| Alice Browning in 1953. Note: Chicago Public Library, Carter G. Woodson Regional Library, Vivian G. Harsh Research Collection of Afro-American History and Literature
 | In 1946, Browning teamed up with swing legend Lionel Hampton to write Lionel Hampton's Swing Book, a comprehensive, yearbook-style who's who of musicians across popular genres including swing, jazz, and blues. The volume, pictured here, is now quite rare. Note: Chicago Public Library, Carter G. Woodson Regional Library, Vivian G. Harsh Research Collection of Afro-American History and Literature
 | In 1953, Browning launched a new publication endeavor, The Browning Letter, which for three years ran feature articles and society gossip. Contributors included Frederick H. Robb ("Hammurabi"), a Pan-Africanist and famed street corner speaker; actress Louise Pruitt, who wrote a theater column; and novelist Chester Himes. In May 1954, The Browning Letter began including a section called "Zip" to celebrate "Zip girls," one of whom was Browning's own daughter Barbara Cordell. In 1963, Browning repackaged Zip as its own monthly magazine. Note: Chicago Public Library, Carter G. Woodson Regional Library, Vivian G. Harsh Research Collection of Afro-American History and Literature
 | Browning wrote and published the pamphlet "It's No Fun to be Black" in 1972, with cartoon illustrations by local artists. The following year, Browning created a sequel pamphlet, "It's Fun to Be Black," which was also the theme of that year's International Black Writer's Conference. Note: Chicago Public Library, Carter G. Woodson Regional Library, Vivian G. Harsh Research Collection of Afro-American History and Literature
 | In 1970, nearing retirement from teaching, Browning met with fellow leaders in the African American community, including Judge Sidney Jones and Leo Sparks, at the Washington Park Community Fieldhouse to plan the first annual International Black Writers Conference. Over the next decade, the conference would grow into a three-day affair attended by such prominent writers as Lerone Bennett, Herman Gilbert, Lu Palmer, Oscar Brown, Jr., Henry Blakely, Gwendolyn Brooks, Sam Greenlee, Alex Haley, Vernon Jarrett, Haki Madhubuti, Dudley Randall, Margaret Walker Alexander, and John Oliver Killens. Browning organized the conference until her health began to fail in 1984. Note: Chicago Public Library, Carter G. Woodson Regional Library, Vivian G. Harsh Research Collection of Afro-American History and Literature
 | Novelist Sam Greenlee and Alice Browning at the International Black Writers Conference in 1978 (photo by Barbara Cordell). Note: Chicago Public Library, Carter G. Woodson Regional Library, Vivian G. Harsh Research Collection of Afro-American History and Literature
 | Poet and publisher Haki Madubuti speaking at the IBWC in 1976 (photo by Robert Williams). Note: Chicago Public Library, Carter G. Woodson Regional Library, Vivian G. Harsh Research Collection of Afro-American History and Literature
 | The Alice Browning Papers include over 100 rare poetry chapbooks by African American poets. Many of these, such as Melvin Marcus Glascoe's Man Born of a Dark Woman, published in 1971, include original cover art. Note: Chicago Public Library, Carter G. Woodson Regional Library, Vivian G. Harsh Research Collection of Afro-American History and Literature