poetry of the Black Man;" Chicago Symphony Orchestra, "Beethoven Symphony No. 9;" Count Basie, "Super Chief;" New York Philharmonic, "Bernstein Conducts Ravel, Rhapsodie Espagnole, Mother Goose Suite, La Valse;" Bohannon, "Keep on Dancin';" Ruby Andrews, "Black Ruby;" Dionne Warwicke, "The Love Machine;" Barbara & Ernie, "Prelude to...;" Donald Byrd, "Stepping into Tomorrow;" Sonny Boy Williamson, "The Real Folk Blues;" Leonard Bernstein, "West Side Story, The Original Sound Track Recording;" Charlie Ventura, "East of Suez;" Igor Stravinsky, "Petrouchka;" Gragnani, Ibert, Paganini, Scheidler, "Musique Intime"
Box 41
Record collection continues; includes: Vinnette Carroll, "You Arms Too Short to Box with God;" Various artists, "Detroit Blues;" "The Salsoul Orchestra (no record); "The World of Duke Ellington," "B.B. King: Live at the Regal;" Mose Allison, "Local Color, Prestige 7121;" History of Spanish Music, Luys Venegas de Henestrosa (16th Century); Buddy Miles; "Black Giants;" Switch; Inner Circle, "Everything is Great;" Sweet Thunder, "Above the Clouds;" Arthur Adams, "It's Private Tonight;" Harvey Mason, "Earth Mover;" Danny Johnson, "Learnin' to Love You Was Easy;" Tchaikovsky, "Symphony No. 4;" "Groove Merchant Presents;" Quincy Jones, "Smackwater Jack;" Miles Davis, "Live/Evil;" "Peter Schreier Sings Schubert: Songs on texts of Goethe;" "Three Concertos for Two Flutes;" Gabor Szabo, "His Great Hits;" Black Sabbath, "Master of Reality"
Box 42
Record collection continues
Box 43
Record collection continues
Box 44
Cassette tape: "The Race Question," April 1996, Ben Burns/Leroy Wimbush questioned by Cowell Thompson and Derrick Simon; Videotapes titled: "Ben Burns/Nitty Gritty: A White Editor in Black Journalism"/Book Signing at Barnes & Noble, Evanston, March 3, 1996; Ben Burns; Chicago Books, Nitty Gritty, Ben Burns; Ben Burns Europe Master 23 min; Burns Haiti Master 27 min, John H. Johnson & Ben Burns in Europe Spring 1950
Series VI. Black Publications, Various Magazines and Newspapers
Box 45
Folder 1
Bronze Thrills
Sept 1976
Box 45
Folder 2
Fall 1996, Spring 1996, Summer 1997, Summer 1998
Box 45
Folder 3
Cooper Romance
Dec 1953, Feb 1954, April 1954, June 1954
Box 45
Folder 4-6
Duke (3 folders)
June - Sept 1957
Box 45
Folder 7
Sept 1972, April - July 1973, Nov 1973
Box 45
Folder 8
Equal Opportunity
Jan 1973, Spring 1976
Box 45
Folder 9
Far Eastern Economic Review
Feb 4, 1974, March 25, 1974
Box 45
Folder 10
Newsweek, "Black and White: A Major Study of U.S. Racial Attitudes Today" (Aug 22, 1966)
Box 45
Folder 11
Jan 1978
Box 45
Folder 12
March 1972, Oct 1972
Box 45
Folder 13
March 28, 1977
Box 46
Folder 1
Soul Teen
July - Sept 1976
Box 46
Folder 2
Today's Education
April/May 1978
Box 46
Folder 3
Magazines - Various
Includes Harper's (Nov 1968), Society (Oct 1972), Impact (Nov 1972), MsTique (Jan/Feb 1976), Collegiate Woman's Career (Spring 1976), Black Enterprise (May 1978), The New Yorker (April 29 & May 6, 1996)
Box 46
Folder 4-5
Newspapers - Various (2 folders)
Includes: The Black Panther (May 31, 1969), The Daily Californian (April 4, 1969, May 1969), Berkeley Barb (Aug 1971), Berkeley Tribe Freedom News (Aug 1971), Independent Californian (May 30, 1969), Front Lines (undated)56